
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


Update install instructions and screens

0351f30999a7f34c8ebef0670da66f1ae8f324d8 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Move this to the doc-base RFC dir, PhD doesn't use any of this but fun to keep around for the history :]

c345924cd25cab1a04f6c735fd9f2d5d5762c646 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
remove empty dir

758148a64a723a7feb0899adebc7b7dd6a2cc572 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Move from the phd dir to the doc-base RFC dir

71ba0658bb9c70c57c5463e2716bc5e5fd1cd71c authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
the man pages need zlib

3103112d4c9325e7039bb46279f9fe972305756a authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
trunk is the "release branch" :P

7bba3fbabbf1d1f7b3549f2eb74bb8ce2bb1610e authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Bump copyrightyear

- no longer -beta

cc253d1258fa67882da15ec9d9f620a48b4c84a1 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Moved notes around

36fd961c1165d8169b62f0aa40000422afc47e11 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Ignore my ctags file

a1d335e22abb9e4fe344ed0c9c48ff8b77a20354 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Do not add trailing new lines when it is already printed in the $tag

- Add a space after the disc to make the following text more readable

321de61bb978d54b3bd8b970c9899223ab9fcb14 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Remove trimming and new line on every new text section

- Add new lines around macros that need it
- Add extra new line between table rows
- Add space af...

571872e52446344e205ed850cb92b9675bc69765 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Fix CS

889a8fca91906bda6965e39697b067afd90a981b authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Fixed bug#50666 (Missing entries in table)

# Fixes dozens of similar issues :]

3749a3b496cce7526316b54abbb3314659d1da0f authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Remove some strncmp()

- Fix CS

139b36a1fd3f4ce97d6edc191759858bc08b2d31 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Credited Paul M Jones with patch. Sorry Paul!

0588d238fc0dff3ffec86c49203b28371ce4a4a1 authored over 14 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Fixed #51514 - Added tr, th and td mappings

6296437c8756473a3cb4a5ff022691c466579f2b authored over 14 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Cut'n'paste error.

13e4b0bcecce53d806f2372ffe44abcdc83aca0f authored over 14 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Fixed my recent fail; s/Serbian/Persian

8adcef84d1b348ab39545113aafa11110077f733 authored over 14 years ago by Philip Olson <[email protected]>
Added the Serbian language for CHM builds

58d7474277c2b4445575a9ad99c6947f7f16c223 authored over 14 years ago by Philip Olson <[email protected]>
Re-enable coloured output on Windows, but not by default.

06fdb86ea9d43b748aa7fd6bc07f88c17e2ba28c authored over 14 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Added bug fix 51482

a68a196f56fbb7d8e6536e8adcc833aebb30bca4 authored over 14 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Fixing bug #51482 - PhD_IDE generates invalid XML

+ Added htmlspecialchars in the return of the readContents() function

c303ac011daf6b8638a2321533cf543b5a00f280 authored over 14 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Adding IDE demo

+ The demo will be installed as phd-ide with the IDE package

13a78fff6d82710a3ba49537f6fa08ed1e2aabcf authored over 14 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Defining __INSTALLDIR__ if its not yet defined in the Autoloader

+ Allows external programs to use the PhD Autoloader
+ Using pear tasks to replace @php_dir@ in t...

639a4380f4ce30b371246e7646a9fb9c6c86f4ab authored over 14 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Should be marked as optional dependency since not everyone use the CHM format (philip)

c59ebd0217bf83421d223f2af13f52754c51519b authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
The CHM format requires iconv

113fe93b8272e175e46e7ef0c44e71f2223c67a1 authored over 14 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Corrected grammar in Danish PhD translation

0ae445c0b9ed239072c7984395744313246fe835 authored over 14 years ago by Daniel Egeberg <[email protected]>
Added PhD package.xml note for #51346

390dd1596f49c0fa1e7926ed61d616f69d47c58f authored over 14 years ago by Daniel Egeberg <[email protected]>
Fixed PHP bug #51346 (Extra whitespace when using <type> and plural), reverted r286473

7d259bab96de50825f9f27c807bedf3118577eec authored over 14 years ago by Daniel Egeberg <[email protected]>
Added debugging info to option_package() (issue spotted by Robert Day)

fb5379bd192534f777e76e2773a50665767463d8 authored almost 15 years ago by Philip Olson <[email protected]>
Fixed bug#51293 (pman package requires zlib)

5153f76f959d5292bd7add39babf50a0f7245a26 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Back to dev

7a01e9b93d47b75ad59270f36ab1dc63ec08a552 authored almost 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Updating the year to 2010 in the --version op

9ee577708fdd409ccb086b9d1e3e71c4acbab38b authored almost 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Updating package.xml with the bug fix 51070

da8d00f89abf92b81bc94f5cb58766ddb0390337 authored almost 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Fixing bug #51070 - Double acronym tags in HTML output.

