
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


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Added Microsoft Contacts to Provider and Map. - e848f28719251e96da2d7c4c29c94d8eb2667914 authored over 4 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added Friends data source to Facebook.

Removed Events source since Facebook shut off that source completely.

Bumped Facebook API versio... - 0fc1c17276f33c20a63daea0d28f48b7c67272d1 authored over 4 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added local Kubernetes deployment instructions and updated production

instructions. - d935f09cec21e06929596f47d2c5fb51f445b685 authored over 4 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added local Kubernetes deployment instructions and updated production

instructions. - 07bf8ceb506c6607d1c9d1dd8bcd14753735983e authored over 4 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added local Kubernetes build readme.

Renumbered production build readme and made some fixes to it. - 1ad9c68b8279dc85dd55fd3d115217c20dddb267 authored over 4 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added local Kubernetes build readme.

Renumbered production build readme and made some fixes to it. - 626e04e52604760bcadc58c8e9734dd777a0c21e authored over 4 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed year in license. - a06edb62728eb0667641350147886588a55cc29c authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed year in license. - 31e1504007230e9c40682bb2361ca23a0a79b06e authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed year in license. - f898534c1bfb326da436f931314e4df6f98e8735 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed incorrect references to devel ssl certs. - 200e5c22565c5142b89fc073d2f719d0d20d2ddb authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Removed Kubernetes scripts since they're now in their own repo.

Updated production build readme to account for this change. - 673651d83d8a7cf203da4998c7252b819f6adacd authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Kubernetes files. - ccede27d2bca4a0f23c4cc5bd88d996cf8227a0f authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed some bugs with endpoints relating to browser extension.

- Added error handling for if getBrowserConnection is passed an invalid
browser name, as it was... - 0dfb80d975b3358f79f754d472e2b94c30e3004b authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated production build setup walkthrough to account for new Kustomize

scripts. - 9dc91a07e75829b2331944f7e122e2b7960c425e authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated instructions for deploying on Kubernetes via Kustomize scripts. - 23bc69bf2b6e1dd9f8d4526f7a2fa981d481681d authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated dependencies and converted app to run on Node 12 with native

module support.

Added Dockerfile for containerizing app to be run on Kubernetes.

Added instruct... - 77683881b91bf7698ff9d9f36a35a40c9c30c84e authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Converted all Kubernetes scripts to be assembled via Kustomize.

Restructured everything so that each application has its own sub-directory
and is structured as a... - 2b78fce4966611d05174e4ccfa810fb916a85939 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated production build walkthrough to account for new Kustomize scripts. - 1756401d9d234a11ee676547c46ca1e3005f0f7a authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated packages and converted service to run on node 12 as ES6 modules.

Added Dockerfile and .dockerignore for containerizing for Kubernetes. - 73d3d70056011e9c97e89561025f98913c1fb8cf authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Removed Kubernetes scripts since they're now in their own repository.

Updated production build Readme to reflect this. - 36a66558771c95e1029fb94010bdd59994312428 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Kubernetes files. - 93f51f98697e1fac57eee030286fe6977af2e76a authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated licence. - 7d75f4cfe7d9bdc7fa988f11ea8cc18c18042e85 authored almost 5 years ago by William Broza <[email protected]>
Bumping K8s config app image version. - ebe568eba67fa4e4bbc1bd29433341bdcf690be4 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Bumping version after merging in xr-module changes. - 7b0a954cd4ca2556b7dbf781f6d203805584d269 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Kubernetes configs to reference new official LifeScope

DockerHub repo.

Fixed a few issues with production K8s configs. - 9ebd951952002c126a535d1c6153b20a13139176 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Kubernetes deployment to get dev/prod configs from a secret file.

Docker build now ignores all config files that .gitignore already did.
User must manually create ... - 6f9196331afd564cadd2132b777555bfe3ae8c38 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated dev domain.

Added dev Dockerfile to run npm start-dev instead of npm start. - 77a6475494ddc8b9449c89e5e73a66732961dcba authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed some hard links to to point to apiDomain from config.

Updated Kubernetes configs to properly handle websocket connections.

Fixed extraneous definitio... - 0a9e70347e3cb459377b2cf19dd51735a8510315 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated most third-party libraries. Made some minor changes to how

libraries are used to reflect new usage of some of them.

Explicitly added '.js' to end of import... - 14de7426280483fd02c8e3ec7aba5c289e914516 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated hard-coded calls to to use variable that

determines domain from whether it's running in dev mode.

Added Kubernetes config files. - ad30264852c5e36b5f25d46cebea15b5d0d61810 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Kubernetes configs with new DockerHub repo.

