
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

A very practical example of rust and node ffi call using string, json

Merge pull request #1 from amilajack/patch-1

Fixed syntax highlighting

6cb7e061c73600e7961cfdd8e78000ae574813c9 authored almost 7 years ago by ivanceras <[email protected]>
Fixed syntax highlighting

790b5aecba44ae7086401e860ca3101f4357a533 authored almost 7 years ago by Amila Welihinda <[email protected]>
clean separation of string conversion and the api

a5f8e75c96d97f572f1d838538ec69ec24fa3221 authored about 9 years ago by jcesar <[email protected]>
A more sane use case, using json as return

b7eed0cd25b30ac90d3a15c3cf7cc8f2e6540136 authored about 9 years ago by Jovansonlee Cesar <[email protected]>
Initial commit

b83bd9c1980bdc0aef3859cffc1ccb0bd870cc4d authored about 9 years ago by Jovansonlee Cesar <[email protected]>