
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


Tahoe-LAFS is a free and open, secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, distributed data store and distributed file system.
Collective - Host: opensource - - Website: - Code:

-10,800.0 USD - August Development

meejah - 12 Sep 2024

-20.33 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 12 Sep 2024

-14,625.0 USD - Invoice #1049

systema-development-llc - 12 Sep 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 12 Sep 2024

-15,000.0 USD - Invoice #1048

systema-development-llc - 03 Sep 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 03 Sep 2024

350,221.77 USD - August 21st transfer of funds

the-tahoe-lafs-software-foundation - 29 Aug 2024

-35,022.18 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 29 Aug 2024

-17,442.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 22 Aug 2024

-9,000.0 USD - July development

meejah - 13 Aug 2024

-30.58 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 13 Aug 2024

-12,500.0 USD - Invoice #1047

systema-development-llc - 08 Aug 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 08 Aug 2024

-17,465.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 06 Aug 2024

-5,800.0 USD - Invoice #1046

systema-development-llc - 23 Jul 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 23 Jul 2024

-18,750.0 USD - Invoice #1045 - revised

systema-development-llc - 23 Jul 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 23 Jul 2024

-14,574.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 18 Jul 2024

-10,800.0 USD - June Development

meejah - 11 Jul 2024

-36.53 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 11 Jul 2024

-3,827.65 USD - Community and Project Management

user-471fe0a6 - 04 Jul 2024

-13.54 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 04 Jul 2024

-19,269.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 02 Jul 2024

-10,675.0 USD - Invoice #1044

systema-development-llc - 18 Jun 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 18 Jun 2024

-26,183.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 18 Jun 2024

-1.13 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 18 Jun 2024

-9,000.0 USD - May Development

meejah - 11 Jun 2024

-35.98 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 11 Jun 2024

-23,276.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 06 Jun 2024

-16,066.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 28 May 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 28 May 2024

-6,800.0 USD - Invoice #1043

systema-development-llc - 14 May 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 14 May 2024

-9,900.0 USD - April Development

meejah - 09 May 2024

-39.49 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 09 May 2024

-19,423.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 09 May 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 09 May 2024

-21,453.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 02 May 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 02 May 2024

316,420.33 USD - April 26th transfer of funds

the-tahoe-lafs-software-foundation - 01 May 2024

-25.0 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 01 May 2024

-31,642.03 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 01 May 2024

-9,900.0 USD - March Development

meejah - 11 Apr 2024

-34.14 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 11 Apr 2024

-21,975.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 11 Apr 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 11 Apr 2024

-7,525.0 USD - Invoice #1040

systema-development-llc - 09 Apr 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 09 Apr 2024

-225.0 USD - March Development

jean-paul-calderone - 09 Apr 2024

-0.25 USD - PayPal payment processor fee

paypal-payment-processor-vendor - 09 Apr 2024

-25,510.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 26 Mar 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 26 Mar 2024

-10,800.0 USD - February Development

meejah - 15 Mar 2024

-46.92 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 15 Mar 2024

-14,340.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 15 Mar 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 15 Mar 2024

-3,475.0 USD - Invoice #1039

systema-development-llc - 12 Mar 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 12 Mar 2024

-14,165.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 05 Mar 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 05 Mar 2024

-11,310.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 22 Feb 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 22 Feb 2024

-8,100.0 USD - January Consulting

meejah - 15 Feb 2024

-35.31 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 15 Feb 2024

-15,697.5 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

least-authority - 15 Feb 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 15 Feb 2024

-6,700.0 USD - Invoice #1038

systema-development-llc - 13 Feb 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 13 Feb 2024

-3,080.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation Fiscal Sponsorship Oversight & Administration

least-authority - 13 Feb 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 13 Feb 2024

-2,860.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation Fiscal Sponsorship Oversight & Administration December 2023

least-authority - 08 Feb 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 08 Feb 2024

-28,600.0 USD - Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation Fiscal Sponsorship Oversight & Administration

least-authority - 23 Jan 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 23 Jan 2024

224,435.76 USD - Donation from Jan 2024

the-tahoe-lafs-software-foundation - 19 Jan 2024

-22,443.58 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 19 Jan 2024

-0.39 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 11 Jan 2024

-4,637.5 USD - Invoice #1037

systema-development-llc - 11 Jan 2024

-6,700.39 USD - Invoice #1034

systema-development-llc - 05 Dec 2023

-7,050.39 USD - Invoice #1030

systema-development-llc - 21 Nov 2023

-50,000.39 USD - Magic Folder, Great Black Swamp + Other Core Contributions

least-authority - 16 Nov 2023

-50,000.39 USD - Magic Folder, Great Black Swamp + Other Core Contributions

least-authority - 14 Nov 2023

-50,000.39 USD - Magic Folder, Great Black Swamp + Other Core Contributions

least-authority - 14 Nov 2023

-27,000.39 USD - Magic Folder, Great Black Swamp + Other Core Contributions

least-authority - 14 Nov 2023

-50,000.39 USD - Magic Folder, Great Black Swamp + Other Core Contributions

least-authority - 14 Nov 2023

20,000.0 USD - Contribution to Tahoe LAFS, INV-0283

aspirationtech - 13 Nov 2023

-2,000.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 13 Nov 2023

249,901.99 USD - Donations from 10/26 and 10/27

the-tahoe-lafs-software-foundation - 31 Oct 2023

-24,990.2 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 31 Oct 2023

-7,150.39 USD - Invoice #1022

systema-development-llc - 19 Oct 2023

-2,950.39 USD - Invoice #1020

systema-development-llc - 20 Sep 2023

-8,600.39 USD - Invoice #1018

systema-development-llc - 24 Aug 2023

-8,125.39 USD - Invoice #1016

systema-development-llc - 25 Jul 2023

-8,200.39 USD - Invoice #1012

systema-development-llc - 23 Jun 2023

-8,000.39 USD - Invoice #1008

systema-development-llc - 23 Jun 2023

50,000.0 USD - Contribution to Tahoe LAFS, INV-0251

aspirationtech - 25 May 2023

-5,000.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 25 May 2023

-7,800.39 USD - Invoice #1007

systema-development-llc - 18 Apr 2023