An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


Standard Library

1 repositories - 9,618 transactions - Balance: 104114.37 USD

Owner: zloirock


The most modern mobile touch slider with components for React, Vue & WebComponent

1 repositories - 8,251 transactions - Balance: 3079.53 USD

Owner: nolimits4web


A peer-to-peer social network

1 repositories - 5,390 transactions - Balance: -1702.18 USD

Owner: staltz


Nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server. Perfect for rapid development.

1 repositories - 4,988 transactions - Balance: 93217.68 USD

Owner: remy


We are mission to create open source projects.

1 repositories - 3,783 transactions - Balance: 29967.02 USD

Owner: wenzhixin

CAD Sketcher

A free & open source addon for blender which brings CAD-like workflows to the mesh environment.

1 repositories - 3,619 transactions - Balance: 7675.44 USD

Owner: hlorus

Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium

A distributed and secure peer-to-peer protocol and social network

84 repositories - 2,714 transactions - Balance: 7059.11 USD

Owner: sbc

Homebridge LG Thinq

A Homebridge plugin for controlling/monitoring LG ThinQ device via their ThinQ platform.

1 repositories - 1,678 transactions - Balance: 448.93 USD

Owner: nVuln


Open-Source Static Site CMS available for Windows, MacOs and Linux

1 repositories - 1,577 transactions - Balance: 1855.8 USD

Owner: GetPublii

Redux DevTools

Developer Tools to power-up Redux development workflow or any other architecture which handles the state change. It helps to boost the developer’s productivity significantly and makes the development fun.

1 repositories - 1,486 transactions - Balance: 13826.35 USD

Owner: zalmoxisus


Modern framework for GraphQL API in Node.js. Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!

1 repositories - 1,345 transactions - Balance: 10071.68 USD

Owner: MichalLytek

Sindre Sorhus

Full-Time Open-Sourcerer

1,135 repositories - 1,340 transactions - Balance: 3537.35 USD

Owner: sindresorhus


Modern native Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof!

1 repositories - 1,248 transactions - Balance: 2849.32 USD

Owner: typicode


We are building dependable high quality plain text accounting tools and promoting financial literacy and empowerment.

1 repositories - 1,239 transactions - Balance: 7543.81 USD

Owner: simonmichael


Make your vim smart as VSCode

188 repositories - 1,094 transactions - Balance: 1524.47 USD

Owner: chemzqm


Fight back against advertising surveillance

2 repositories - 993 transactions - Balance: 2155.3 USD

Owner: dhowe is a popular Python library for writing Discord bots

1 repositories - 992 transactions - Balance: 10775.6 USD

Owner: Rapptz

Intellij Rainbow Brackets

🌈Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ based IDEs

1 repositories - 964 transactions - Balance: 496.58 USD

Owner: izhangzhihao


Create PDF files using React

1 repositories - 904 transactions - Balance: 2798.17 USD

Owner: diegomura


We are on a mission to Make React applications more efficient on web and mobile by not rendering unnecessary data.

1 repositories - 843 transactions - Balance: 2759.26 USD

Owner: bvaughn


open source developer collective for the creative space

78 repositories - 830 transactions - Balance: 16543.58 USD

Owner: pmndr

Uptime Kuma

Making the project better. You can also support the project by giving a ⭐ on Github.

1 repositories - 772 transactions - Balance: 3249.9 USD

Owner: louislam

daisyUI component library

Free and open source components plugin for Tailwind CSS. Support daisyUI's development to keep it alive and growing ❤️

1 repositories - 718 transactions - Balance: 2614.59 USD

Owner: saadeghi

The Code Barbarian

Full stack JavaScript tutorials focused on maximum learning in minimum time. No fluff or hand-waiving allowed.

1 repositories - 717 transactions - Balance: 463.9 USD

Owner: vkarpov15


A simple PHP API extension for DateTime.

1 repositories - 654 transactions - Balance: 482.96 USD

Owner: briannesbitt


Ease the process of creating interactive/beautiful data visualizations.

1 repositories - 633 transactions - Balance: 362.78 USD

Owner: plouc

Shape Shifter

SVG animation tool for Android, iOS, & the web.

1 repositories - 579 transactions - Balance: 1590.78 USD

Owner: alexjlockwood


Unlock your displays on your Mac! Smooth scaling, HiDPI unlock, XDR/HDR extra brightness upscale, DDC, brightness and dimming, dummy displays, PIP and lots more!

1 repositories - 567 transactions - Balance: 44.72 USD

Owner: waydabber


Will Compensate Server costs and Support Me.

96 repositories - 500 transactions - Balance: 19.62 USD

Owner: Shabinder

hydra community fund

fund for hydra video synth

1 repositories - 492 transactions - Balance: 6195.77 USD

Owner: ojack


Developing the best open-source comics/mangas/bds media server

1 repositories - 441 transactions - Balance: 2900.55 USD

Owner: gotson


Transform SVGs into React components 🦁

1 repositories - 434 transactions - Balance: 1034.05 USD

Owner: gregberge


A modern, portable, easy to use crypto library

1 repositories - 428 transactions - Balance: 35.74 USD

Owner: jedisct1


A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.

1 repositories - 420 transactions - Balance: 1222.7 USD

Owner: onevcat


🚀 A React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors

1 repositories - 419 transactions - Balance: 11050.29 USD

Owner: prevwong


Transparent javascript bundles. One npm package at a time.

1 repositories - 396 transactions - Balance: 10554.55 USD

Owner: pastelsky


The next web scraper. See through the <html> noise

1 repositories - 383 transactions - Balance: 436.68 USD

Owner: matthewmueller


2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API

1 repositories - 380 transactions - Balance: 1088.12 USD

Owner: iamkun


Viewer Application for KanColle Android

1 repositories - 374 transactions - Balance: 892.3 USD

Owner: antest1

Code Settings Sync

Visual Studio Code Environment Synchronization Solution

1 repositories - 372 transactions - Balance: 724.07 USD

Owner: shanalikhan


We are on a mission to simplify deploying Meteor apps for production.

1 repositories - 341 transactions - Balance: 1547.79 USD

Owner: zodern

Gin Admin Theme

Provides a more modern Drupal admin theme

1 repositories - 340 transactions - Balance: 875.72 USD

Owner: saschaeggi


A .NET library for reading and writing CSV files. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use. Supports reading and writing of custom class objects.

1 repositories - 316 transactions - Balance: 376.92 USD

Owner: JoshClose


Moveable is Draggable!, Resizable!, Scalable!, Rotatable!, Warpable!, Pinchable!, Groupable!

1 repositories - 315 transactions - Balance: 1463.92 USD

Owner: daybrush

Applause Button

Applause button is a zero-configuration button for adding applause / claps to web pages and blog-posts

1 repositories - 313 transactions - Balance: 142.7 USD

Owner: ColinEberhardt


I'm working on a project to help laravel developers to save much time to build admin interface.

1 repositories - 312 transactions - Balance: 1056.69 USD

Owner: z-song


Liquid for the JavaScript world! It's a simple, expressive and safe template engine since 2016. Created by 78 developers and used by 64,200 projects.

1 repositories - 309 transactions - Balance: 1074.99 USD

Owner: harttle


A free and open source code snippets manager for developers.

1 repositories - 296 transactions - Balance: 84.12 USD

Owner: antonreshetov

Simple DNSCrypt

Simple DNSCrypt is a simple management tool for configuring dnscrypt-proxy on Windows based systems

1 repositories - 294 transactions - Balance: 113.12 USD

Owner: bitbeans

UI Avatars

1 repositories - 285 transactions - Balance: 248.76 USD

Owner: LasseRafn


Developing and maintaining react native in app purchase module

1 repositories - 282 transactions - Balance: 159.35 USD

Owner: hyochan


Simplifies creation of HTML files with Webpack

1 repositories - 275 transactions - Balance: 1789.66 USD

Owner: jantimon


GoSublime is a collection of Sublime Text plugins for Go development.

1 repositories - 271 transactions - Balance: 103.63 USD

Owner: DisposaBoy


We are on a mission to make offline experience a default and make use of ServiceWorker much easier!

1 repositories - 269 transactions - Balance: 896.76 USD

Owner: NekR

Jest Preview

Bring visual debugging experience for Jest. Increase web applications' quality by encouraging Front end engineers to write more tests.

1 repositories - 244 transactions - Balance: 491.88 USD

Owner: nvh95


A Flutter based a lightweight spotify Cross Platform client. It utilizes the power of Spotify & Youtube's public API. Creates a hazardless & performant User Experience

1 repositories - 226 transactions - Balance: 517.8 USD

Owner: KRTirtho


Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images.

