
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Passport module for ws-federation and SAML2 tokens for Windows Azure Active Directory and ADFS

update readme and bump to 0.2 with support of audience uri and expiration

25d8ccd35841cb9b686355924e8869122bec8964 authored over 12 years ago by woloski <[email protected]>
adding audience check

863269f76fa0056bd94e44be89d8ad70ab50f538 authored over 12 years ago by woloski <[email protected]>
support for thumbprint check

8258295ec31c82a7fe311808c72d9d69346e33ee authored over 12 years ago by woloski <[email protected]>
change package innfo

d31386bd98ad5f63812cfb833b035444b8f04ac9 authored over 12 years ago by woloski <[email protected]>
initial commit

6a12f9e12b0f9a8c4bdbb22b04d463c0f8ca25dd authored over 12 years ago by woloski <[email protected]>