- The acronym tag was been rendered by both Generic and PHP Packages, now only PHP

f6564c35c6d0b0291c854d915073bbf3c95a7d94 authored almost 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>

b3e1ea38a7750507cb393e93e425c46586e8c653 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Notes in wrong section. Sorry. (Thanks Moacir).

104166c2acad2d2e1b8ab48a9081fb1165d1944d authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Updated to include CHM double encoding fix.

ac26921d8d94a19ebfa365b09c832aac2a541191 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Stop double encoding of entities in CHM's TOC, index and keyword lists.

2220445a0fcec39ec5220d40b56954f661a48d84 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Fixed bug#50799 (No text mapping for screen)

e873e7fa7243fe884a322a4ab14a0faeb76c953a authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Align error message output.

4064e761f47614322826602b8860b6eb8ac1e4e4 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Disable colored output on Windows (and bump copyright year in BuildOptionsParser.php)

0c2364b3ddfc47d260264c59dbeef25c091a63f1 authored almost 15 years ago by Kalle Sommer Nielsen <[email protected]>
* Updated danish/swedish translations for autogenerated texts

* Fixed svn:properties on translations

3c1bbbcad77e0a8f7c8f5f79af4bc99074ba3c6c authored almost 15 years ago by Kalle Sommer Nielsen <[email protected]>
REVERT: Propagate alt attribute of XML mediaobject tag to HTML img tag.

Seems I've gone and read "alt" as an attribute to mediaobject!

4e61b654f5cbff9afd38a241f51ea9b5b747f0d4 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
REVERT: Propagate alt attribute of XML mediaobject tag to HTML img tag.

Seems I've gone and read "alt" as an attribute to mediaobject!

68bac79d3e1fe39c3fbd4f3b385d4b80bb449474 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Use textual descriptions for VERBOSE_xxx messages

e143b7526b52abce805e1667ae99682de8263808 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Updated svn:keywords. Remove svn:keyword

78214347359bbc1b92ac17a38fe9f960bc380205 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Updated generic package changelog

4135aa3cec159d7942068289829ea867fc1fb7eb authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Propagate alt attribute of XML mediaobject tag to HTML img tag.

05f2f27f24635c8561111f3c02aeedd98e2cbc2d authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Updating package.xml

04682fb6208be1f062732dbb69e1d20a3888fe3c authored almost 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Adding support to DBTimestamp Processing Instruction

62c36d8b18a8b94c7f580151e13dce86c6c8df79 authored almost 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Remove bogus comment, move couple of properties to where the rest of them are declared

246cbf30ce994b11afafaaecd6629f51b5ca9560 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>

87245accb1ca957982c7f1e008395fafddda5bc2 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>

c243aa926526bd4ea6ff951e7e26b1b251d8dc99 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
deal with exceptionname as we do interfacename

eefee2231a405dc84117bde2b8d5c7a97f92dc26 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Suppress <edition> tags

- Treat <inlinemediaobject> the same as we do <mediaobjects> (we don't do any hard positioning/fl...

9a5582bf6405e2b32a642ab53b74724a3e363744 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Fixed bug#50671 (Missing root page)

3b2bd7d0a936af178340df9d49d1bb68a49f24ba authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Remove wrong re-declaration of <link>s

23034cfb8b8279f8138a4db9cef8fade864d72ac authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Fixed bug#50668 (add xinclude processing in phd) (Shahar Evron)

2e4270d41c07dae9ce05fde849ab8b53b698abe3 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Remove superfluous \n to output of PhD. This removes whitespace after some tags.

Fix #49849

1b0a9ae38ea09fbf912f73125df59d0a65c526a5 authored almost 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Fixed bug#45098 (named constants require long opt)

23749e5ccda705254a81e2d6f930c1ff3e07ce59 authored almost 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
back to dev

7301a6d326d206e81d25c764dc0daa42d90f64b0 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Preparing to create the release tag

f036976c5c8c0994b6b24f74bac1073cb0bb68a7 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Adding links to feeds in the PHP Package (format php).

+ Adding TocFeed.php in package_php.xml

6c2a5007dffee8cd6781309ce3a54a409261111a authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Added missing link to Autoloader.php - fix discovered by Moacir

eb65ea515098fabae0bc277a08ec5ee64208e517 authored about 15 years ago by Philip Olson <[email protected]>
WS & comment

adf4a572a98725a3f3f20d8a28c25c2d2909dbdd authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Move the autoloader into its own class

- Only autoload classes from our namespace

329b9be0dc0514973b594de06e562aed772a41de authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Kill double slashes in paths

- Use DIRECTORAKLÆDJFA for consistency
- no point in having a instance of BOP arround

2fba999fd3ad12a310576f7b4d152aedd50655b5 authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
- Kill unused properties