Fixed a couple reference issues in prod K8s configs. - 6d7cc14cb28ec923ebf1895d4bc16f9774b562e9 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Kubernetes deployment to get dev/prod configs from a secret file.

Docker build now ignores all config files that .gitignore already did.
User must manually create ... - fb72699d2630a306422bb152814edca807cee291 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated K8s configs to properly handle websocket connections.

Fixed some hard links to to use appDomain from config.

Fixed some bugs in Even... - 5e3a4a25fb41f00947238a7f72294417cffb2787 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Using lifescope-xr vue plugin - ff4f9fbf3b9fc8158102985754e9bb151b73f055 authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Updated dev domain - 9c1a3ae177307978af88268de0fee2ad1ff7612a authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Split out Kubernetes configs based on deployment stage, with attendant

differences. - b5031f2061133adaad8ed5dca5d92e7b3e23ee2c authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
added naf to public tags - c662c889d8db03450bd9aeffaac10700abd7ac4a authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Playing with notebooks. - 97f55b887c65dcbd5dfe4a00ac8ebf797b3ea454 authored almost 5 years ago by William Broza <[email protected]>
Refactored API to run on Node 12 with ES6 modules.

Added scripts to run API and app in Kubernetes. - 20d33bbba792330e4b4c3b68b607d52895b301b7 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Nothing works but the structure and packages are there. - 6e3c2a9a0360e992ab6fdc9692d356783b130deb authored almost 5 years ago by William Broza <[email protected]>
using lifescope-xr module - 95914d49890572322e12b0598c7e34a40a1e24af authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Minor fix and version bump. - 7c2553de71b35b256acbddefa84578b1e6fa9249 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
fixed xr paging bug - bb3847461707cda1e662942177f468966f42abc7 authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
got rid of unused files - ad6c275d246e0ef7979359d15050235371f9f8e0 authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
replaced look-on-mobile with look-controls - 69a1f617a49711fecf76859cc9e23ea7881fc5be authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
focusing event with datime updates skybox - afb40fb76d08d151f7e30e9a056afbaf068879c1 authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
fixed a couple of bugs

- text-cells do not move when a new search is loaded
- does not lose look-controls when exiting vr - e829e5c8960137cbbb3a167576732936bc42c6ab authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
added locations to globe in xr - bda9e6b1763c400a2e2eefb5e4e77cfd17358b9a authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
fixed fade issue when unfocusing during animation - 01cd31563ca3ab77c838dcc32d66f43020572bf8 authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
added map tiles to xr events with location - 1b09b3cf143c97bc864f28cb3c6b9a75a0f675ea authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
xr saved-searches improvements

- highlight component can now highlight text
- added highlight component to saved-searches
- fix... - 99c6d9f8ce4883ec104098700f236e6d81735814 authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
load saved searches within xr

explorer now updates search when route is changed - bd3b1899e462512cbdc66ebf509b7a8a86d0a04a authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Animates sky when focusing new event - 814c0a769766ba432829ae356b498052e10f9c9c authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Quick fixes to avoid ultra-long Mongo aggregations being run and

effectively freezing the Atlas servers.
Issue seems to be with a full-text search that includes '... - 6200894114a24c8a3d96e477f8cbb00b8cdc7111 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated Instagram Provider + Map to use new API.

Added 'identifier' to indexed fields for Contacts, Content, and Events. - 0c255d7d10fad11b760f9b005bb7889ab6644edb authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated data deletion confirmation page to fetch and display providerName

of deleted data. - c60672143af3247589f6edc664d3ee531b18fb16 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added Connection's provider_name to data deletion confirmation.

Fixed a bug in Connection elimination - had a typo in
'overrideLastLoginConnection'. - 897148990b4d1cb0d9850e7af4c5b7e3179c34d1 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added a page for checking the status of a data deletion request. - f5b2cc63193b11009db2efb0550268a80e0f54db authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added support for deauthorization and data deletion requests from Providers.

/auth/deauthorize-connection decodes an incoming payload and verifies its
signature. On success,... - 6b8b7c01ab8642b30c651fc8e495a5c5ab47f576 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed a few bugs resulting from merging XR grid view in. - 3fefb88e61acecaf02573fb55e8992e4f6628778 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Replaced introjs with shepherd.js.

