
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

OpenSSL package for SPM, CocoaPod, and Carthage, for iOS and macOS

missing functions after upgrading

wtholliday opened this issue 21 days ago
EVP_CMAC_init fails but no errors

thomzon opened this issue about 2 months ago
Can't build latest version (5006) with Xcode 15.4

cherpake opened this issue 3 months ago
Fix Xcode warnings

mangerlahn opened this pull request 3 months ago
Compile error on OpenSSL

ajanuar opened this issue 3 months ago
WatchOS support

XITRIX opened this pull request 3 months ago
Workaround for Xcode 16.0 Beta uint64_t problem

IvanGurtler opened this pull request 3 months ago
Problem with build with SPM and interoperabilityMode

jaceklapinski opened this issue 3 months ago
Build failed when using xcode 16

kacperkurek opened this issue 3 months ago
Can not archive application due to signature

yen-dang-ts opened this issue 4 months ago
[Carthage] Not building in xcode 15.3 to platform iOS

AndreParenteNeon opened this issue 5 months ago
Update OpenSSL-Universal.podspec

presbrey opened this pull request 5 months ago
Unexpected behaviour with pbxproj when import library with cocoapods

paul-lavoine opened this issue 5 months ago
tvOS support added

XITRIX opened this pull request 5 months ago
Error when importing 3.1.5002 with SPM

jpovedap opened this issue 5 months ago
no message

LK1993 opened this pull request 5 months ago
Add vision os support

zulkis opened this pull request 5 months ago
Privacy Manifest in 3.1.5000 is invalid

0xpablo opened this issue 5 months ago
3.1.5 Needs to incorporate Privacy Manifest in Podspec

MichaelWellsSM opened this issue 5 months ago
feat: Privacy Manifest And xcframework Sign

MatteoBatti opened this pull request 5 months ago
1.1.0e support privacy agreement and sign

XYXiaoYuan opened this issue 5 months ago
OpenSSL 3.2.1 is available

richardtop opened this issue 5 months ago
3.1.5 s.ios.deployment_target = '14.0' is too heigh

luoxiankang2 opened this issue 6 months ago
3.1.5 Signing error

luoxiankang2 opened this issue 6 months ago
ERROR ITMS-90711: "Invalid executable permissions"

art-ghub opened this issue 6 months ago
Missing type definitions when building for simulator

nrbrook opened this issue 6 months ago
Privacy Manifest file for April Release 2024

thapovand opened this pull request 6 months ago
Apple Silicon (arm64) and iphone-simulator builds

wyllys66 opened this issue 6 months ago
Add support for apple watch / watchos

VityaSchel opened this issue 6 months ago
Getting ITMS-90482: Invalid Executable from Apple

hokyungh opened this issue 7 months ago
where X509_get_notAfter

john-07 opened this issue 8 months ago
Big git .pack file

vlasty-proglove opened this issue 9 months ago
Privacy Manifest and Signature

jzilske opened this issue 9 months ago
Cannot find 'BIO_set_conn_hostname' in scope

cuongv opened this issue 11 months ago
Where to get opensslconf-arm64.h?

MacThings opened this issue 11 months ago
OpenSSL 3.1.4

Rool opened this issue 11 months ago
SHA1 crashes when digesting big data

D3vMohab opened this issue 12 months ago
Legacy Provider support?

wyllys66 opened this issue 12 months ago
OpenSSL-Universal no library for this platform found ios

mkrn opened this issue 12 months ago
License issue on OpenSSL

AnjaliKhurana opened this issue 12 months ago
Sign Data Using RSA With PKCS#7 Format

MohammadTaghiAhadi opened this issue 12 months ago
OpenSSL 3.1.3

Rool opened this issue 12 months ago
I have added this as a package to my project. These Are the errors I see

