
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Application to connect to the public VPN relay servers offered by the VPN Gate project, build using Python and GTK+3


2d968a3206eb6d90aa55eb7fea210c2848d63bea authored over 9 years ago by jsayol <[email protected]>
Show connection status in the UI

9cf0984e11aeab6a0e16b046c3df54d462bad435 authored almost 10 years ago by jsayol <[email protected]>
Corrected vpngate list url

d298eeb062c254b9a60f78efaaee9d5208a2bff5 authored almost 10 years ago by jsayol <[email protected]>
Core functionality is working. UI not finished. Code is a mess

e11dffdaf6f42d8d1fd6f522b1939191e57dd770 authored almost 10 years ago by jsayol <[email protected]>
First commit. No OpenVPN functionality yet, only list of servers

9a3895b8249a4e9ba03b9c1fb9f85e0cfe609273 authored almost 10 years ago by jsayol <[email protected]>
Initial commit

e3f64ff696fb7c51e87b8137ae2e580829d5c4dd authored almost 10 years ago by Josep Sayol <[email protected]>