1 repositories - 226 transactions - Balance: 328.53 USD

Owner: wojtekmaj

GraphQL Shield

GraphQL server permissions as another abstraction layer of logic.

1 repositories - 213 transactions - Balance: 236.5 USD

Owner: maticzav


Build forms in React, without the tears 😭

1 repositories - 192 transactions - Balance: 4893.19 USD

Owner: jaredpalmer


A community-driven vim distribution

1 repositories - 192 transactions - Balance: 120.76 USD

Owner: wsdjeg


The Lightweight PHP Database Framework to Accelerate Development

1 repositories - 188 transactions - Balance: 297.74 USD

Owner: catfan


Automated driver management and other helper features for Selenium WebDriver in Java

1 repositories - 184 transactions - Balance: 78.73 USD

Owner: bonigarcia


We are here to provide a better Python GUI toolkit

1 repositories - 183 transactions - Balance: 232.56 USD

Owner: hoffstadt

Easy Peasy

Vegetarian friendly state for React

1 repositories - 183 transactions - Balance: 1351.64 USD

Owner: ctrlplusb

Insurgo Initiative

Non-profit initiative to promote open source development with a focus towards security and privacy.

49 repositories - 183 transactions - Balance: 307.27 USD

Owner: tlaurion


{UAParser.js} is a JavaScript library to detect user's Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model. Runs either in browser (client-side) or node.js (server-side).

1 repositories - 182 transactions - Balance: 63.43 USD

Owner: faisalman


📹 Data-driven render automation for After Effects

1 repositories - 182 transactions - Balance: 2248.04 USD

Owner: inlife

My Tested ASP.NET

Fluent testing library for ASP.NET Core MVC.

1 repositories - 179 transactions - Balance: 54.0 USD

Owner: ivaylokenov

Open STT and Silero Models

Russian open STT dataset and Silero Models

1 repositories - 173 transactions - Balance: 266.27 USD

Owner: snakers4


Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects.

1 repositories - 173 transactions - Balance: 51.53 USD

Owner: motdotla


🍰 使用 RSS 连接全世界

1 repositories - 172 transactions - Balance: 172.57 USD

Owner: DIYgod


Help build an open-source comment system

1 repositories - 170 transactions - Balance: 261.39 USD

Owner: djyde


Building the PHPStan Drupal extension

1 repositories - 169 transactions - Balance: 109.52 USD

Owner: mglaman

Tabby Terminal

A terminal for a more modern age

1 repositories - 163 transactions - Balance: 441.8 USD

Owner: Eugeny


The smallest, fastest, most feature complete Tailwind-in-JS solution in existence.

56 repositories - 157 transactions - Balance: 1138.73 USD

Owner: AStan


Support telega.el development

1 repositories - 154 transactions - Balance: 296.56 USD

Owner: zevlg


An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence

1 repositories - 154 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: olistic


The Swagger/OpenAPI toolchain for .NET, Web API and TypeScript.

1 repositories - 153 transactions - Balance: 5637.78 USD

Owner: RicoSuter


React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data

1 repositories - 146 transactions - Balance: 4313.51 USD

Owner: bvaughn


A JavaScript image gallery

18 repositories - 143 transactions - Balance: 516.54 USD

Owner: dimsemenov


Support hardkoded projects such as Puppeteer-Sharp and Playwright-Sharp

84 repositories - 141 transactions - Balance: 2.94 USD

Owner: kblok


The app analyses customer-executive call and generates a feedback report using sentiment analysis.

1 repositories - 141 transactions - Balance: 10.97 USD

Owner: itsnitish22


Notistack is a notification library which makes it extremely easy to display notifications on your web apps.

1 repositories - 136 transactions - Balance: 170.55 USD

Owner: iamhosseindhv

IntelliJ Translation Plugin

🔌Translation plugin for IntelliJ based IDEs

1 repositories - 132 transactions - Balance: 309.64 USD

Owner: YiiGuxing

Jira CLI

Feature-rich interactive Jira command line.

1 repositories - 130 transactions - Balance: 400.36 USD

Owner: ankitpokhrel


🥜 goober, a less than 1KB 🎉css-in-js alternative with a familiar API

1 repositories - 128 transactions - Balance: 332.9 USD

Owner: cristianbote


Incoming webhook server to execute shell commands

1 repositories - 123 transactions - Balance: 15.14 USD

Owner: adnanh


We are on a mission to develop and maintain the website.

1 repositories - 118 transactions - Balance: 30.19 USD

Owner: jingweno


🧰 Collection of essential Vue Composition API utils works for Vue 2.x and 3.x

2 repositories - 114 transactions - Balance: 292.41 USD

Owner: antfu


A package to build progressive web apps (PWA) with Go programming language and WebAssembly.

1 repositories - 113 transactions - Balance: 2059.82 USD

Owner: maxence-charriere


Don't donate anymore. Our project has been terminated

1 repositories - 113 transactions - Balance: 4.1 USD

Owner: zhupingqi


Save space by quickly and losslessly trimming video and audio files

1 repositories - 111 transactions - Balance: 612.73 USD

Owner: mifi


A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.

1 repositories - 111 transactions - Balance: 388.86 USD

Owner: sobolevn

Tech Interview Handbook

Curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers

1 repositories - 107 transactions - Balance: 1059.49 USD

Owner: yangshun

Property Web Builder

The leading open source real estate website builder

1 repositories - 106 transactions - Balance: 434.52 USD

Owner: etewiah

Infrastructure as code generator - from visual diagrams created with to Terraform

1 repositories - 105 transactions - Balance: 377.16 USD

Owner: antonbabenko


🐋 Awesome TTRSS, a powerful Dockerised all-in-one RSS solution.

1 repositories - 101 transactions - Balance: 1.8 USD

Owner: HenryQW

Chameleon Ultra GUI

The donations to this collective allow us to fund the development and keep this app free for everyone

1 repositories - 101 transactions - Balance: 142.93 USD

Owner: GameTec-live

Vitaly Puzrin

Open source developer

13 repositories - 100 transactions - Balance: 305.37 USD

Owner: puzrin


Making it possible to use raw SQL in TypeScript with guaranteed type-safety.

16 repositories - 99 transactions - Balance: 929.46 USD

Owner: adelsz


SimpleXLSX, SimpleXLS, SImpleXLSXGen, SimpleCSV - read and write MS Excel files

14 repositories - 98 transactions - Balance: 592.37 USD

Owner: shuchkin


Improve the Lark toolkit and its surrounding utilities

64 repositories - 98 transactions - Balance: 10069.28 USD

Owner: erezh

Bot Whatsapp

Este proyecto consiste en un bot de WhatsApp que ayuda a los pequeños comercios a impulsar sus ventas. El bot está disponible como código abierto y es fácil de configurar y utilizar. Además, puede conectarse a otras herramientas como Dialogflow, MySQL

1 repositories - 98 transactions - Balance: 258.54 USD

Owner: leifermendez


Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

1 repositories - 97 transactions - Balance: 68.4 USD

Owner: r0x0r

vscode format extension

the shellscript、Dockerfile、properties ...... format extension

1 repositories - 97 transactions - Balance: 75.55 USD

Owner: foxundermoon

React Native Debugger

The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevTools.

1 repositories - 96 transactions - Balance: 202.61 USD

Owner: jhen0409


Build accessible & themeable React applications with your Bumbag.

1 repositories - 95 transactions - Balance: 16.45 USD

Owner: jxom


We're not on a mission. We're just opening the door to voluntary donations. No pressure! Thanks :)

1 repositories - 94 transactions - Balance: 17.77 USD

Owner: OJ


We are on mission to build robust and quality navigation framework with easy and stable API.

1 repositories - 93 transactions - Balance: 166.68 USD

Owner: aksonov

PHP Standard Library

Creating a a modern, consistent, centralized, well-typed set of APIs for PHP programmers.

1 repositories - 93 transactions - Balance: 21.38 USD

Owner: azjezz


We are on a mission to create best carousel component in reactjs

1 repositories - 92 transactions - Balance: 296.74 USD

Owner: akiran


Provide a flexible admin interface for phoenix applications

1 repositories - 92 transactions - Balance: 259.73 USD

Owner: aesmail


A Workflow Engine for Offensive Security

1 repositories - 85 transactions - Balance: 69.97 USD

Owner: j3ssie


A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code

1 repositories - 84 transactions - Balance: 2345.77 USD

Owner: nicklockwood


sqlite3 driver for go using database/sql

1 repositories - 84 transactions - Balance: 243.78 USD

Owner: mattn


Fast image resize microservice made simple.

