
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Synchronize labels and milestones accross GitHub repositories

Merge pull request #13 from MikeLund/master

Use proper RuntimeException

388d03297f051a0ab692bd11aa494c556c296be3 authored over 5 years ago by Thomas Steur <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #12 from tzi/rename-doc

Use Matomo's name in documentation and examples

cdcc10786984634a49bbebbd8333a119412889f1 authored over 5 years ago by Thomas Steur <[email protected]>
Update MilestoneSynchronizer.php

52d14c05cdd0b3ae6fc720d3712b7b491ad20712 authored over 6 years ago by MikeLund <[email protected]>
Update LabelSynchronizer.php

7b323385bcd6471a4ca7afbef10c84158687d960 authored over 6 years ago by MikeLund <[email protected]>
Use Matomo's name in documentation and examples

fd9d49d12b1a47aee6507fbc8ca3383f894fb551 authored over 6 years ago by Thomas Zilliox <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #9 from yjpark/master

add option to skip labels or milestones when sync

05025ed6d958d65aa66873769ac758f32bf995c4 authored about 7 years ago by Matthieu Aubry <[email protected]>
add option to skip labels or milestones when sync

15b468af0598554216ff82bbc56ab2b5aa65c773 authored over 7 years ago by YJ Park <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #6 from Leimi/force-option

Adding a `--force` option to avoid interaction

192f624fa1816d5f3ded5189e62f5a6a92ec431b authored over 9 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
sync command; adding a force option to avoid interaction:

this let the user sync everything without having to push Enter
for everything

f2d313eb573870fa855432695e729c5c5bf5d8e9 authored over 9 years ago by Emmanuel Pelletier <[email protected]>
using a common Synchronizer class on top of label/milestone classes:

a few stuff was copy and paste
so I figured they could belong to an AbstractSynchronizer class

50c0d099b400391b5dc0ee7b4ca881543c38715d authored over 9 years ago by Emmanuel Pelletier <[email protected]>
Composer explanations

d8d758f698c5e484d2d136751f962565eaa3429b authored over 9 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #2 from piwik/1-dependency

Update github-api dependency

b624ea934d02cbe542c646896811157d240e9d34 authored over 9 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Ignore composer.phar

8b9bbf0ae3c870e7e1b69e1b7b1acd519913ee9a authored over 9 years ago by Fabian Becker <[email protected]>
Update github-api dependency to 1.4.7

closes #1
- Updates dependency (PR to add label support was merged)

2f81e466fd5212e077aa3bc796896e60d9576263 authored over 9 years ago by Fabian Becker <[email protected]>
Fix code block

b61bda1092a92fc5997a8440a557ad8f3a0e567c authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Added support for synchronizing milestones

d91d9fbab62cfe927f33c1fe3cc67cd6a8c44724 authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Added a screenshot

a76306976235f82035a738472fb4b267999e78fb authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Added support for updating and deleting labels

f39bd68fe27476bae00b2bf5c37e4bf2bac1f529 authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Doc update

1232ddb8a9f81beed35e57a4e97d1ad464ad09dd authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Add support for wildcards in the CLI arguments

4b85c9855922cf1d33965ed7c62befa8e76d0b3e authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
You can now provide a list of repositories to synchronize (bulk sync)

fc1a9606b3e363d5d0154b9ca82389300cb571ce authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Split label synchronization code to separate class

e1245f26565b8c8666f6af81785d074af281320b authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
Split github api code to a separate class

b373baa50079a4b22de67e83c1af17b5a28b099a authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
First commit

3157b57881327c8aa2f4f79bd0d2f7e28c1bcf19 authored almost 10 years ago by Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>