
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Discover & share phaser plugins for your games

Create the Category screen

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Create the addon's screen

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Create a rating feature

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Configure Disqus

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Create a Search feature

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Submit a New Addon/Edit by the user

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Configure database

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Configure user authentication

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago
Configure storage

jdnichollsc opened this issue over 8 years ago