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converts .css files into nested json structures ( json-stylesheets )

started to butcher up less.js so it can also return json_stylesheets

130c3f11ce2ad7791eddf312bbb1418ac5c1830e authored over 14 years ago by Marak Squires <[email protected]>
seems to be parsing the examples/css directory, concatting all the stylesheets, and rendering them in less. got to start modifying less now

431cf022959a9e3c395ce4f6fb984ca128048cd7 authored over 14 years ago by Marak Squires <[email protected]>
added less.js for the css parsing

293a66a2d8740ccd5d9ee438b23077e1a97e3de9 authored over 14 years ago by Marak Squires <[email protected]>