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A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.

Top 0.4% on
npm: stylelint 16.12.0 💰
A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.
241 versions - Latest release: 7 days ago - 21,173 dependent packages - 200,392 dependent repositories - 20.7 million downloads last month
maven: org.webjars.npm:stylelint 13.4.0
WebJar for stylelint
4 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 3 dependent packages - 1 dependent repositories
npm: @leetcode/stylelint 6.8.0
Modern CSS linter
1 version - Latest release: over 7 years ago - 1 dependent package - 1 dependent repositories - 3 downloads last month
maven: org.webjars.npm:github-com-stylelint-stylelint 13.6.1
WebJar for stylelint
1 version - Latest release: over 4 years ago
Top 4.0% on
go: v0.1.0
A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions.
1 version - Latest release: over 9 years ago - 1 dependent repositories