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The All Seeing Eye
dfd6767ebeacab356afd15e562a6e1ba87033aa6 authored about 12 years ago
f676126250c6c0fc5f260990f43dde948a056ab4 authored over 12 years ago
The error messages have been:
System Error o59if2646136wek.132
System Error v4if2628789wea.79
4b34d6ad8d2c3c1534862c36ee2f2575ea3f534a authored over 12 years ago
It looks like these errors are inherent in communicating with IMAP,
and there's often no reasona...
31aafd77ab6e6223da2965b6e789bf10d061ba8f authored over 12 years ago
8dfcc36e5fce1e906ec4eeca2431fbc414a3aba0 authored over 12 years ago
For whatever reason, when Travis switched to Ruby 1.9.3-p194 on their working
machines, the test...
I've no idea why my previous commit broke the build.
3a4c25aec5afea3f8c33ec2999fd889cf62a1eea authored over 12 years ago8a3c86dda7144b292bf4b70606382aa60322437d authored over 12 years ago
* Link to /conversations in the page header. I want to be able to
navigate to conversations ea...
d4a664b6e138b11b53ff0879c5a728b4d36109fa authored over 12 years ago
In order to do this, we need to be able to load individual conversations, and link to them in th...
e38e00a636038f74a2cc98640db64efab6e14ada authored over 12 years agoIt always felt a bit wrong that the `ActiveRecord` implementation behind the conversation index ...
0772e444fde9e686e106d02c2ca604d363143d19 authored over 12 years ago
`Conversation` instances don't store references to messages using their unique
IDs, but do store...
04c818b05c6b0ebe41f1e20a0ab469ef37fa867d authored over 12 years ago
The view implementation here is trivial and wrong, but this should demonstrate the skeleton of h...
dac6d5a350a85e123b539ff124a5a9638fe30c06 authored over 12 years agod16401184bcf2aa43386f8e46faa6bd6fd490e0f authored over 12 years ago
Delete data rather than resetting elastic search index between tests.
237b42631833f7264af7948e39dd0d19a9fa90e7 authored over 12 years agoBy using the same index for all tests, only deleting the data in the index between each test, we...
811e7d813c643554be148381c6d4a092b3ffeaba authored over 12 years agoYeah, I knew it was one word. Who said I didn't...
949cbbabc0f81e49f921826a4bf634b8c1033f12 authored over 12 years agoExplain that you'll need to install elasticsearch to use Sauron.
f40c2f8f46ee0d28b9fc3518bb1ac569588af6ee authored over 12 years agoa2d92a9d5f6c68ecdeb629bf5d29778246412e0b authored over 12 years ago
This reverts commit 2d7d0cb10faa6276029b15c4358f4704a7a03667.
Apparently @tomafro has tried thi...
fc2737a594001b215947628c5e5d37ecc094afc3 authored over 12 years ago
Issuing a `refresh` command seems to ensure the index is ready for
searching. Hopefully it will ...
6c3ae0cfef194565222ab99de1a9996a0b716d30 authored over 12 years ago
The custom foreman export upstart template ensures that sauron is
started at boot time and stopp...
f874be6a6517acd665ac85d1f78a409b149c69c5 authored over 12 years ago
Ideally this would prepend the first two lines (start & stop commands)
to the default template, ...
e264982850f8b9d5b3e7fefd726b89292a8fd431 authored over 12 years ago
d2bc3dffa36af0217ad83cda12cbb3ca31dc42cd authored over 12 years ago
Somehow, in a fit of stashing and popping, the actual assertion in the
acceptance test disappear...
This lets us quickly see who was involved in a conversation.
It's likely that this presentation...
6e65325818bcecb49b4b12035dfb7388f167f51a authored over 12 years agoI've deliberately given this an obnoxious name.
3e2efcce4db09e10096c4924235d215680c7a7fe authored over 12 years agoThis will be useful when re-importing.
1892c22aeaefeed18ff9bf661d1d2bcc732f62f0 authored over 12 years ago
This hits both the MessageRepository and the ConversationRepository in
order to check that both ...
This change reduces the time taken from ~30 seconds to ~15 seconds.
It's also probably better t...
95e0661f0cc01a411ac37a34292ef6db6316bc1d authored over 12 years ago
We chose the name `logged_in` rather than `login` because the latter is
an imperative which impl...
Making message_stub do everything that stub_message used to do allows us
to remove stub_message....
This is because if a stub receives an unexpected method call, or an
expectation on a stub isn't ...
We think it's better to be explicit about the interface our stub
f76062c6cf1e27c09f0f8c9ac37ee562856938a9 authored over 12 years ago
We want our tests to fail fast if we unintentionally stub and call a
method that doesn't exist. ...
Also ensure valid HTML by not adding empty <ul> elements.
7dadeb090248ccfd698a4ec0b03fdeb93cfa4a55 authored over 12 years ago
It felt odd that searching with an empty query displayed a search
results page with no matching ...
We've chosen to implement the microformat datetime design pattern[1]
which makes it easier to wr...
Although the default order may have been determined by "closest match",
this wasn't obvious from...
Patch ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars so that as_json works
7afe167e189ca1c4ae9a1363ad9bf18712dff779 authored over 12 years ago
This is just based on which attributes are used in `WHERE` queries.
Perhaps I'm being a bit naïv...
This probably won't be useful for new messages, but might be of use for
older ones. I'm not plan...
It's possible that the importer will try to add the same `Message` to the `ConversationRepositor...
f2ab4b97a22407f119ebe5e6999a703451ba155c authored over 12 years agoI believe this test is really concerned with hinting to the mailbox that the importer doesn't wa...