1 repositories - 82 transactions - Balance: 350.96 USD

Owner: h2non


EBook Management

1 repositories - 81 transactions - Balance: 198.45 USD

Owner: oguzhaninan


The easiest way to generate custom Apple Wallet passes in Node.js

1 repositories - 81 transactions - Balance: 918.44 USD

Owner: alexandercerutti


An open source maintainer and developer. Founder of and

145 repositories - 81 transactions - Balance: 20.76 USD

Owner: cheton


CASL is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access

1 repositories - 79 transactions - Balance: 905.21 USD

Owner: stalniy


WebPd is a compiler for audio programming language Pure Data allowing to run .pd patches on web pages.

1 repositories - 78 transactions - Balance: 156.83 USD

Owner: sebpiq

Code Surfer

Rad Code Slides <🏄/>

1 repositories - 78 transactions - Balance: 516.76 USD

Owner: pomber


Write gorgeous documentations for your products using Markdown inside your Laravel app.

1 repositories - 76 transactions - Balance: 0.53 USD

Owner: saleem-hadad


Copy/paste detector for programming source code, supports 150+ formats.

1 repositories - 76 transactions - Balance: 371.42 USD

Owner: kucherenko

React MD

An accessible React component library built from the Material Design guidelines in Sass

36 repositories - 74 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: mlaursen


Making diagramming simple, easy and portable

104 repositories - 74 transactions - Balance: 208.16 USD

Owner: ivanceras


Readline is a pure go(golang) implementation for GNU-Readline kind library

1 repositories - 73 transactions - Balance: 874.54 USD

Owner: chzyer


a featureful union filesystem

1 repositories - 69 transactions - Balance: 4.98 USD

Owner: trapexit


Developing cross platform open source CAD software that runs in the web browser

1 repositories - 69 transactions - Balance: 553.75 USD

Owner: xibyte


A plugin for C-family code completion for Sublime Text

1 repositories - 69 transactions - Balance: 15.69 USD

Owner: niosus


Collection of useful widgets for Yii Framework 2.0

1 repositories - 69 transactions - Balance: 364.99 USD

Owner: kartik-v

Front Matter CMS

Headless CMS right in Visual Studio Code

1 repositories - 68 transactions - Balance: 401.66 USD

Owner: estruyf


JUnit 5 extension for Selenium WebDriver

1 repositories - 68 transactions - Balance: 0.4 USD

Owner: bonigarcia


Providing alternative way to run windows only application on VM which keeping a tight integration between host and guest !

16 repositories - 67 transactions - Balance: 148.72 USD

Owner: casualsnek


On a mission to move the Web forward keeping an eye to older devices.

1 repositories - 67 transactions - Balance: 208.0 USD

Owner: WebReflection


Database Subsetting and Relational Data Browsing Tool.

1 repositories - 66 transactions - Balance: 25.26 USD

Owner: Wisser

GLab [Archived]

Archived: An open-source GitLab command line tool bringing GitLab's cool features to your command line

1 repositories - 66 transactions - Balance: 33.02 USD

Owner: profclems

Vadim Demedes

Making Ink and other open-source projects

190 repositories - 66 transactions - Balance: 68.74 USD

Owner: vadimdemedes


Helping you to spend time with the people you care about. Introvert-tested. Extrovert-approved.

1 repositories - 66 transactions - Balance: 13.61 USD

Owner: JacobEvelyn

Beer CSS

Build material design interfaces in record time... without stress for devs... 🍺💛

1 repositories - 66 transactions - Balance: 276.49 USD

Owner: beercss


We are on a mission to help you easily create animations on landing pages

1 repositories - 65 transactions - Balance: 56.54 USD

Owner: crazychicken

Database Consistency

Make the database constraints consistent with application validations.

1 repositories - 65 transactions - Balance: 6157.46 USD

Owner: djezzzl


:hammer: A modern multiple reverse shell sessions manager written in go

1 repositories - 64 transactions - Balance: 117.68 USD

Owner: WangYihang


An open-source starter kit to help you build full-stack multi-tenant SaaS platforms efficiently and help you focus on developing your core SaaS features.

30 repositories - 63 transactions - Balance: 259.26 USD

Owner: arjayosma


Join googlecl-dev chat here 👉🏻

1 repositories - 63 transactions - Balance: 17.81 USD

Owner: vinitkumar


Make a better forge+bukkit server program

64 repositories - 62 transactions - Balance: 130.13 USD

Owner: MohitMC

Ant Design Blazor

An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor.

1 repositories - 61 transactions - Balance: 198.72 USD

Owner: ElderJames


Plugin for IntelliJ based IDEs to open files and commits on a remote Git repository straight from the IDE.

1 repositories - 61 transactions - Balance: 21.89 USD

Owner: ben-gibson


Developing jrsonnet and related projects

228 repositories - 60 transactions - Balance: 235.79 USD

Owner: CertainLach


Continue to bring a great editor to the react community

1 repositories - 59 transactions - Balance: 104.6 USD

Owner: securingsincity

Easy Localization

Easy and Fast internationalizing your Flutter Apps

1 repositories - 58 transactions - Balance: 21.41 USD

Owner: aissat


Planby is a component for a quick implementation of Schedules, Timelines, Electronic Program Guide, live streaming, music events and many more ideas

1 repositories - 57 transactions - Balance: 11.49 USD

Owner: karolkozer


wukong-robot is a simple, flexible and elegant chatting robot & AI speaker for Chinese Users.

1 repositories - 56 transactions - Balance: 3.77 USD

Owner: wzpan


Making coding productive in vim and neovim via LSP

1 repositories - 55 transactions - Balance: 775.15 USD

Owner: prabirshrestha


Unlocking Effortless Image Selection, Cropping, and Compression in React Native

1 repositories - 54 transactions - Balance: 45.66 USD

Owner: ivpusic


A GraphQL client without queries ✨

1 repositories - 54 transactions - Balance: -2.92 USD

Owner: samdenty


Open-source project for building the genetic algorithm & training machine learning models.

1 repositories - 53 transactions - Balance: 17.09 USD

Owner: ahmedfgad

AuthCrunch aka Caddy Security

🔐 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) App and Plugin for Caddy v2. 💎 Implements Local, LDAP, OIDC, OAuth 2.0, SAML Authentication.

190 repositories - 53 transactions - Balance: 1014.66 USD

Owner: greenpau


vanilla javascript input mask

1 repositories - 53 transactions - Balance: 77.79 USD

Owner: uNmAnNeR


Pure javscript based WYSIWYG web editor, with no dependencies

1 repositories - 51 transactions - Balance: 144.39 USD

Owner: JiHong88

Plex Utills

Creates open source software for media management

22 repositories - 51 transactions - Balance: 26.32 USD

Owner: jkirkcaldy

Whatsapp For Linux

An unofficial WhatsApp desktop application for Linux.

1 repositories - 49 transactions - Balance: 5.55 USD

Owner: eneshecan

Dcat Admin


71 repositories - 49 transactions - Balance: 156.55 USD

Owner: jqhph

Tango ADB

Control Android devices from Web Browsers

1 repositories - 49 transactions - Balance: 10.36 USD

Owner: yume-chan


:ramen: A tasty Haskell front-end framework

2 repositories - 47 transactions - Balance: 194.23 USD

Owner: dmjio

WPACK.IO - Webpack dev server for WordPress

💥🔥📦👩‍💻 An easy to use, pre configured, hackable webpack setup & development server for WordPress themes and plugins.

1 repositories - 47 transactions - Balance: 88.6 USD

Owner: swashata


Developer tool to help with learning, designing and documenting a codebase by putting breadcrumbs in source code

1 repositories - 46 transactions - Balance: 525.39 USD

Owner: Bogdan-Lyashenko


A web client for FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Git, S3, Minio, LDAP, Caldav, Carddav, Mysql, Backblaze

1 repositories - 46 transactions - Balance: 7.09 USD

Owner: mickael-kerjean


Making Tiling Window Management easy. On KDE Plasma.

5 repositories - 46 transactions - Balance: 242.01 USD

Owner: bismuth



1 repositories - 46 transactions - Balance: 178.35 USD

Owner: MustangYM

Express Cassandra

Helping node.js developers to work efficiently with cassandra and scylladb databases

1 repositories - 45 transactions - Balance: 1.11 USD

Owner: masumsoft


P2P Communication for NodeJS apps (WebRTC)

1 repositories - 44 transactions - Balance: 199.77 USD

Owner: murat-dogan


HTML parsing/serialization toolset for Node.js. WHATWG HTML Living Standard (aka HTML5)-compliant.

