
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Use the AnyOf<TFirst, TSecond, ...> type to handle multiple defined types as input parameters or return values for methods.

nuget: anyof.sourcegenerator 0.5.0
Use the AnyOf<TFirst, TSecond, ...> type to handle multiple defined types as input parameters for...
11 versions - Latest release: 29 days ago - 4 dependent repositories - 4.08 thousand downloads total
nuget: anyof.newtonsoft.json 0.5.0
Contains an AnyOfJsonConverter which can be used to serialize and deserialize an AnyOf<TFirst, TS...
8 versions - Latest release: 29 days ago - 5.63 thousand downloads total
nuget: anyof.system.text.json 0.5.0
Contains an AnyOfJsonConverter which can be used to serialize and deserialize an AnyOf<TFirst, TS...
6 versions - Latest release: 29 days ago - 8.6 thousand downloads total
Top 2.8% on
nuget: anyof 0.5.0
Use the AnyOf<TFirst, TSecond, ...> type to handle multiple defined types as input parameters for...
23 versions - Latest release: 29 days ago - 8 dependent packages - 13 dependent repositories - 13.5 million downloads total