
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

ESLint online playground

chore: remove unwanted conditionals (#92)

* chore: remove unwanted conditions

* chore: remove unwanted ref check

23bea25563ee62306ede0ade6e0a8641979ed84a authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
fix: show toggle theme toggle btn in safari (#91)

* fix: show toggle theme toggle btn in safari

* fix: minor css fix

* fix: fix lint errors

2931d4b6d7c96f86819e7353668cf83b1c2fe366 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: migrate configuration code from js file to react (#87)

* fix: migrate configuration code from js file to react

* chore: rename variable

f3b1f78cc1c06dadfe7bb50c6c0f913c0d23670d authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
fix: clean ruleName (#90)

* fix: clean ruleName

* fix: optimize code

* fix: add link

* fix: apply review

9ef642790d14e19a5be9559a89fcb60fbb7f1a07 authored over 2 years ago by Sam Chen <[email protected]>
chore: preselect default theme (#86)

* docs: preselect default theme

* chore: simplify code

92a67df28a8e6cc1f6932bc9829665372284c687 authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
fix: enhance 404 page UI (#85)

36f4dee0eb8e86442b1a9e5e26abd9eb2c6ed9d2 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: donate link (#84)

9b3ac0bf1315eb45a614b8079930b060533c5162 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: show navlist when script disabled (#64)

* fix: show navlist when script dsiabled

* fix: moved styles to scss file

* fix: remove st...

8ea655e8c39390ce52a2ab0ebae77b844e598357 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
chore: remove unwanted react fragments and added lint rule (#78)

f137d9534c7f466f08d31288c53a9ed57a413f2a authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
chore: update build command (#62)

* chore: update build command

* chore: maybe fix?

* chore: remove build from dev server


1794e7c61d61c219de2ebd8c95f493601790d805 authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
chore: update eslint url in readme (#80)

3a6e984ec9ccbca8262a7349bc3e5c69f212740b authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: Use replaceState on code changes (#77)

This should overwrite the single existing history entry rather than
creating a new history entr...

76af617f517df7ad23a8928fd5a8c40cf19237e3 authored over 2 years ago by Brandon Mills <[email protected]>
chore: Sync with other sites (#73)

* chore: Sync with other sites

* Fix lint error

* Update src/_data/links.json


ce3cf99f924ed42c2b3275c2d4d42153fd6d0d82 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
ci: update github actions (#76)

5f05cb9708bbc8664bc50d2b6ea6155ecae67348 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: show error on invalid rule config (#67)

* fix: show error on invalid rule config

* fix: validate individual rule's config

* fix: i...

3b54c11b88ba1afe583f8fd0283816ac6a9a94b3 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: remove redundant props (#72)

* chore: remove redundant props

* chore: remove redundant props

30cadf9aa9036b6f880e3046239685f01177303a authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: update package.json (#71)

* chore: update package.json

* chore: update package.json

d640299b724d234beae2e9f4950e681d701809d9 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
chore: show progress while bundling via webpack (#68)

dc7f831c5c9357ecbda0c4160780fd896538800e authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: avoid theme flash (#70)

18e853247572f073fd1e9b87cc3298b592308273 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: 💄 autocomplete tooltip ui not visible in light mode issue (#66)

6337a4c2367756ab7db66eb38cbd32cc2a68e5c5 authored over 2 years ago by Siva K <[email protected]>
fix: font ligatures (#65)

* fix: fix font ligature

* chore: add change at correct spot

6ee7196eb51d35d2223166dc767809efe8bc1419 authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
feat: add resize option (#59)

* feat: add resize option

* fix: change classname

* fix: remove playconsole resize

6eb783f561044bd36bc6423c1d82617a43f80f18 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: donate link (#60)

* fix: fix donate link

* fix: add new line at eof

* fix: add text and url

* Update src/...

7a052c4fcbdd97e866fbf2bbe3f3e8e52289cd9a authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: remove colon if no line number in error (#63)

3297f081f675b94c2966feb52f180642d416f255 authored over 2 years ago by Deepshika S <[email protected]>
fix: fix typos (#61)

17e735560bc68f9b421dd91a3043f88654ad2213 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: selected rule not clearning issue (#58)

c93f3882c4f1498aea8f76663ff2fa239dfbfed2 authored over 2 years ago by Siva K <[email protected]>
chore: add check before accessing elements (#56)

Fixed type errors in 404 page. Added a check before accessing elements.

ba9fd5568c5501fd17ad5506c968468ff402e31b authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
chore: use addEventListener instead of addListener (#55)

Use addEventListener() instead of matchMedia().addListener() since matchMedia().addListener() is...

03ee8ead5ecbda4a0bda9e22aa4d0e2a937127fd authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
feat: add react hooks plugin (#54)

* feat: add react hooks plugin

* feat: remove unwanted package

32fdc60b00e48d811e6f8522ec7110ab1dd32018 authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
fix: show error on invalid JSON in rule config (#51)

* fix: show error on invalid JSON in rule config

* fix: update state when removing rule

52c38caca9a943e3b87d7a584c1c2fc5a54ac612 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: update react-select to v5.3.2 (#49)

93e6a36c271466ede548ccb2175f764916063719 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: remove `dart-sass` in favor of `sass` (#53)

20dca7c7ddf8e94743946434194774470a830df7 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: migrate from `node-sass` to `dart-sass` (#52)

037ef26cb32b2a81b5a0e97b59dfa9f442c188c5 authored over 2 years ago by Strek <[email protected]>
perf: use react v18 (#47)