1 repositories - 44 transactions - Balance: 134.4 USD

Owner: inikulin


Maintain the Nokogiri ruby library, which makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML, and has become a critical library for many Ruby applications.

173 repositories - 43 transactions - Balance: 2140.42 USD

Owner: flavorjones


Collection of tools for making Angular apps development easier. Adding support for external solutions which will make your app more robust!

1 repositories - 43 transactions - Balance: 163.4 USD

Owner: maciejtreder


🐛🔨 Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScript

1 repositories - 42 transactions - Balance: 37.08 USD

Owner: dubzzz


A high-level Android interface to Camera APIs.

1 repositories - 42 transactions - Balance: -2.47 USD

Owner: natario1


Support Ventoy development

22 repositories - 42 transactions - Balance: 56.75 USD

Owner: ventoy


A simple, sortable, and flexible table library

1 repositories - 42 transactions - Balance: 264.32 USD

Owner: jbetancur


Sourcery is a code generator for Swift language that extends it by enabling meta programming, used in over 40 000 applications.

43 repositories - 41 transactions - Balance: 2088.23 USD

Owner: krzysztofzablocki


A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"

1 repositories - 40 transactions - Balance: 341.61 USD

Owner: t4t5

React Google Maps Api

Maintenance of open source repository

31 repositories - 39 transactions - Balance: 283.3 USD

Owner: JustFly1984


Super-fast Runtime type checker and `JSON.stringify()` functions, with only one line.

1 repositories - 38 transactions - Balance: 477.07 USD

Owner: samchon


Open source PostgreSQL GUI client for macOS, Linux and Windows

1 repositories - 38 transactions - Balance: 74.47 USD

Owner: Paxa

Tidal Media Downloader

Download 'TIDAL' Music On Windows/Linux/MacOs

1 repositories - 37 transactions - Balance: 65.04 USD

Owner: yaronzz


Fund the continued development of Razzle!

1 repositories - 37 transactions - Balance: 86.36 USD

Owner: jaredpalmer


Making Deskreen even better | Deskreen is an opensource desktop app that turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer

1 repositories - 36 transactions - Balance: 12.63 USD

Owner: pavlobu


Rust crate providing cross-platform information about batteries.

1 repositories - 36 transactions - Balance: 120.0 USD

Owner: svartalf


We are on a mission to develop and maintain the best typed infinite scroll component for Angular

1 repositories - 36 transactions - Balance: 197.14 USD

Owner: orizens

XRAPH Projects

All contributions goes to NGO for children. I open-source to feed children. Help me support people in need

141 repositories - 36 transactions - Balance: 13.45 USD

Owner: juicycleff


The most lightweight, customizable React markdown component.

1 repositories - 36 transactions - Balance: 35.29 USD

Owner: quantizor


Making state-of-the-art open source 5G softwares.

1 repositories - 35 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: aligungr


OSS contributor, software developer, and architect. Opinions are my own.

1 repositories - 35 transactions - Balance: 156.75 USD

Owner: thangchung


💬Git add, commit, push with conventional-changelog and gitmoji.

1 repositories - 35 transactions - Balance: 57.09 USD

Owner: vivaxy


A lightweight framework to sync Realm Database with CloudKit

1 repositories - 33 transactions - Balance: 11.38 USD

Owner: caiyue1993


We're on a mission to make Linting in Atom a seamless experience

1 repositories - 32 transactions - Balance: -50.05 USD

Owner: steelbrain


:pill: Fixtures loader for typeorm

2 repositories - 32 transactions - Balance: 117.21 USD

Owner: RobinCK


Build dynamic Sql Queries, for beautiful reports and dashboards

115 repositories - 31 transactions - Balance: 369.21 USD

Owner: ahmad-moussawi


The fastest and smallest (S)CSS parsing and preprocessing library written in JavaScript.

15 repositories - 30 transactions - Balance: 397.8 USD

Owner: thysultan


Babble is a simple, flexible open source chat solution for your Discourse forum

1 repositories - 30 transactions - Balance: 37.21 USD

Owner: gdpelican

Another Redis Desktop Manager

A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager, compatible with Linux, windows, mac. What's more, it won't crash when loading massive keys.

1 repositories - 30 transactions - Balance: 37.0 USD

Owner: qishibo


RHash development

1 repositories - 28 transactions - Balance: 181.84 USD

Owner: rhash


User-friendly query builder library for React

1 repositories - 28 transactions - Balance: 33.02 USD

Owner: ukrbublik


We are on a mission to create the simplest authentication solution for AngularJS applications.

1 repositories - 27 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: sahat


The official repository for MonoTorrent, a bittorrent library for .NET

1 repositories - 27 transactions - Balance: 382.78 USD

Owner: alanmcgovern

Loadable Components

React code splitting made easy ✂️✨- Recommended by React team

1 repositories - 27 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: gregberge


Platform for social science research

1 repositories - 27 transactions - Balance: 92.76 USD

Owner: oTree-org


Making reactive spreadsheet for Angular, React, Svelte and Vue

1 repositories - 26 transactions - Balance: 2.16 USD

Owner: revolist


Real Time Bidding (RTB)

1 repositories - 26 transactions - Balance: 75.0 USD

Owner: venediktov


Simple arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic in JavaScript.

1 repositories - 26 transactions - Balance: 5.75 USD

Owner: MikeMcl


Sponsor Javet development and maintenance

27 repositories - 25 transactions - Balance: 6588.16 USD

Owner: caoccao


Enhanced GridView with various utilities for Yii Framework 2.0

1 repositories - 25 transactions - Balance: 7.75 USD

Owner: kartik-v

The Dupe Honeypot

The Dupe is a free, multi-platform, low-interaction network honeypot. This network intrusion detection software is easy to setup, you can have your running decoy system in less than 15 minutes.

1 repositories - 24 transactions - Balance: 33.2 USD

Owner: BV5Tl0N


Create a decentralized encrypted realtime web!

1 repositories - 24 transactions - Balance: 84.61 USD

Owner: amark

500+ CSS Icons. Customizable, Retina Ready with API & NPM

1 repositories - 24 transactions - Balance: 35.49 USD

Owner: astrit

Vite Ruby

Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience

1 repositories - 24 transactions - Balance: 1102.49 USD

Owner: ElMassimo


An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework

65 repositories - 23 transactions - Balance: 124.24 USD

Owner: walkor


A React components library with Win95 UI

80 repositories - 23 transactions - Balance: 45.41 USD

Owner: ggdaltoso


Reactive Mobx Form State Management

15 repositories - 23 transactions - Balance: 425.85 USD

Owner: foxhound87


📽 Optimized OpenGL/Graphics Math for C

1 repositories - 22 transactions - Balance: 78.12 USD

Owner: recp


Best WhatsApp web experience on Linux Desktop

1 repositories - 22 transactions - Balance: 175.3 USD

Owner: keshavbhatt


Open source CMS with advanced page builder and ecommerce.

1 repositories - 22 transactions - Balance: 18.19 USD

Owner: givanz

Kevin R. Whitley

Open-sourcer, creating tiny, readable code to help you your code get tinier... and more readable.

120 repositories - 22 transactions - Balance: 49.32 USD

Owner: kwhitley


We are on a mission to make web typography beautiful

1 repositories - 21 transactions - Balance: 54.4 USD

Owner: KyleAMathews

Simply free theme for Ghost

Simply beautiful theme for Ghost is carefully designed and developed to give you the user-friendly best experience while offering a huge variety of pages and post formats.

1 repositories - 21 transactions - Balance: 0.88 USD

Owner: godofredoninja


Datatable for React based on material-ui's table with additional features

1 repositories - 21 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: mbrn


High Quality web friendly icons

1 repositories - 21 transactions - Balance: 40.84 USD

Owner: atisawd

Git History

Modern, fast and intuitive tool for browsing the history and files in any git repository

1 repositories - 21 transactions - Balance: 249.99 USD

Owner: pomber

slideshowp2's blog

Personal Blog - 博客 | 编程技术,软件,生活

1 repositories - 21 transactions - Balance: 0.11 USD

Owner: mrdulin


🚀 A pure PHP server and client for the tus resumable upload protocol v1.0.0

18 repositories - 20 transactions - Balance: 0.83 USD

Owner: ankitpokhrel


Ultimate calendar for your React app.