KatkayApps opened this issue about 1 year ago
void missing

KatkayApps opened this pull request about 1 year ago

KatkayApps opened this pull request about 1 year ago
Update shim.h

KatkayApps opened this pull request about 1 year ago
OpenSSL 3.1.x

krzyzanowskim opened this pull request about 1 year ago
OpenSSL 1.1.1v

Rool opened this issue about 1 year ago
OpenSSL for visionOS

zulfishah opened this issue about 1 year ago
OpenSSL 1.1.1100 not fount

GuoTianHao opened this issue about 1 year ago
OpenSSL version 1.1.1u update

justasza opened this issue over 1 year ago
Compilation error

ygf-git opened this issue over 1 year ago
Will OpenSSL 3.1.x be the next step to have an xcframework?

ferencIOS opened this issue over 1 year ago
Version 1.1.200 not visible in cocoapods

kivu opened this issue over 1 year ago
Question: macOS Configuration

phedlund opened this issue over 1 year ago
OpenSSL 1.1.1t

richardtop opened this issue over 1 year ago
OpenSSL not found in the linked frameworks

paulosilva8 opened this issue almost 2 years ago
OpenSSL 1.1.1s announced

richardtop opened this issue almost 2 years ago
[CocoaPods] Library not loaded

ferencIOS opened this issue about 2 years ago
Disable code signing for all targets

richardtop opened this pull request about 2 years ago
Remove old targets and architectures

richardtop opened this issue about 2 years ago
Separate script source and the binary products

richardtop opened this issue about 2 years ago
Adjust zip to support binaryTarget when using SPM

jonasborsch opened this pull request about 2 years ago
I took same error. I returned the 1.1.1500 version then its fixed.

burakCokyildirim opened this issue about 2 years ago
How can I get the cipher for "3412_2015_kuznyechik"?

arapovavikka opened this issue about 2 years ago
#150 Keep file naming consistency.

Romick2005 opened this pull request about 2 years ago
'openssl/e_os2.h' file not found

Romick2005 opened this issue about 2 years ago
Cocoapod issue when upgrading to 1.1.1700

jdanthinne opened this issue about 2 years ago
make: *** [frameworks] Error 65

mariogruizdiaz opened this issue about 2 years ago
Application crashes on start

IgorGalimski opened this issue about 2 years ago
use OpenSSL.framework error

Sunrisesd opened this issue about 2 years ago
Revert changes in Makefile to fix #144

awBSH opened this pull request about 2 years ago
Running 'make' on 1.1.1501 results in "Error 65"

awBSH opened this issue about 2 years ago
Update OpenSSL 1.1.1p

awBSH opened this pull request about 2 years ago
Can not found sm2.h in the Headers

zealforbeing opened this issue over 2 years ago
There is no binary difference between 1.1.1400 and 1.1.1500

combinatorial opened this issue over 2 years ago
in debug mode it runs correct ,in release mode it make the app crash

zangqilong198812 opened this issue over 2 years ago
Binaries for tvOS

ab492 opened this issue over 2 years ago
help in install with Xcode

SodaSurfer opened this issue over 2 years ago
Could not build Objective-C module 'OpenSSL'

icesco opened this issue over 2 years ago
Generate private and public keys pair with PKCS8

takephone opened this issue over 2 years ago
Error CFBundleIdentifier Collision

marinofaggiana opened this issue over 2 years ago
Add support for static frameworks / XCFramework in

johnhammerlund opened this pull request over 2 years ago
"No such module 'OpenSSL'" using SPM on CI

pauphi opened this issue almost 3 years ago

richardtop opened this pull request almost 3 years ago
openssl 3.0.0 compile error

lnking2013 opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Unable to compile - Compilation errors

Jeevhi opened this issue about 3 years ago
Mark OpenSSL as Extension-safe

mangerlahn opened this pull request about 3 years ago
improve the build speed

Not4me opened this pull request about 3 years ago
Code signing "OpenSSL.framework" failed.

elemanhillary-zz opened this issue about 3 years ago
"make" command by default doesn't invoke ""

richardtop opened this issue over 3 years ago
framework not found OpenSSL

chj-damon opened this issue over 3 years ago