
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Docker container that runs Nginx and automatically installs letsencrypt certificates

Update publish-docker-image triggers

- Remove triggering on a pull request
- Add triggering on release

1bea7dac4a8816c762454d98ea186bf8ca7252b7 authored almost 4 years ago by Ghanem <[email protected]>
Publish Docker image to GitHub packages (#1)

* Create publish-docker-image.yml

6817914b1d491674f64eebfdf2c83a80304095e7 authored almost 4 years ago by Ghanem <[email protected]>
Switch to redirecting to https

889d6be5290dfc568f0d4c9a4f0c757dd9101e6f authored about 5 years ago by Kaspar Emanuel <[email protected]>
Fix grammar in command comment

19c4e976fc9203cc8f0fcf2fb2297c7c3a6d7375 authored about 5 years ago by Kaspar Emanuel <[email protected]>
Initial commit

19e687d392f448f25003e6b40e1d2bfeefb6778b authored about 5 years ago by Kaspar Emanuel <[email protected]>