An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.
Send Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software repositories.
This code increase the test coverage for the backend class
by adding a new tests that check whet...
This code adds the contextmanager `BackendItemsGenerator` which
initializes a backend, performs ...
This code allows to calculate and return the summary
of fetch executions. By default, it include...
This code includes a class that models the summary of a
fetch execution. It includes information...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
cc76032c0e5a8bfe9707d03864ec310455277d2d authored over 5 years ago
Merges #570
Closes #570
Fixes #569
This code replaces the previous authentication method with a
cookies based one. This change is d...
Merges #571
Closes #571
The API token was passed in the payload of the requests when
issuing petitions to the Slack API....
2d12e59f22cefa3c6015373a16f26bc452858ef0 authored over 5 years ago
Merges #568
Closes #568
Fixes #567
The oauth2 token was passed as payload of the requests when
issuing petitions to the Meetup API....
Merges #562
Closes #562
This code increases the test coverage of mattermost
which now is 100%.
Signed-off-by: Valerio C...
32d67768ef09e2bbf10572f75a5e62e835e6f0df authored over 5 years ago
This code includes the channel info to the messages
retrived from mattermost.
Tests have been a...
27ed710dd6025fb1f018ff08fcf3f9b3c6ea18a9 authored over 5 years ago
Merges #564
Closes #564
This code improves the docstring of the GitHub backend
by providing an example about how to init...
Merges #556
Closes #556
This code fixes the return value of the
MockedBackend.metadata_updated_on, which wasn't
set to a...
Merges #558
Closes #558
Fixes #557
The bug in version 0.8.14, which was preventing
to execute some tests in Perceval, is solved
in ...
This code removes the details related to the httpretty version
to install. The lastest version (...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
0514c3c4207fd597204c987cd98c7120308fd67e authored over 5 years ago
Source distribution packages will start including
some missing metadata files such as the licens...
Merges #553
Closes #553
If during the fetching process, a merge request was modified, the
initial list of merge requests...
Merges #551
Closes #551
This code updates license info based on the content
Merges #550
725aa0ec280727c615e8f5a147a3af8dc7b8ecda authored over 5 years ago
Pypi requires that the format of the long description for a
package is detailed in the variable ...
Merges #552
Closes #552
Due to an API change, the number of members for archived channels
cannot be retrieved anymore. T...
Merges #549
Closes #549
Closes #506
Closes #433
Fixes #432
This code includes the param `auth` to the
fetch method, thus allowing to issue authorized
This code allows to fetch builds and jobs available
via a Jenkins server, which requires authent...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
399151ca0b579809b7b83bb619b4617eafee890d authored over 5 years ago
Merges #548
Closes #548
The git command task raises a timeout exception when it's executed
inside a corporate network. T...
Merges #547
Closes #547
This code skips pages not having the `pageid` attribute. This
may be the case for pages of type ...
Merges #544
Closes #544
Fixes #542
Due to the deprecation of api key usages, this code
allows to use oauth tokens to access the mee...
This code updates the description of the param
Signed-off-by: Valerio Cosen...
2d7fe6024cb8d40e6cd75935b86121318ee7d4d0 authored over 5 years agoSigned-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
468500edeefa4d86821b8a42eae1f66acd435322 authored over 5 years ago
Merges #540
Closes #540
Signed-off-by: Valerio Cosentino <[email protected]>
0c1590d1fafae82fc6da92d643ffee6a11720891 authored over 5 years ago
This code enhances the documentation of the backend
by providing the steps to obtain a...
Merges #539
Closes #539
This code fixes the docstring of the `api_token` variable.
Backend version has been changed acco...
Merges #536
Closes #536
The request to retrieve the list of groups a user is subscribed to
was wrong. The parameter 'lim...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
4ad5ba4bf732b2a0f9a32d8a6f302b0c41f321a1 authored over 5 years ago
Merges #531
Closes #531
The module 'requests' sometimes tries to guess the encoding
of the responses received. It uses t...
5f6e7b65a3ef85d738f156a63b3d4f22d36ab8ae authored over 5 years ago
Merges #530
Closes #530
This code handles timestamps having more than 6 decimals by
rounding their values to the 6th dec...
Merges #522
Closes #522
Gitlab backend supports Oauth tokens. You can indicate
if it is an oauth token with the '--is-oa...
Merges #524
Closes #524
Fixes #523
The public API returns a dict from '.../pulls/{number}/requested_reviewers'
with users and teams...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
a46eb0e62f4ff535fef5d73f4347c709aabc17b4 authored over 5 years ago
Merges #521
Closes #521
This code allows to tune the number of issues and pull requests
fetched per page using the param...
Merges #525
Closes #525
For efficiency reasons the GitLab API doesn't include
the attribute `last` in the pagination res...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
4e7a483b376cb61cce75c6c753b64df818c67699 authored over 5 years ago
Merges #519
Closes #519
Fixes #516
The data collected from GitHub pull requests has
been extended by including pull request reviews...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
41c908605e88b7ebc3a536c643fa0f212eaf9e0e authored over 5 years ago
Merges #513
Closes #513
Fixes #511
This commit updates the helptext for each backend
to include the available options for param --c...
78a0e26d8e6b92d422c34b24271b24346dcc1e4e authored over 5 years ago
Merges #509
Closes #509
Fixes #503
This code updates the help messages for "from-date" and "to-date"
params to include some possibl...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
b5dec01c90407e28efce2a04a4b8a9d5bfedf0e6 authored almost 6 years ago
Merges #512
Closes #512
Fixes #470
This code allows to include comments of Jira issues. Comments are
retrieved using the API endpoi...
This code brings the test coverage for the Jira backend to 100%.
It provides a test case to cove...
Merges #508
Closes #508
Fixes #507
Fixes #459
This code allows handling of pull request comments not having the "user"
attribute, a warning me...
Merges #502
Closes #502
Fixes #494
This code updates the information about the categories of the github
and gitlab backends in the ...
Signed-off-by: Santiago Dueñas <[email protected]>
f5a974aa8ea91b19a03118af58a707bfa8ce8812 authored almost 6 years ago
Merges #505
Closes #505
Fixes #504
All of these fields contains data that might be considered private
(street addresses, user profi...
Merges #501
Closes #501
This code removes unused imports from the files docs/ and perceval/
Furthermore ...
7dfb8b6ddc7a85aab2347b08e5859d662d2e9b7f authored almost 6 years ago
Merges #492
Closes #492
This code skips the historical contents not having the 'when'
attribute, which is used to calcul...
This code fixes a typo in the method `__fetch_historical_contents`, it replaces
`privated` to `p...
This code increases the test coverage for the confluence backend
which now is 100%. The new cove...
Merges #497
Closes #497
Fixes #490
This patch adds the possibility of removind classified fields from
the items when fetch() metho ...
Classified fields can be declared using CLASSIFIED_FIELDS class
attribute. This attribute will c...
This option have been set generic for all backends. By default,
it is deactivated.
This field will be filtered when 'filter_classified' parameter
is active.
Backend version bumpe...
5f854f9f839e3e3918d2481a7a967bddc98e19eb authored almost 6 years ago
When the option 'filter-classified' is active, any backend running
will filter these fields if t...
Merges #496
Closes #496