66b8c10d25e98ebd8eea8d18dac2d029b4b01406 authored over 12 years ago
This is required for the `MailImporter` to interact with the
`ConversationRepository` properly.
d14c3b4006e8593ee00787201a630d6e0c4069d1 authored over 12 years ago
829ca60e7849f5dc723af4d66f15bacce313d6e2 authored over 12 years ago
- This is part of a larger story to present conversations rather than
individual messages. We ...
Not all messages have To headers, so ParsedMail ensures we always return something, even when no...
eb8e5f2572d3bf947f89faf32b4214d69bcf15b5 authored over 12 years agoThis reverts commit aaf1ff540ba932d6d1ee26f81627fc2eb7a5cbb6.
Adding the --trace flag to the ra...
292ad4a1bafbd249c0648bc8e2041aa195f1cc0d authored over 12 years ago
Including the --trace switch should help us debug some of the errors we
see every so often.
If an error is raised attempted to decode them, force them to UTF-8, replacing any invalid bytes.
61516ce186b181a2af27d05b1e9fffbcf87a4c1e authored over 12 years agof9bd2d58cc94d96c6e4a9227ac54072e9c55e246 authored over 12 years ago
d52551a39fb7bf95ffd5d1fcbe0a7ad073ee3151 authored over 12 years ago
We've hidden emails from twitter, pivotal tracker and google calendar from the main view, but th...
a96cebb42453057622a992cdb5def28b06098ecc authored over 12 years ago64eab917c2b967efc26a7b30e6fe6f46c2059f8c authored over 12 years ago
7c7a94afd1f716008a92c3888800ef72bdfda736 authored over 12 years ago
It proved very difficult to write a test to reproduce the problem with
this message [1]. Given t...
58ab8f198a42ee7a840e195031fecbdb1f993561 authored over 12 years ago
We noticed on the production server that search for cron, for example, would return messages whe...
a81e8b30ae3285cc3e44b05b0f21ea83e6e902a8 authored over 12 years agoAll messages imported after this commit is deployed should be searchable by their bodies. We pl...
f96daef8016c8fbb224d7cf0c23e33775ec272e6 authored over 12 years ago57a2b5928b2894e4bec6c20f86bad767f201c6f9 authored over 12 years ago
ParsedMail seems a more descriptive name for the parsed version of a raw email.
abe7171cde8fd1ae5b240b66e5d80d2c36b1ab13 authored over 12 years agoFor the most part we rely on the mail gem to parse our raw emails. However, it has a number of ...
28fc871c9a77d649233760e98bc829850ddddd7e authored over 12 years agoI think the default rake task already calls db:test:prepare; all we need to do is get the 'devel...
3bd740fe7e291ee81afc1b3f0568ab4087eebc9c authored over 12 years ago
This means we don't have to keep every constant referred to in any
migration around in the codeb...
The Mail gem parses multiple `Delivered-To` headers into a wacky Array
of 'Fields', but we were ...
We've switched to ElasticSearch.
c0e5d5d07cd56fa68e3cac84e2eea2c42bf56f1e authored over 12 years ago5342101edb917098a95574dcf17231e311a54566 authored over 12 years ago
b45e0d7a83edd36626ed7d9d4a290d78c2dd334c authored over 12 years ago
5ca6ce73c2be4dd25103e266e38fc63b2aab6fda authored over 12 years ago
This has the potential to be more informative in the future.
0e83f00095946f2d3fe314566f933cf71503f5b7 authored over 12 years ago6455577d4c7526effa5a3a2abf1a0150b939e24b authored over 12 years ago
7e560712af9a0601f526b1d54fdafb5d95caabaa authored over 12 years ago
a0900829c4521126f5faddb06632974d6764c7e3 authored over 12 years ago
bd27463c5350c5bc8507574ff137c183e2427e8f authored over 12 years ago
ac2f042d5d0b934201f553f8d074e2a4923e693a authored over 12 years ago
3dccf9f00d1972a868108bbf97b204838a414483 authored over 12 years ago
Once a certain number of messages have been imported, an http connection limit within the OS is ...
2b418c136e7c3fce6ff82879ff16c7d8d948ec5e authored over 12 years agoBy performing the migration in batches and reinitializing the index each time, I hope to avoid a...
8fed3dc7feec74a9c8c71ab74841cb6eaa6cec00 authored over 12 years ago30d8057df089cb32cfaf5b6a555a0f516af8522c authored over 12 years ago
Wip elastic search into shape
0f83c2838ac3203362e07dff5e2f129ec7229982 authored over 12 years ago9c4449ec3c9ebbee28636b7b438bc962efc57e49 authored over 12 years ago
Using Elastic Search rather than ActiveRecord to index our messages enable us to easily perform ...
19e64a55438cde4e27e6ccfca95c9308ce0de986 authored over 12 years agomail["Delivered-To"] returns a Mail::OptionalField, while mail["Delivered-To"].to_s returns an A...
9a8f152b124a1cd632880f1e2f9b2edf13e8acef authored over 12 years agobfe004ea8fd609f6108ec08beedaa85c1c46e534 authored over 12 years ago
* Using the `UID SEARCH` IMAP command in conjunction with the
`X-GM-LABELS` GMail extension at...
The hash can be seen as an identifier of the message as a whole (as opposed to a single email). ...
3f77d377f9236a0b0019928bf129b5af7577f140 authored over 12 years ago
When I added this test, it was to ensure that the `has_many` was
correctly configured. However t...
36790e0cf4b52784c558f7702575133f7ce64323 authored over 12 years ago
The names of the `received` and `not-received` CSS classes are a bit
misleading, but we can addr...
No need to order by ID since there should now only ever be a single
message index record for a g...