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Alpine Linux for ARMhf devices like Raspberry Pi or Odroid + QEMU static binary

Use Travis CI for more flexible than Docker Hub's Automated Build

e50c32d7f2803cc2d95bd73bbbe39aa169b84946 authored over 8 years ago by NLKNguyen <[email protected]>
Add +x permission on qemu-arm-static

Unwanted side effect: the image size is unncessarily increased by about 3 MB. It would be better...

1aae8acce0f245be0b6fdb944483bad8a66a5564 authored over 8 years ago by NLKNguyen <[email protected]>
Add Dockerfile and static binary

4f252afd4f3d36a9dc6c7904a2180d87767074a9 authored over 8 years ago by NLKNguyen <[email protected]>
Initial commit

5022a1e0adf8bf3f2eddc2fc08aea3fe87fa833e authored over 8 years ago by NLKNguyen <[email protected]>