
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

React.js data hooks for Arundo apps

released v1.14.0 - feature: load() now returns promise for load chaining

9b6836c1ff5baf2782775a6ac6908120a4f7b157 authored almost 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.13.0 - feature: added clearStore(namespace?) global export and returned method from data hook (to clear own entries), as well as namespace option on data hook (for namespace-specific clearing). See tests for details.

9a560603019536d5be2edb8788ad9d543f03fdc5 authored almost 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.7 - fix: properly handles error response bodies

58b6b7c55daeb123afa8e355edb5c4593aa82ff5 authored almost 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.6 - fix: explicit checking for application/json allows for non-standard json responses to be hung on a readablestream

c229a1cce2c076c01b857b152b258085cb22a5ac authored almost 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
adds more tests to cover options overrides in load()

356b419c3e448132000655011f3cff50954ef9d6 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.5 - fix: transformItem should not apply to empty array response

001ff2915d0c9faa115c80c9068c5c480dfcf5f6 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.4 - fixes: CRUD functions properly pass item to .then() promise (e.g. update(item, oldItem).then(updated => console.log(updated)))

5bed9cf6fedb3bf617d9ae292783e2e6617e67a3 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.3 - patched 1.12.2 to NPM

0369036488e70f1077f3d6bcd3d9ab938cc4ba01 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of

d401e72628035c6417156b25ef725de7d099ed99 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.2 - adds rollback of 1.11.0 single state object (caused render loops when used with filter)

aa141cef6ef2a013648c4fd2851c6a302de82a94 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
README update for 1.12.2

0eced59abd6bc78df875dfcaa4b27700093637fb authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #5 from kwhitley/rollback/10.3.1

Fix render loop caused in 10.3.1

64e6b754b494ab8b04d755f0b3de645c576621f6 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin R. Whitley <[email protected]>
added tests for hasLoaded and loadOnlyOnce

2820fdd14f748a187230bf9f00e191b54ee9197f authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
unified log messaging, added log: false support, and added hasLoaded to meta

7960ba7a9b46858ee8e87d636b6bcae823323ef4 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
removed merge conflicts

ad4e755ff00a8dab1591764175bec867cb6e38ab authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.1 - fix: changed useStore key to prevent load errors from old localStorage persisted data

2600cab8b5ddc1b57340c9ad204b442509e2eeca authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.12.0 - adds ability to load item endpoints directly via load(id, [options])

07d53fef1643edb0b92d8f899b48d6dd9d94e4e0 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.11.1 - fix: README updated to reflect correct react-data-hooks badges (previously still react-use-rest)

e8b5f0f50d23dcc38ee56b2333ce51b86ae7f88d authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.11.0 - updated internals to use a single setState function (to minimize renders), adds hasLoaded { boolean } to output, fix { log: false } bug

45aa762b99e5c2bf49fd5d2dc3b5fab31e51cc27 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.10.3 - updated title in README

24d214f965a43e12c1d270271e75d06fc8f63477 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.10.2 - updated repo reference

d0c3b45f4b3606f1b70ba51d0b9ad184d94c4f15 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.10.1 - updated README

a8473c807728e03642fe6170961a31396ba54fa5 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.10.0 - moving NPM package to data-hooks

2bf32cedb243b857dc983d63ba233ab3472b0ed8 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.9.0 - updated to use use-store

9c6aa9da0321b3dcea726585941bba298401ef79 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.8.3 - fix: moved unmounting to separate useEffect

58b57f9db70f7d68680077fd22801493ea21780c authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.8.2 - added more logging to load cycle

8204d79f3c84d12522be4405e0f83b17fc83ee2c authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.8.1 - re-arranged docs for clarity

04146155055da19d96209741a6e1ed28883b49e7 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.8.0 - minor revision of dep use-store-hook removes localstorify internal dep in favor of localStorage

bb0dfc3dc9f012f26d410d6c4464fc21a48ba026 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.7.4 - fix:rollup was not including external ref to use-store-hook

227891b5e486542c4a89d9d13bd65c5474beed50 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.7.3 - fix: re-embeds default Content-Type: application/json header

cc029b48f70d8f486e13b64f9dd49e8edcf661bf authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.7.2 - converted from babel to rollup + typescript to decrease module size

f2ddeecff724c501905fde73b7818188e8890129 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #4 from kwhitley/feature/typescript

released v1.7.1-next.0 - testing ts-compiled module

9e2b895da7265da68b94959bf60521b291a3b487 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin R. Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.7.1-next.0 - testing ts-compiled module