- There is no point in instanciating this class from the outside

a7a561ff95ed5db8b22a695f1211cd28490a48f7 authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Add support for <errortext>

90c91f79312f292e4c8f1800153d8d4d9b2b7ef0 authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Move phd_bool, and rename it to boolval, into the only class its used

bed9a14bf69b7b5d39e5d8dfd00acbd734803bbc authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Kill unused function

3d5345f3b28d163a5cd1b3392d83a8693d193b05 authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Add a closing tag

c830698ca2560cde1476382b4edcdbd3966bc4a6 authored about 15 years ago by Hannes Magnusson <[email protected]>
Adding the TocFeed format in the PHP package

ab1c576d753f0f431c101d5bfb22453b09647a39 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Updating package_ide.xml with the new files of the IDE API, and adding simplexml as a requirement

0379aca7a06fff38665779b3521fd94faeed4a67 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Adding the classes of the IDE API

c7955cf3f96bfaeaf159c45284a854c234bf77f9 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Copy newlines (bug #47242)

a323a24cdff2a513187b2a62f78f96e6d81c92c7 authored about 15 years ago by Jakub Vrana <[email protected]>
add note to readme

d6bf82945decd65a4614344d3e20e2c6a5e1511e authored about 15 years ago by Christian Weiske <[email protected]>
Remove PHP.php from package description.

d8852822f2cfbe9cc3d53fa32bc022e6e3595655 authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Removing the PHP format from the Generic Package

1407a8a70a8ecd5325e243552f3f423c27865f70 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Removing the -f option and installing all packages at once

dfb5744decb074206205f78278f6b87210427f6b authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Including the generic package in README

58ce045e250ea5946411e1c6577e21a45adc7fba authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Updating TODO

e5ac818c875c0ebf1e351d983ede1fdb608306c7 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Adding support to notes

6bc9f82b397d96f4d17125d088776979a518ddfa authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Reads the content of returnvalues without the title 'Return Values'

f5685d11b9572fbf7456d8768292149e59a77f6c authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
MediaManager->findFile() can now fallback to the English translation for a missing file.

6a8447fdbaf3b44beea13190320af37699aa989e authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Make calls to v() consistent by using sprintf() format.

23cc38fe0ff4b325af8c6154a8fb471e3f46cbf7 authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Update package.xml to show addition of new verbose levels.

828cef643671385d14bb3dc77c9f87673464adec authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
v() calls are sprintf compliant. (Thank you to Hannes for pointing this out).

c300518b608ab9e88686813f662abb228abe2cf1 authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
New verbosity levels : VERBOSE_ERRORS (all PHP and user triggered errors), VERBOSE_INFO (Indexing, rendering, reading and writing informationals) and VERBOSE_WARNINGS (No version, broken links, missing attributes).

e34161cbed3c71e7c19ebf7ca8b42c56fec52af8 authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
use v() instead of exception if file does not exist.

d6d67be2efbc8f8fa52575031328eebc4b0d13ee authored about 15 years ago by Daniel Convissor <[email protected]>
Suppress fopen warnings with @. Add comment as to why using fopen at all.

9374d3fde4311e76588507e150045758cee25383 authored about 15 years ago by Daniel Convissor <[email protected]>
fixed whitespace in README (and testing git-svn)

dd391f6f09d74e651f098e90740fdb6415900b4e authored about 15 years ago by Philip Olson <[email protected]>
fopen(,,true) uses include path - is_readable not!

Revert "use is_readable instead of fopen to test file existence because does not produce warning...

f2b4be395382994b9471e9813f8b9cded67743ad authored about 15 years ago by Christian Weiske <[email protected]>
use is_readable instead of fopen to test file existence because does not produce warning and uses less resources

df682b3e53a1b7bd3e2a45c8ca5582164cacea3d authored about 15 years ago by Daniel Convissor <[email protected]>

Separated PhD verbose messages into informational and warnings
PhD verbose warning messages are c...

b13de84c0fba445d591e9faf55dcf546d793bbf5 authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
Adding the ReaderKeeper class to package.xml

b9af83dde1e5d762f28a543b4adf476ccf75e4e1 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Fixing the problems caused by the method loadVersionAcronymInfo(), not necessary for this format.

Fixing the included file.

4b5b51d63d119f7daf4cdd0d4f93b665386ebae9 authored about 15 years ago by Moacir de Oliveira Miranda Júnior <[email protected]>
Fix bug#49925 : imagedata now supports width and/or depth (becomes width and/or height)

4f173fab321fc8b865dde0dbc279ec8866c7bb33 authored about 15 years ago by Richard Quadling <[email protected]>
unified exception error message for missing version and acronym files

e559886e824a7f9d0f8db1e91a72c571848bf6a9 authored about 15 years ago by Philip Olson <[email protected]>