1 repositories - 20 transactions - Balance: 0.18 USD

Owner: wojtekmaj


To create the best iOS calendar Library on Github

1 repositories - 20 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: patchthecode

Better Go Playground

Better Go Playground powered by React and Monaco editor

1 repositories - 20 transactions - Balance: 14.18 USD

Owner: x1unix


Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring -

1 repositories - 20 transactions - Balance: 73.29 USD

Owner: oguzhaninan


Self hosted note taking app stored on S3

59 repositories - 19 transactions - Balance: 3.98 USD

Owner: QingWei-Li

Countries States Cities Database

Making database more stronger

46 repositories - 19 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: dr5hn

Free Dictionary API

Making the world a better place

17 repositories - 19 transactions - Balance: 36.26 USD

Owner: meetDeveloper


Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by Laravel & VueJS

1 repositories - 19 transactions - Balance: 96.9 USD

Owner: Hasnayeen


LinkAce is your selfhosted bookmark archive with a simple interface, but advanced features.

1 repositories - 19 transactions - Balance: 192.87 USD

Owner: Kovah


A free and open source anti-malware for android using machine learning

2 repositories - 19 transactions - Balance: 55.3 USD

Owner: projectmatris

React course for beginners to support Ukraine

Educating people who want to find a job as a React Developer

1 repositories - 18 transactions - Balance: 50.46 USD

Owner: Drag13


Simplify/Standardize Firebase + Redux Code

1 repositories - 18 transactions - Balance: 231.04 USD

Owner: prescottprue


Toybox provides common Linux command line utilities together in a single BSD-licensed executable that's simple, small, fast, and reasonably standards-compliant.

1 repositories - 18 transactions - Balance: 8301.03 USD

Owner: landley

Protocol Buffers for Typescript

Creating better tooling around gRPC and Protocol Buffers for Web, NodeJS and TypeScript ecosystem.

89 repositories - 18 transactions - Balance: 1264.55 USD

Owner: thesayyn

Razon Yang's FOSS

Creating and mataining free and open source softwares for web developement, such as themes and static websites.

247 repositories - 18 transactions - Balance: 98.54 USD

Owner: razonyang


A free platform/course for beginners to learn programming in Python

1 repositories - 18 transactions - Balance: 113.82 USD

Owner: alexmojaki


Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player

1 repositories - 17 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: DIYgod


Wow, such a beautiful HTML5 music player

1 repositories - 17 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: DIYgod


We are on a mission to improve Open Source JavaScript orthodox web file manager.

1 repositories - 17 transactions - Balance: 4.95 USD

Owner: coderaiser

VSCode Conventional Commits

💬Conventional Commits for VSCode.

1 repositories - 17 transactions - Balance: 31.5 USD

Owner: vivaxy

i Hate Regex

The code for 😈 - a regex cheatsheet for the haters

1 repositories - 17 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: geongeorge


Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers.

1 repositories - 17 transactions - Balance: 5.7 USD

Owner: buckket


RoboStack tightly couples ROS with Conda, a cross-platform, language-agnostic package manager.

37 repositories - 16 transactions - Balance: 676.66 USD

Owner: Robotack

SSH Action

GitHub Actions for executing remote ssh commands.

1 repositories - 16 transactions - Balance: 32.11 USD

Owner: appleboy


A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player

1 repositories - 16 transactions - Balance: 31.48 USD

Owner: sampotts

React Design Editor

React Design Editor has started to develope direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs,, fabricjs

1 repositories - 15 transactions - Balance: 299.04 USD

Owner: salgum1114

IntellIJ Elixir

Elixir plugin for JetBrain's IntelliJ Platform (including Rubymine)

1 repositories - 15 transactions - Balance: 185.06 USD

Owner: KronicDeth

ASP.NET Core Developer Roadmap

Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2023

1 repositories - 15 transactions - Balance: 3.45 USD

Owner: MoienTajik


Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python

1 repositories - 15 transactions - Balance: 200.28 USD

Owner: giampaolo



1 repositories - 14 transactions - Balance: 127.67 USD

Owner: sivan


Unofficial iRobot Roomba and Braava (i7/i7+, 980, 960, 900, e5, 690, 675, m6, etc) node.js library (SDK) to control your robot

1 repositories - 14 transactions - Balance: 58.2 USD

Owner: koalazak


Pure FTP server

1 repositories - 14 transactions - Balance: 29.76 USD

Owner: jedisct1


World-first productivity-oriented color scheme for everyone. Available on IntelliJ IDEA and VSCode plugin store.

1 repositories - 14 transactions - Balance: 26.38 USD

Owner: gaplo917

plgd Cloud

Unlocks the massive opportinuty in the Internet of Things

22 repositories - 13 transactions - Balance: 299.24 USD

Owner: ondrejtomcik

JavaScript Enhancements sublime text 3 plugin

JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3. It offers not only a smart javascript autocomplete but also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects.

1 repositories - 13 transactions - Balance: 33.96 USD

Owner: pichillilorenzo


A small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS.

1 repositories - 13 transactions - Balance: 14.39 USD

Owner: lc-soft


We are on a mission to bring the web into the future by making use of modern multicore processors

1 repositories - 13 transactions - Balance: 0.84 USD

Owner: austinksmith


A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.

1 repositories - 13 transactions - Balance: 283.57 USD

Owner: trimstray


Systems Password Manager

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 755.52 USD

Owner: nuxsmin


React notification made easy 🚀 !

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 83.48 USD

Owner: fkhadra


Empower shader development by providing a unified ecosystem to write code for the GPU and CPU.

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 48.6 USD

Owner: MaikKlein


We are on a mission to Maintain and develop `sexy-bash-prompt`

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 17.04 USD

Owner: twolfson

Encrypt and Decrypt files securely in your browser.

3 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 10.93 USD

Owner: sh-dv


A web-based JavaScript(canvas) spreadsheet

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 17.21 USD

Owner: myliang


fully functional, ridiculously fast web gl renderer plugin for leaflet

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: robertleeplummerjr

Lightweight, Programmable, TLS interceptor Proxy for HTTP(S), HTTP2, WebSockets protocols in a single Python file

1 repositories - 12 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: abhinavsingh

Remix PWA

Helping to improve the future of the web with Remix and PWA!

98 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 2.24 USD

Owner: ShafSpecs


use Nordic Semiconductor nRF5x chips with the Arduino IDE

1 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 191.85 USD

Owner: sandeepmistry

Bodymovin Extension

An extension to export lottie files from After Effects

25 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 4519.98 USD

Owner: bodymovin


We want to help you write bots that can speak - expressive human - without the hassle !

1 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 3.98 USD

Owner: turbopape


:file_folder: Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key. (Windows)

1 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 4.5 USD

Owner: stefansundin


Improve plugin, make code clean, fix bugs

186 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: mervick


Constantly improving speed of visual regression!

136 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 85.81 USD

Owner: dmtrKovalenko


Help web products to improve web performance by starting measuring Real User Metrics.

1 repositories - 11 transactions - Balance: 21.47 USD

Owner: Zizzamia


A better workflow for building modern static websites.

1 repositories - 10 transactions - Balance: 3.63 USD

Owner: ericalli

RTKLIB - demo5

Maintain the demo5 version of RTKLIB open source software

1 repositories - 10 transactions - Balance: -0.39 USD

Owner: rtklibexplorer


Our main goal is to create better / useful AI chatbot as a service.

1 repositories - 10 transactions - Balance: 7.49 USD

Owner: cagataycali


Brings geospatial operations to JavaScript

1 repositories - 10 transactions - Balance: 94.02 USD

Owner: bjornharrtell


Making web development faster and more ergonomic

68 repositories - 10 transactions - Balance: 20.0 USD

Owner: ivanceras


We are mission to continue to updating the PhotoSlider latest.

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 16.0 USD

Owner: nakajijapan


We write software designed to make docker easier for selfhosting/small businesses to use.

74 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 74.82 USD

Owner: SelfhostedPro


VIM Table Mode for instant table creation.

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 24.9 USD

Owner: dhruvasagar


Search files without indexing, but clever crawling

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: yatima1460


We want to accept sponsorship from companies and individuals so that we can pay contributors.

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 524.95 USD

Owner: lynndylanhurley

Portable ASCII

Portable ASCII library - performance optimized (ascii) string functions for php.