Updated tutorial verbiage. - 561d9a93686b11221621939caa2f63309febfcd5 authored almost 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
xr searching animation; component for globe-points - b6ab22b0d75a05b709d9d078a3a1456c3dc264fe authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
XR bug fixes

Can switch facets from within xr view
Can enter new searches within xr view
Can use sort buttons... - a69e6f8a6a8fc59d93c5715d2f0a893dbfb0932b authored almost 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
updated to aframe 1.0.1 - d70cf425c568e8c4288a1c39dbd177f714c73c3b authored about 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
XR Grid View

vr grid layout

aframe components
- ls-cell
- media-cell
- text-cell
- flex
- clickable
- highli... - 1f3197999e73693ac876e83ef82f6b598cb92e61 authored about 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' with xr - 56e802c5ede3f3730527d5edc33ba61e4ad98a9e authored about 5 years ago by mohrtw <[email protected]>
Changed visibilitychange handler to redirect to /?client=app rather than

reload, as reloading the current page is no longer the desired behavior. - 3c9806f0fef468e647b8ff1f28b82ae64f783b1b authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated base/signup/login routing to preserve 'client' query param

when transitioning between those pages.

Did not actually need visibilitychange listener on login... - d8262bc5bc5ea73b8ec66c7d9925175e28a09d1c authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Had forgotten to add visibility change listener to login and signup

pages to refresh page on app signup/login. - 962dc3aebe4b3e8dc99e773ed5e46a2fd2059548 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Bumped objectMaxLimit to 1000 to account for expanded Map View pagination. - dfc913c95a9e436f924b5387b3b098a8a2426933 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Bumped objectMaxLimit to 1000 to account for expanded Map View pagination. - dfc913c95a9e436f924b5387b3b098a8a2426933 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated displaying and pagination of objects in explorer.

Map View has been updated to paginate by 1000 per user feedback.
If there's less than 1000 items... - 305d361ba2c4303a4f52734e0c8712db5d19f291 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
plugins/sw.js was improperly in the gitignore. It is now restored and

committed. - 947464a9384c415bb09c2fb5beab09fdfe71ab18 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed a bug with bulk Event uploading where Connection and Provider IDs

were not being correctly converted from strings to Binary. - 31df21b7dae0b95b675bf7343546a5c5e11c20bf authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed a bug with bulk Event uploading where Connection and Provider IDs

were not being correctly converted from strings to Binary. - 31df21b7dae0b95b675bf7343546a5c5e11c20bf authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated People updating to populate new fields 'removed_contact_ids'

with IDs of Contacts that have been removed from that Person.
This is used to make sure that auto... - 1188f062e55179eaf3dd0c9a027e6a3574b8339d authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated People updating to populate new fields 'removed_contact_ids'

with IDs of Contacts that have been removed from that Person.
This is used to make sure that auto... - 1188f062e55179eaf3dd0c9a027e6a3574b8339d authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added Google Contacts endpoints to Map and Provider.

Updated Connection deletion to remove Contacts from associated People.

Updated People deletion ... - 7d1f7cafc17908782d52e59a0dd72100a9f1307b authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added Google Contacts endpoints to Map and Provider.

Updated Connection deletion to remove Contacts from associated People.

Updated People deletion ... - 7d1f7cafc17908782d52e59a0dd72100a9f1307b authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed bugs in GQL Playground related to not having the CSRF token present

for session-based authentication and not by default sending cookies with requests. - 8306775df1f73c08d4490aaaf34235d9eab67f74 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed bugs in GQL Playground related to not having the CSRF token present

for session-based authentication and not by default sending cookies with requests. - 8306775df1f73c08d4490aaaf34235d9eab67f74 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Updated People creation and editing to include address and notes. - 0391fc8a020f19ba2cdaafb168a587a9ab986fc0 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added address and notes as fields for People. - e23b5712630e340a4fefdd946db598f004b4e2ec authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added address and notes as fields for People. - e23b5712630e340a4fefdd946db598f004b4e2ec authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added new logic and modal for handling error cookie 'non_matching_accounts'. - f8da1df78020e38db21c126e62960ee7186673bc authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added case for handling new edge case where reauthorization request gets

credentials for another account, but not one associated with an existing Connection.

BitScoop wi... - a431f02d4c9aaf8bdb7e02430504f67511106cca authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added case for handling new edge case where reauthorization request gets

credentials for another account, but not one associated with an existing Connection.

BitScoop wi... - a431f02d4c9aaf8bdb7e02430504f67511106cca authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed a bug where the ApolloLink used in the GQL playgrounds wasn't

attaching the CSRF token to the request. - d90541bdbfd58002c939be8d36b9c8a0a0dd139f authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Fixed a bug where the ApolloLink used in the GQL playgrounds wasn't

attaching the CSRF token to the request. - d90541bdbfd58002c939be8d36b9c8a0a0dd139f authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>
Added a modal and logic to alert the user if they tried to make a

Connection to, or reauthorize, an account that's associated with a
different LifeScope account. T... - 318189220f92958616a2e026efa44cc7e12fb563 authored about 5 years ago by Kyle Baran <[email protected]>