
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Todo app using Express, Passport, and SQLite for sign in with username and password.

Add integer primary key columns to db.

01b4a4eb5d7c2e1a7a9674b82b3c12ee1b56aec7 authored over 2 years ago by Jared Hanson <[email protected]>
Update readme.

fba47a24a60b80d8cf68cc9abc5a63fdcd475182 authored almost 3 years ago by Jared Hanson <[email protected]>
Use failureFlash option to flash messages.

e36b522873fc45a7a218a358099debffb9976290 authored almost 3 years ago by Jared Hanson <[email protected]>
Initial commit.

260a0973671ce25b7eafdd811d7f3c297e0e632c authored almost 3 years ago by Jared Hanson <[email protected]>