354 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 7.52 USD

Owner: voku


The tinies and fastest color picker component for React and Preact apps

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 70.62 USD

Owner: omgovich

Angular Custom Scrollbar

Custom overlay-scrollbars with native scrolling mechanism

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 85.45 USD

Owner: MurhafSousli


A date picker for your React app.

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 0.38 USD

Owner: wojtekmaj


Python utility to interact with VT

44 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 0.92 USD

Owner: doomedraven


A powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: kitze


Make bots in Java

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 5.57 USD

Owner: rampatra


Support the 10+ years ongoing maintenance of the MariaDB4j library!

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 2200.0 USD

Owner: vorburger


Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code

1 repositories - 9 transactions - Balance: 50.14 USD

Owner: Binaryify

Mongodb Memory Server

Spinning up mongod in memory for fast tests. If you run tests in parallel this lib helps to spin up dedicated mongodb servers for every test file in MacOS, *nix, Windows or CI environments (in most cases with zero-config).

0 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 245.92 USD

Owner: nodkz


The easiest configuration framework for .NET developers

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 3.02 USD

Owner: aloneguid


Scroll elements into view

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 58.93 USD

Owner: KoryNunn


Turn your API made with Django REST Framework(DRF) into a GraphQL like API.

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 16.2 USD

Owner: yezyilomo

Inure App Manager

An App Manager redefining the Android application interfaces with better UI and UX.

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 0.93 USD

Owner: Hamza417

React Cool Virtual

😎 ♻️ A tiny React hook for rendering large datasets like a breeze.

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 3.41 USD

Owner: wellyshen


Change how responsive websites, apps, and components are developed and tested

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: kitze


Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 26.17 USD

Owner: kmikiy


We are on a mission of making syncing data on iOS easy and simple

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 15.61 USD

Owner: 3lvis

WiFi Passview

It is an open-source batch script-based program that can recover your WiFi Password easily in seconds.

165 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: warengonzaga


A Fast and Memory-Efficient Web Server Extension Mechanism Using Scripting Language mruby for nginx

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 12.01 USD

Owner: matsumotory


Router for SPAs using Svelte 3

1 repositories - 8 transactions - Balance: 0.51 USD

Owner: ItalyPaleAle

Devlopr Jekyll

A Jekyll theme built for Developers

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 0.22 USD

Owner: sujaykundu777

Setup PHP

Setup PHP with required extensions, php.ini configuration, code-coverage support and various tools like composer in GitHub Actions.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 196.28 USD

Owner: shivammathur


🌐🐳 A high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: -0.34 USD

Owner: panjf2000

Vue Functional Calendar

VueJS Functional Calendar | Component/Package

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: -2.57 USD

Owner: ManukMinasyan

Webpack Node Externals

Easily create Node apps with Webpack

105 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 86.8 USD

Owner: liady

Redlock PHP

Open Source

146 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 170.18 USD

Owner: ronnylt


Virtual scroll forever

32 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 1.23 USD

Owner: dhilt

Gratitude Overflow

Learn fullstack web development using PETAL - Phoenix, Elixir, Tailwind, Alpinejs and Liveview

138 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 4.05 USD

Owner: shankardevy


We are on a mission to promote 12-factor pattern into Django projects

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 686.25 USD

Owner: joke2k


Our gold is developing the best mobile UI components!

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 0.01 USD

Owner: airyland


Mr.2 can help you expose local server to external network. Support both TCP/UDP, of course support HTTP.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 0.52 USD

Owner: txthinking


JsStore is an IndexedDB Wrapper. It makes IndexedDB super easy with its SQL like apis.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 71.64 USD

Owner: ujjwalguptaofficial



1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 23.81 USD

Owner: yanyiwu


.Net port of the original java-based barcode reader and generator library zxing

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 31.84 USD

Owner: micjahn


Use FFMpeg encoders directly in Adobe Premiere, Media Encoder and After Effects.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 92.54 USD

Owner: Vouk


RiTa: tools for generative language

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: dhowe

Open Web Calendar

We work on open-source calendar solutions for the web and Python.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 2.82 USD

Owner: niccokunzmann


A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 16.81 USD

Owner: franciscolourenco


Lazy hydration of server-side rendered Vue.js components

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: -20.0 USD

Owner: maoberlehner

make your life easier

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 85.48 USD

Owner: udleinati


Connect your frontend directly to your MongoDb data, via graphql.

1 repositories - 7 transactions - Balance: 33.08 USD

Owner: remorses


Manage state with finesse

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 65.02 USD

Owner: josephg


🍭 Flat, simple, responsive and hackable Color-Picker library. No dependencies, no jQuery. Compatible with all CSS Frameworks e.g. Bootstrap, Materialize. Supports alpha channel, rgba, hsla, hsva and more!

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 3.98 USD

Owner: simonwep


Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor 🐧💻

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: orhun

COCO Annotator

create a fully feature web based image semantic tool for outsourcing or local annotation.

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 24.3 USD

Owner: jsbroks

Node gitignore Parser

Making me devote more spare time on open-source projects

447 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 157.04 USD

Owner: kaelzhang


We are on a mission to make UI development in Rails applications using Bootstrap easy and fun!

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 84.8 USD

Owner: seyhunak


Org-mode like task logging & time tracking in Vim

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 3.98 USD

Owner: dhruvasagar

Vite Electron Builder

Electron app boilerplate based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 5.12 USD

Owner: cawa-93


Android Screen Mirroring for free.

278 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 244.02 USD

Owner: srevinsaju


🎨 This Component lets you integrate p5 Sketches into your React App.

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 0.23 USD

Owner: Gherciu

Python Sorted Containers

Sorted Containers is an Apache2 licensed sorted collections library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extensions.

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 183.82 USD

Owner: grantjenks


We try to create the most configurable date picker out there

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 19.82 USD

Owner: vlio20


Reusable library for GPU-accelerated image/video processing primitives and shaders, as well a batteries-included, extensible, high-quality rendering pipeline (similar to mpv's vo_gpu). Supports Vulkan, OpenGL, Metal (via MoltenVK) and Direct3D 11.

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 113.41 USD

Owner: haasn


Let your audience know what handy shortcuts/keys you're pressing during screencasts, presentations, collaborations, or whenever you need it.

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 62.8 USD

Owner: mulaRahul

Web Shells

Providing some of the best web shells for web hacking!

40 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 4.05 USD

Owner: TheBinitGhimire


Simple, modern libpng alternative

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: randy408


Android localization plugin. supports multiple languages and multiple translators.

1 repositories - 6 transactions - Balance: 1.5 USD

Owner: Airsaid


IoTSharp is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management.

289 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 9.56 USD

Owner: maikebing


Bringing easy access to online bundling, minimization and compression.

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 175.05 USD

Owner: okikio

TRaSH Guides

TRaSH Guides, Guides that aren't trash. Here you will find Guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.

23 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 166.27 USD

Owner: TRaSH-


Light, fast, reactive UI library

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 100.0 USD

Owner: luwes

Jekyll Assets

Create, and manage assets better in Jekyll.

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: envygeeks


Ramda Adjunct is the most popular and most comprehensive set of utilities for use with Ramda, providing a variety of useful, well tested functions with excellent documentation.

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: char0n


A MySQL database connection pool based on MySQL protocol and Swoole.Swoole MySQL Proxy

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: louislivi

FastAPI Template

We help people build awesome projects

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: s3rius


A micro web server so fast, it'll make you dance! 👯‍♀️

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 16.15 USD

Owner: lukeed


A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 26.41 USD

Owner: vinta


Collaborative editing in any app

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: josephg


Making the world to a better place.

572 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 482.21 USD

Owner: appleboy


We are on mission to create handy cheatsheets

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.82 USD

Owner: skywind3000


A Python module for common interactive command line user interfaces

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 12.15 USD

Owner: CITGuru


A specification for better READMEs.

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: RichardLitt


🐜🐜🐜 A high-performance goroutine pool in Go, inspired by fasthttp.⚡️⚡️⚡️

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: panjf2000


Sync Settings will help you to keep your sublime settings synced among multiple devices.

1 repositories - 5 transactions - Balance: 3.25 USD

Owner: mfuentesg

Linux Wifi Hotspot

Making open source world better

114 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 47.43 USD

Owner: lakinduakash


a dataviz tool for golang developer which supports most framework

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 50.41 USD

Owner: chenhg5


We make it easier to give credit to those who contribute to science. Our webtool ( helps researchers track who did what in their research projects, and indicate it in outputs such as journal articles

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 5636.64 USD

Owner: marton-balazs-kovacs


🌀 A JS plugin to view images just like in Windows.