1. use React v18
2. use React strict mode

044df4563c21f723fe333d3b4b940fc135bafb23 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: fix mobile layout issue (#48)

c84b12b66c78536c83a890dddf37e02ddd9a4315 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
fix: fix broken link (#45)

dfa45bdd74c72b5e0780e52b0260735c39907237 authored over 2 years ago by Amaresh S M <[email protected]>
feat: show runtime error (#41)

e6f1e1cada086e1def69d2ebfcaca50e9b138ac6 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: Navigation links (#40)

65735acf189d5b0d7ea4fb6f65eec5998f1c8e98 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: GitHub repo link (#38)

e56077772cd76144e4cbf75e154588caa0aa13d8 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: Ensure valid deploy preview (#36)

0ea94c574c603e3977e5ff93f03de79e5c2d6f6f authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
docs: Update README (#37)

9369c368279ed9ddaa36feba3a2e5711bf0f822e authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: Ensure Playground works from /play (#35)

8b6fcf4287c212166e7678fdc7a523bc59276351 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: Relative URLs for CSS/JS (#34)

268ca81cbe3bfb01f37f891943501865535b5900 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: hide unwanted scrollbars (#22)

* fix: hide unwanted scrollbars

* fix: scroll issue for rule list

* chore: remove unwanted...

eb92ce7cc059912e773daf01e05ece42f86eeabf authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: Increase contrast in editor window (#25)

* fix: Increase contrast in editor window

* Fixup theme colors

* Remove unused variable


8246d9502ed817811e2fc47966e1554121d2dc50 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: improve styles for select component in focus state (#32)

4dd0d8711d625a0224876a85a658659e6b075289 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
feat: add 404 page (#31)

db7a838354806c2a68e10baedd74dae5d6f50d73 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: fix typo (#30)

2fb2aa14843e6f0c4a81ac71fa9f5702818c30c7 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
ci: add workflow for lint (#27)

* ci: add workflow for lint

* fix: lint

bf4c26e02f2d8a534f44f0a350846c2bc78f4972 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: format and lint code (#19)

* chore: format and lint code

* chore: lint files

50a9bd3b6c0ebace994895788df9f27dd4d4453c authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: remove stale components (#23)

16d351493cb719b0806899796aa380e6c2ff28ee authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
docs: update README (#24)

bb60537d790920a3f9dae391ca0330cbd12f2927 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: Sort rule IDs in configuration panel (#13)

* fix: Sort rule IDs in configuration panel

* fix: scroll to the added rule


46ac177bf8339b2b9e4373062f1d36b8ba42f917 authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
feat: allow to remove a rule from configuration (#16)

* feat: allow to remove a rule from configuration

* fix: add title and aria-label attribute

b7f42e8c25a03158258d1238bc4f38742cb7d5c3 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: darken alert text and tweak font for greater contrast (#20)

* fix: darken alert text and tweak font for greater contrast

* fix: add nbsp to set off rule ...

b63b11a93e13d8e6f138bc85a799ac29d579a7f7 authored over 2 years ago by Brett Zamir <[email protected]>
refactor: remove remaining gitignored CSS (#21)

707817984a33f1fb69bf0aff93179f32d7aa8cc3 authored over 2 years ago by Brett Zamir <[email protected]>
chore: remove css files and update eleventy config (#17)

* chore: remove css files

* chore: remove css files

* chore: update build script and eleen...

c3b1b5700e782ce15673381a733bb13349c9ec50 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: layout shift mobile due to topnav (#15)

aef1c421be6c6f5fc4300210f2de4d9bee43f95b authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: don't wrap text too soon in Alert component (#14)

ba02d1a8e64b49db0c9966d8a06ae3cd40aa433e authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
fix: caret color in dark mode on IOS safari (#18)

* fix: caret color in dark mode

* fix caret color

* debug

* debug

* debug

* debug...

c617b4b29859f7aa8d0d47b12bc0f820286c8c4f authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
chore: Add prestart script to build app

0886793111d48aa9b38df70600ce295db776058f authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
fix: Incorrect license in package.json (#10)

5029dff35c520a4d5eb9556da79afdc8c0d3ea6d authored over 2 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>
feat: ESLint Playground 🎉 (#6)

* chore: init react

* chore: update scripts

* Revert "chore: update scripts"

* chore: a...

5f2dd185a83bb4c6cb4786b32ab9fcfa5f3aee36 authored over 2 years ago by Nitin Kumar <[email protected]>
feat: make theme switcher more accessible to voice control users (#5)

* feat: make theme switcher more accessible to voice control users

* update css

* rename c...

178f9fd66e6bdffe944f74665634c8ca11fbf045 authored almost 3 years ago by Sara Soueidan <[email protected]>
feat: Popups (#4)

* make line&column numbers clickable

* fix vertical spacing in config sections

* add popup...

2eef0ebf08dd79d57af2c1975bd20116204baa67 authored almost 3 years ago by Sara Soueidan <[email protected]>
feat: Playground config (#3)

* feat: make editor editable & edit plugins label

* improve console a11y

* console a11y


ed84922dfe8f774d0371b04f2bd64fd9b2bc3a87 authored almost 3 years ago by Sara Soueidan <[email protected]>
feat: add files (#1)

* add files

* cleanup js

* further cleanup

* hide playground text in logo on mobile


465c3d2257479a0cc1f166810c4ebcc7266a9eb4 authored almost 3 years ago by Sara Soueidan <[email protected]>
Initial commit

9f0a8b97062a43207e7108fdc4b931826a19c2f4 authored almost 3 years ago by Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>