
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

A JavaScript library to animate content on page scroll.

Tips: consider standardizing the data attributes

hidegh opened this issue almost 2 years ago
[FEATURE] Add option for intersection observer rootMargin

buepro opened this pull request about 2 years ago
Provide option to set intersection observer rootMargin

buepro opened this issue about 2 years ago
Fix a bug that treated an empty node list as a node

pojiro opened this pull request about 2 years ago
Fatal error if no element matches initClass

openmindculture opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Add an Option to repeat the Fading after Scrolling Up Again

vossmedien opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Feature animate once

buepro opened this issue almost 4 years ago
data-josh-anim-delay doesn't work

Flowgram opened this issue about 4 years ago
export default class

chiqui3d opened this issue over 4 years ago
Fix the URL of ES5 version

nsaicharan opened this pull request over 4 years ago
Fixed typo in

IDisposable opened this pull request over 4 years ago
Fix main field

b12f opened this pull request over 4 years ago
Tip: Use rootMargin instead of threshold

timrosskamp opened this issue over 4 years ago