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 18.32 USD

Owner: nzbin


⟨Leibniz-Grassmann-Clifford⟩ differential geometric algebra / multivector simplicial complex

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: chakravala


Universal PWA Builder

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 20.53 USD

Owner: lukeed


Making this project goes well.

9 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 24.21 USD

Owner: XuanchenLin



1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 7.81 USD

Owner: realrashid


A Flutter widget for rendering static html as Flutter widgets (Will render over 70 different html tags!)

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 183.78 USD

Owner: Sub6Resources



1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 35.06 USD

Owner: hanchuanchuan

Django Phone Verify

Help you to verify phone numbers associated with an entity

133 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 139.35 USD

Owner: CuriousLearner


Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: edent


Help developers prepare their web fonts.

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 8.31 USD

Owner: matthewgonzalez


Small libraries for creating resizeable split views

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 147.17 USD

Owner: nathancahill

TailwindCSS Classnames

Functional and type-safe TailwindCSS Classnames and more using TypeScript.

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 5.18 USD

Owner: muhammadsammy


:tophat: simple, fun and transparent SSH (and telnet) bastion

1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 86.56 USD

Owner: moul



1 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 23.01 USD

Owner: saadq


Make network access unaware

23 repositories - 4 transactions - Balance: 11.92 USD

Owner: Dreamacro


Fully automated advanced web hacking framework for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning

31 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: r3curs1v3-pr0xy


A image/comic viewer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, it can show images very fast

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 54.79 USD

Owner: kanryu

EasyProfiler team

Lightweight profiler library for c++

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 25.07 USD

Owner: yse

Aiden Bai

Tiny library for tiny web apps.

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 232.76 USD

Owner: aidenybai


Lightweight, feature-rich front-end framework focused on the semantic, accessible, open web.

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: radogado


emmet for vim:

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 0.75 USD

Owner: mattn


We are on a mission to provide a better solution for cross platform music player

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 25.23 USD

Owner: EragonJ

Argon2 for Node.js

Node.js bindings for Argon2 hashing algorithm

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 100.0 USD

Owner: ranisalt


Mail server provision tool

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 1.43 USD

Owner: stdevPavelmc


A Magical Web Recorder

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 4.56 USD

Owner: oct16


A programming language for malayalees

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 56.17 USD

Owner: Sreyas-Sreelal

React Multi Carousel

Making the web a better place

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 12.26 USD



An interactive tool for visualizing a call graph of a Go program

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 16.62 USD

Owner: ondrajz


An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.

2 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 12.29 USD

Owner: kartik-v


We select important developments that we like to see done in various open source projects and fund them through opencollective. We also pays for infrastructure & other services to make this work possible (hosting, support cost, etc)

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: DmitryFrolovTri

JavaScript Color Picker

A simple color picker plugin written in pure JavaScript, for modern browsers.

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 34.04 USD

Owner: taufik-nurrohman


Django workflow library supports on the fly changes.

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 12.0 USD

Owner: javrasya


More than event-driven Android automation

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 12.24 USD

Owner: renyuneyun


📄The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Android

1 repositories - 3 transactions - Balance: 343.8 USD

Owner: tony19


Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: pahen

Zookeeper Docker

Docker "Official Image" for Apache Zookeeper

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 20.82 USD

Owner: 31z4


Help us on our mission to deliver the best day picker package for react!

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 16.81 USD

Owner: gpbl


WireMock.Net is a flexible library for stubbing and mocking web HTTP responses using request matching and response templating.

222 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 24.97 USD

Owner: StefH

RTL Styling 101

Helping developers learn how to write CSS for right to left layouts

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 16.82 USD

Owner: shadeed


TypeScript-STL (Standard Template Library, migrated from C++)

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: samchon

Github Profile Readme Generator

Generate github profile README easily with latest add-ons like visitors count, github stats, etc using minimal UI.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 3.84 USD

Owner: rahuldkjain

Measureland (Измерия)

Help people to find the best place to live based on criteria like air or water quality. Backed by the community.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: RomanistHere


Zero dependency library to provide some basic geo functions

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 20.9 USD

Owner: manuelbieh

Open Anniversary

Open Anniversary aims to provide an innovative and inclusive platform for the community to remember, celebrate, and reimagine the open source movement.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 1126.29 USD

Owner: nickvidal


🚀simpleui是一个django admin theme 主题 。基于element-ui+vue开发的主题,重写和优化90%以上的页面。 🍉如果喜欢记得给个🌟star哦

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: newpanjing


We are on a mission to create an easy and lightweight way, to show past time, in a sentance

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.05 USD

Owner: jimmiw

Ionic Selectable

Creating a versatile and highly customizable selection component that allows to search items, create items, customize the layout with templates and much more.

13 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: eakoriakin


SQL engine inside Google Sheet

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: Xuefeng-Zhu

Quantum Computing Collection Of Resources

One-Stop Destination To Learn Quantum Computing All the Way From Scratch To Quantum Machine Learning With Theory And Code Implementations.

97 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.57 USD

Owner: aryashah2k

Node Twitter

Twitter clone with node.js

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 8.0 USD

Owner: vinitkumar


Go Server/API boilerplate using best practices DDD CQRS ES gRPC

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 17.12 USD

Owner: vardius

Ninja Keys

<ninja-keys> adds a pop-up command palette to your app or site

35 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 16.92 USD

Owner: ssleptsov


A nice to have, MIT-licensed tool for using Cloudflare as a dynamic DNS provider.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.56 USD

Owner: siennathesane


Help others with a means of backing up the ever growing photos/videos on their mobile devices

13 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 122.55 USD

Owner: alextran1502


An Instagram-clone with my own flavors and features. Own the project with 5 simple steps!! 📸💝☢️

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.05 USD

Owner: yTakkar

Vue Tables 2

Vue.js 2 grid components

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 130.73 USD

Owner: matfish2


Free, open-source, and ad-free Electron application, written in JavaScript using React, that automatically downloads, names, and places subtitle files to match your video files.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 3.98 USD

Owner: gielcobben


Log exception details and custom properties that are not output in Exception.ToString().

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 28.31 USD

Owner: RehanSaeed


Android Library to pick images and videos

61 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 25.38 USD

Owner: akshay2211

Papercolor Theme

Continue improve the theme quality and additional features

63 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 3.76 USD

Owner: NLKNguyen


Rpisurv is a free application that transforms your Raspberry Pi into a dedicated device to display video streams or images.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 1.98 USD

Owner: SvenVD


💾 Storage abstractions with implementations for .NET/.NET Standard

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.8 USD

Owner: aloneguid


Youdao translate alfred workflow

28 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 17.68 USD

Owner: wensonsmith


Tool to generate a single bundle of dts

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 158.76 USD

Owner: timocov


Hello word :)

95 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 36.72 USD

Owner: zoghal

Event Sourcing in .NET Core

Example of Event Sourcing in .NET Core

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 25.43 USD

Owner: oskardudycz


Provide fast free globbing for all!

310 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 16.51 USD

Owner: dazinator


Smug is an open-source tmux session manager written in Go

2 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 16.92 USD

Owner: smug

Automatically generates assessments for Edtech from any content.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 305.76 USD

Owner: ramsrigouthamg


Management Activities Information Series

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: maximnl


An enhanced FileInput widget for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: kartik-v


python package for 3D geometry CAD, BIM

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 42.01 USD

Owner: tpaviot


a Mumble Music Bot

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 3.39 USD

Owner: azlux


Material Design Components in Pure CSS

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: finnhvman

Cloudmusic Vscode

Making the world a better place

59 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 23.1 USD

Owner: YXL76


High performance image processing made simple

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: cshum


🎉Presenting custom views as a popup in iOS.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 2.84 USD

Owner: JonyFang


Database CRUD application built on Electron

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 20.8 USD

Owner: garrylachman

Portable UTF-8

🉑 Portable UTF-8 library - performance optimized (unicode) string functions for php.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 33.94 USD

Owner: voku


Jira plugin for VsCode

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: -0.92 USD

Owner: gioboa

Visual Python

GUI-based Python code generator for data science.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: visualpython


Send User Alert Notification on Mac OS X from the command-line.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 16.82 USD

Owner: vjeantet


TerraForge3D is a Free And Opensource Procedural Terrain And Modelling Tool. This is a free alternative to paid softwares like Gaea or World Machine.