2a7a0a896691059f0ca576c81627f89cf0fc84a4 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.7.1 - patch: README update

bac8a2bb8d2caff65b0d7af4654698b49772cf46 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.7.0 - feature: added fetchOptions option to allow custom headers with requests using native fetch

5d4085340fe11d5b90ea028d592c4f7e597b13f2 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.6.1 - fix: gzip badge

c55b44676e392116d97895ca4e79d7e5a3adc7e6 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.6.0 - removed deepmerge and testing bundlephobia gzip badge

11680febf07177251d7ad649f1430335726e2f72 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.5.4 - fix: better match axios-fetch error body signature

f87e6b4685c2a20ad6c8f86ffda3b2cb4fc5106b authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.5.3 - fix: handleError should handle axios and fetch signatures

8bcca4ac7ff451a26e56b7fae5a15c688a19362b authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.5.2 - fix: log was being called upstream of log:true assignment

124ee50ade275fb9d6528b47495e3658fca83919 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.5.1 - fixed error payloads

97b4968549debcf3c4cd3588e139539c08a4519b authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
fixed error payloads with fetch

eba74daa18188b7fff65ec625eaf1922dc195663 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.5.0 - uses fetch native internally, adds complete test suite

81486ce406c728b8aeae403cd9a7740afcaa56bf authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #3 from kwhitley/feature/fetch

feature: use native fetch

89912b31a660098c832558a1a4a16b37f6d7dab0 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin R. Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.3-next.4 - NPM status check

4f5b02775f95c17601746fd332fe8367aeda515e authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
all tests broken up to individual files

a74212710ab892c7d9c2ec63c6df33eeb83da16a authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
test fragmenting

a9d146f169cdd9bda7a9f07c041016f4b8d7640b authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
reshaping tests

ae7b1e5e1e4d907c9f6acf75eb0b51009db57eec authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
better onError tests, log tests, etc

85d31ed609bdfe9a9c6b2f999b83ff0a608a13ca authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
fixes #2 - onUpdate() should not be fired after onError()

43f273b9d1ef32288bb91b12389f4b5aa3a821b0 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
fix: removed failing reference to ../build in exports.spec.js

ecbd80ffc0e3869290c381babc0514c512c19871 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
attempting to fix travis ci build

47761774de6c2d76e7e2ee07036b2e30340873b6 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
added more options to test coverage

b4f5b12b631438e99d04aa6b594fb5b01b2036c2 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
continued test coverage and test simplification

6cf15391243a3df1ff195c87db3edfc90cbc8430 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
more blanket tests and test organization

9273f1dadd393ef5f5a268b38fc8cf1d7575211a authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
fixed DELETE on item endpoint calls

c1040f31530cfab413fd2647438d5d15e774889d authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
adding endpoint generation tests for isCollection: false

c8c7e5b729b38aca97ac123d2f7c61cc7d0723a2 authored about 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.3-next.3 - fix: removed anonymous filter function to prevent useEffect cycle on re-render

08dbc636d0ffeaf608723f053ed4aa22a63a6b82 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.3-next.2 - fix: removed reference to removed setError fucntion

61a5fb9447f53733d9b09a0f7a9008bfec4383fa authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.3-next.1 - fix: getBody now accepts any application/json content header

59d95153051d368b0f765c541b87645d3b6484c6 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.3-next.0 - releasing next with fetch

1cce2972fd838da5a0d6a4d618fc6af4989413fb authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
reduced number of lib files

d1c9fa929b891f2643ff2a196ea820168fe73689 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
key generation tests

1927f6c3c789f0014ec045667e396255038b97b6 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
added error/onError tests

1108550c06acc9d553d9984302f0aa1fdfd97632 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
transform tests

00df0ddfc9a8eea53511322d275af6d092342cff authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
behavior tests

3dbe128b52978b52bd4c7b223fc432b6e27a070d authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
add post/create response check

02ab661f4faa77205ae0ca53eb916134aaba2d33 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
adding new test structure

30206f2879f629155b83a4fedc8b34c6d5c4e6b2 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
fixing gitignore

10213d79720c4ef57bea361263b2750d1036d013 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.3 - fix: manual load() now allowed despite options settings, and store key corrected to not share collection and item calls

