
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

LibreCAD 3 is a next generation 2D CAD application written to be modular, with a core independent from GUI toolkits. Scripting is possible with Lua.

Added Arc primitive

Added Ellipse primitive
Added new drawings
Zoom + pan works fine now

f0f78c895e21bca25275713cdc4bc8d7ba8bdd9f authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
build modified to use library instead of static compilation

added gradient background, looks nice :)
Speed up entity removal from document
Made all CADEntity...

47d4c981fac1f5ef8f27f351f72f7766c3f813ef authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Changed to shared_ptr

changed some namings of files so we can use teh same class name

ef777f66b528621fd9e42c08a3f9bea914f91525 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
..... It's late, just a update

7eaec0949ca4506c3e52c8b9f48dd39d6e1d2ce1 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of


1db817dfaedb685567d952afb4d27c620a7f73bf authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Seperated Create Entities into Create and Delete entities

Add small demo how undo works to MainWindow

3490574cc92dc5143183c2fbee31d91d13a5dbe1 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Seperated Create Entities into Create and Delete entities

Add small demo how undo works to MainWindow
2) Speedup undo of large number of entities, lookup o...

018b412715c75ea4de9bf551d44a2ad626ae76e5 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Added circles to demo and using GL widget

Started adding a Undo Manager, but lacks still a implementation

123cdb584503489a6c977fcf9518a78b7ed8806d authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

538447ea8ebb5be27b25f121b8bbaab2870f18a9 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Fixed operation and tested events

50292dbf3e2d6f18384bd0553e07853814cf99c9 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Fixed operation and tested events

3663b061e1b636e20e37a323e3d31bc96bc3151a authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Example of a Listener that cab listen for document events

This can then be used to drive a viewer to display entities

d3759cd67fedd54a37939d2621d0e1e9deaeed92 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Added first idea of a operastions interface. It looks ok, just not yet 100%

Need to modify the example how to use it and hide the layerManager() from the document

c780acc34359a00ad252bf6d9b53e8a26c528097 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Added LibreCAD Viewer Widget to start visualizing CAD data.

This widget can then be used in Designer or othe rplace in a document where you
want to visualize...

b125a8ec3666f847e70e87042b21d873563192d4 authored over 12 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Added comments

added removal of an entity

d28b1be361d65629bd65b578f94ca0884a8d9ec4 authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Changed QList to QVector at some places

removed of mac files in CLEAN.SH
Code cleanup

363b2cd31ca11a006669a77cf20ada2f44542f9c authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Added documentLayer and layer manager

Changed point to Coordinate
Removed mac files

ed730888ee3dd81449f511ef0daa15b9725eff60 authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Changed name of ID type

d80208b3982cc155955c27bf99363f4d5f0df9d6 authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>

3fd00311c0648fb3afd1934c70b6e5ba0cbc5acc authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
Initial import of some tests.

2b22f051af82a2ea10101276390c687b58271109 authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>
first commit

6cddda685b311b5c766f37c2b000ede9a55adb04 authored almost 13 years ago by R. van Twisk <[email protected]>