1 repositories - 2 transactions - Balance: 25.01 USD

Owner: Jaysmito101


:camera: Responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 23.51 USD

Owner: RobinCK


A geeky way to play videos in the terminal using ascii art

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 17.12 USD

Owner: joelibaceta


Prolyfill for CSS Container Queries

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 8.31 USD

Owner: ausi


Open source tool to retrieve backups from

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 17.12 USD

Owner: hartator

GitHub Trending API

:octocat: The missing APIs for GitHub trending projects and developers 📈

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: huchenme


Support Iris today.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 16.92 USD

Owner: kataras


jQuery printing plugin; print specific elements on a page

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: jasonday


Login page built with @flutter 😍

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 2.27 USD

Owner: huextrat

Vue Drag Resize

Vue Component for resize and drag elements

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 16.82 USD

Owner: kirillmurashov


How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things; @ssllabs A+ 100%, @mozilla A+ 120/100.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: trimstray

URLPattern Polyfill

Maintain the URLPattern polyfill

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 2000.0 USD

Owner: kenchris

Using Combine

A collection of notes, project pieces, playgrounds and ideas on learning and using SwiftUI and Combine

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 65.02 USD

Owner: heckj


Firebase Firestorm is an ORM for Firestore which can be used with Typescript.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 6.67 USD

Owner: lmcq


Keep a check on bundlesizes 📦

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 9000.0 USD

Owner: siddharthkp


Maintain useable repo

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 21.47 USD

Owner: truongsinh


Simple Forum Community

3 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 1.42 USD

Owner: yujiandong


SharpNEAT: Evolution of Neural Networks. A C# .NET Framework.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 85.8 USD

Owner: colgreen


Lint the browser compatibility of your code

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 65.02 USD

Owner: amilajack

Redux Requests

Declarative AJAX requests and automatic network state management for Redux

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 16.92 USD

Owner: klis87


Grasshopper plugin to display names above components

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: DanielAbalde

We are on a mission to help Android Developers!

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 43.25 USD

Owner: vbauer


A simple and easy-to-use pie-chart view for Android

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 43.25 USD

Owner: razerdp


add new features and ongoing maintenance for django rest framework extensions.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 4.05 USD

Owner: chibisov


A loader for webpack, rollup, babel that loads svg as a React Component

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 21.47 USD

Owner: boopathi


🐝Full Package | Simple | Fresh UI | Blog Template :: Let's start to blogging with gatsby-starter-bee!

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 42.75 USD

Owner: JaeYeopHan



1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 8.41 USD

Owner: komeiji-satori

React Cool Starter

😎 🐣 A starter boilerplate for a universal web app with the best development experience and a focus on performance and best practices.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 8.31 USD

Owner: wellyshen


We are on a mission to help us improve dev-workflow for building​ better WP plugins and themes.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 1.44 USD

Owner: ahmadawais


Go CGO cross compiler

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 50.0 USD

Owner: techknowlogick


:whale: VueJS popover component based popper.js

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: RobinCK


CryptoList is an open sourced list of great crytocurrency related apps, services, tools, resources.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 16.92 USD

Owner: coinpride


ASP.NET Core Detection service components for identifying details about client device, browser, engine, platform, & crawler.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 17.12 USD

Owner: wangkanai


1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 38.78 USD

Owner: artpolikarpov

Nginx Proxy Automation

Automate nginx-proxy installation

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 0.56 USD

Owner: evertramos


A library to export server/db data in various formats (e.g. excel, html, pdf, csv etc.)

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: kartik-v

We are on a mission to make working with docker from NodeJS to be as easy as possible

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 7.04 USD

Owner: mattapperson

Metro 4 Components Library

Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the first front-end component library in Metro Style.

1 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 0.56 USD

Owner: olton

Vue Tailwind

Tools that allow the developer to easily make beautiful user interfaces.

75 repositories - 1 transactions - Balance: 4.0 USD

Owner: alfonsobries


《Re:从零开始的异世界生活》web 版汉化

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: lyy289065406


Bringing sanity back to mocks and fakes

0 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 967.48 USD

Owner: ffMathy


We are mission on help hexo users to have a easier and better use of live2d technology.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: EYHN

Naive UI

Making a better Naive UI

114 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: 07akioni


Speed up Git developers workflow.

307 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: joseluisq

Github Readme Activity Graph

Hosting a server for graph

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 1.41 USD

Owner: Ashutosh00710


Beautiful Cloud Drive Markdown NoteBook Desktop App

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: IceEnd

USB Killer Detector

Detect USB Killer flash drivers and prevent damage to hardware.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: instantdevices


Support php-whois developing

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: io-developer


HTML to React parser.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: remarkablemark


List of awesome open source applications for macOS.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: serhii-londar

Azure Storage Explorer

Manage your Azure Storage blobs, tables, queues and file shares from this simple and intuitive web application.

95 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: sebagomez

Josep Sayol

Hi! I build maintain several popular open-source projects.

67 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: jsayol


a reliable high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Node.js.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.57 USD

Owner: zhuyingda


We are on a mission to decrease to startup cost of React.js applications.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: sokra


Create mock service without code

53 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: amitguptagwl


A modern Docker LAMP stack and MEAN stack for local development

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 607.6 USD

Owner: cytopia

Ngx Cookie Service

supporting Angular library for cookies

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: stevermeister

Search Deflector

Search Deflector is a small tool that redirects searches made from the Windows Start Menu or Cortana to whatever browser and search engine you prefer. No more Microsoft Edge and Bing!

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 4.17 USD

Owner: spikespaz

David Myers

Senior Software Engineer with a love for the craft | Building a personal knowledge base tool called Octo

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: -50.0 USD

Owner: davidmyersdev


Building the best trading platform

47 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: fintechee


✨당신의 멋진 블로그에 걸맞는 최고의 티스토리 스킨

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: pronist


Help me fund development time.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: envygeeks


We help build debian packages from java

66 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: tcurdt


We are on a mission to simplify the administration of docker images in a registry.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: kwk

Mind Elixir Core

Making the world a better place

187 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 42.5 USD

Owner: SSShooter


{ 고퀄리티 개발 컨텐츠 모음 }

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: Integerous


Cross-platform Beanstalk queue server console.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: xuri


Developing open source AAC (Automatic Account Creator)

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: slawkens


Easy to use movie animation in your app.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: noppefoxwolf


Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library

3 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: TarekRaafat


We develop AREG (Automated Realtime Event Grid) using C/C++ and relevant tools using C# and Java.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: aregtech


🎬 Scene.js is JavaScript & CSS timeline-based animation library

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 146.93 USD

Owner: daybrush



1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: Wscats


This service allows you to transform RSS feed into an awesome API.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: davidesantangelo


We are on a mission to make live2d technology easier and more powerful to use on a web page.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: xiazeyu


Open lib of well explained and minimalistic code solutions

14 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: nonunicorn


An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: eligrey

Shuzijun Open Source

Open source

18 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: shuzijun


1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: jianfengye


Making virtual reality accessible to all sections of societies in the world by way of developing low-cost, opensource, engineering solutions

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 7.68 USD

Owner: ShootingKing-AM

Scrawl Canvas

We help developers create great user experiences through responsive, interactive and more accessible HTML5 canvas elements.

9 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: KaliedaRik

PixelCraft: A Pixel Art Editor

A Pixel Art Editor

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: rgab1508

JavaScript F3H (Fetch)

Progressively enhanced JavaScript AJAX features for your existing web pages.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: taufik-nurrohman


Provide a reliable task queue library to developers

58 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 16.82 USD

Owner: hibiken


Lumi is an nano framework to convert your python functions into a REST API without any extra headache.

1 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: tanmoysrt


fund developers

50 repositories - 0 transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: adarsh-goel

Personal Product Management


1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: poohlaga

Knew Karma

A Reddit data analysis toolkit.

1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: rly0nheart


AIHawk (FOSS) is focused on building tools which makes job hunt easier, "helping job seekers land the jobs they deserve"

1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: feder-cr


Data Visualization Tools for OpenFootprint profiles, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) using the EPA's environmental impact indicators for Air, Water and Energy with a focus on UN Sustainability Goal timelines.

1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: ModelEarth

The Developers' Bakery

Support the production of the Developers' Bakery Podcast - A free podcast about open source software!

1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 0.0 USD

Owner: cortinico


Build LLM-powered applications in Java, Quarkus and Spring Boot. Chatbots, agents, RAG and much more!

1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 42.5 USD

Owner: langchain4j


An open source Node.js platform for building scalable ecommerce stores

1 repositories - transactions - Balance: 216.85 USD

Owner: evershopcommerce

Displaying 548 collectives, owned by a user instead of an organization.

Export as CSV