9cf9ed68e2b464224c298df6eb2773c9e71f3d48 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.2 - fix: filtering should generate new key

7055fddb3cabe76eaa40bd5d77938482fded755c authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.1 - updated README with detailed options tab le

3ce84ef831ccdb30b43ebcb6a038ff089774e62d authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>

6f4b02436bd11d2b0f7b0026c34a17161e1fdecd authored over 5 years ago by Kevin R. Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.4.0 - added loadOnlyOnce flag to limit GET requests after initial load

45cb9e1ea7a4fec1fec1e5d17e654c45a392687c authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.3.0 - added the following to return: { key: 152523232 }, { filtered: [] }, fixes memory leak

1916229efe6959f8282c61b1625c0243476b9b40 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.2.0 - updated to use-store-hook 1.6.x which includes broadcast option

d5beee0acf69f8d40fcc8e39c63e2f4e8a8bc0b3 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.1.1 - fix: typo introduced in 1.1.0

4a3047b78736929274fc725461219bd0ad95f24e authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.1.0 - simplifies persist keys, adds shared FetchStore to share GET concurrent requests

ae480bfba0c15020db1d88af3c27a40bb3a78e0b authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.0.2 - fix to expected v1 behavior of no inherent payload transform of

6f916c26000f7394e77eec2058b0a6fcbf016d5d authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.0.1 - fix: onError should display to console.error by default rather than silently erroring

a7c2a1a1215b542f5d7c0661f4c95e78352ab660 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v1.0.0 - break: responses no longer automatically transform { data: { data: {} } } rubbish

8bd8a6cf102920d85287acdeb94e521b09d8e3f2 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.11-next.3 - uses internal options for transforms on load()

82dadfab6f6650762babb4b4869091e6248e9c57 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.11-next.2 - adds legacy default transform of data => || data

1b567f7dd6c33f5631e59529ee5e65bb980f938c authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.11-next.1 - should not run collection level transforms on PUT/PATCH/DELETE/POST commands

cfb0797be748d4254b7eef0f7e2536cad71d0663 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.11-next.0 - testing transform, transformItem, transformCollection

c2b8edc98e20287ada2efae96663ce84cfaa406b authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #1 from mvasigh/add-tests

Add basic mock for axios and some tests for methods

c4bad0ed20946c46d8ae00e29404c24e9cca5b18 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin R. Whitley <[email protected]>
add formatting pre-commit hook

42d90cb5f76f09bffaecfe924ad009a0656f07fc authored over 5 years ago by Mehdi Vasigh <[email protected]>
update axios mock and add methods spec

f89ac55109a6b47f19d254777124edcaa4539a2a authored over 5 years ago by Mehdi Vasigh <[email protected]>
create mock for axios

c170b43730ddf2bebc33be6bffa49b8e8177e9c1 authored over 5 years ago by Mehdi Vasigh <[email protected]>
update deps and add faker and async/await support

eb479cbb602ed5e144648e8bdfcf22e726c97a37 authored over 5 years ago by Mehdi Vasigh <[email protected]>
released v0.6.11 - README update to cleanup simplest example

21f5e83a4c6931f0891a3d7fbc0419510faeb5c8 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.10 - fix: handleError now handles errors with or without response body from axios

dbe778628f73b725023b096e2616453221fb3a8c authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.9 - fix: handleError more robust against different error payloads

746cd92cde3d291aa031b14db2d1807f28296a0c authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.8 - updated dep(patch) and added keywords to package.json, added MIT license

08039cf0482d2d0e46950212a2e30adbd0ee7708 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.7 - added travis support and README update

3cbb755ddf2f884b3bbd5da996f756a29038f3c9 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.6 - README update

5614b8254c25c7abc5c51e1a94c74573238a7023 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.5 - README update

739069333192bb15c5d8e035e85d8379273a0cfd authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.4 - updated README

e53f78666ca84925662ac94066047528d6afd2b8 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.3 - fix: corrected id vs options order, while adding more detailed logging output

1f05ce3f87585712dedab0d0e96993ae267f98f1 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>
released v0.6.2 - fix: autoload should fire if set, regardless of collection vs not

3a2ee421a96a75425790cf82057e34fbdbc768c6 authored over 5 years ago by Kevin Whitley <[email protected]>