An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.
A tool to manage identities
Merges #397
Closes #397
Fixes #393
Adds vue-router as a dependency to manage routes.
The main dashboard view is moved to its own co...
Adds the user token and username to the Vuex store.
The login action calls the tokenAuth mutatio...
Implements a login component, which displays a
form to enter and submit user credentials. The
Adds the tokenAuth Apollo mutation, which returns
a token when given a valid username and passwo...
Merges #396
Closes #396
Fixes #390
When a new Individual is created, its profile is created at the
same time. When the name value i...
Merges #382
Closes #382
Before this change, the filter `uuid` from the Individuals
query only worked when that `uuid` ma...
Merges #392
Closes #392
Fixes #340
Adds an optional filters argument to the
'getPaginatedIndividuals' Apollo query.
5fab74315f90de64ec5f0d3f6211a93659b0843d authored about 4 years ago
Adds an input to 'IndividualsTable' that allows the user
to search inviduals by term. It uses th...
Merges #380
Closes #380
Fixes #355
Now `Individuals` query accepts a search term. This term
is searched on the fields `name`, `emai...
Merges #391
Closes #391
All enrollments in 'ProfileModal' can be deleted clicking the
trashcan button next to them, like...
Merges #388
Closes #388
Fixes #384
Adds an edit icon to 'OrganizationEntry', which opens
the 'OrganizationModal' component. 'Organi...
'OrganizationModal' can receive an organization's data in
order to edit it. The organization's d...
Adds the 'deleteDomain' Apollo mutation, which removes
the provided organization domain from the...
Merges #387
Closes #387
Fixes #385
Adds the getCountries Apollo query, which returns a list of
country names and codes. This list i...
Displays a date picker when the date from and date to
inputs on 'ProfileModal' are clicked.
f74e7163474b0028f83267d744fc0425037e363e authored about 4 years ago
When creating an individual, only one of name, email or username
is required. 'ProfileModal', 'I...
Merges #389
Closes #389
This code aims at aligning the CI tests across the
different grimoirelab components.
Python 3.5...
c5d3ea98f2a06c1e995bda1112e1de7d13c9b7b0 authored about 4 years ago
Adds the 'ProfileModal' component to 'IndividualsTable'.
The table receives the enroll, updatePo...
Adds the 'addIdentity' and 'updateProfile' Apollo
mutations that the 'ProfileModal' component re...
Adds the 'ProfileModal' component, which displays a form
that allows a new individual to be crea...
Merges #386
Closes #386
Fixes #383
Clicking the + button on OrganizationModal adds a new domain
input. The previous ones remain edi...
If the addDomain function returns an error, it is
displayed on an alert. After that, since the o...
Implements an add button in OrganizationsTable, which opens
the OrganizationModal component on c...
Implements the OrganizationsModal component, which displays
a form that allows an organization a...
Implements the 'addDomain' GraphQL mutation, which adds
a domain to a given organization.
024b1811b3bbc82948c595da7526661d47579fde authored about 4 years agoAdds the 'addOrganization' GraphQL mutation.
Signed-off-by: Eva Millán <[email protected]>
f91364b067cd8d5cdce03f976379ace1b3d37c9c authored about 4 years ago
Merges #381
Closes #381
Fixes #378
Individuals can be dragged and dropped from the table
into an organization entry to affiliate th...
Adds the 'enroll' GraphQL mutation, which allows
an individual to be enrolled in an organization...
Merges #379
Closes #379
Fixes #377
Adds the 'ExpandedOrganization' component, which
displays a list of the organization's domains.
Each entry on OrganizationsTable can be expanded in
order to display a list of its domains.
dc8117bd358a0b34aad75a204fbb419608fba3e2 authored over 4 years ago
Merges #376
Closes #376
Fixes #372
Deselects individuals on the IndividualsTable when they are
dragged and dropped into the workspa...
Merges #374
Closes #374
Fixes #368
Update the individuals information on the workspace when their
identities have been moved or mer...
An individual's identity on ExpandedIndividual can be dragged
and dropped into an individual's e...
An individual's identity on ExpandedIndividual can be dragged
and dropped into an individual's c...
Adds the moveIdentity mutation, which allows an
indentity to be moved from one individual to ano...
Merges #375
Closes #357
Fixes #373
Stops highlighting an individual in the table when that
individual has been removed from the wor...
Merges #371
Closes #371
Fixes #367
An individual's identity can be unmerged by clicking
a button on the ExpandedIndividual identiti...
Implements the unmergeIdentities GraphQL mutation.
Signed-off-by: Eva Millán <evamillan@bitergi...
77c87129df3a7ee23f7655fafe651ebfb71525c4 authored over 4 years ago
Merges #370
Closes #370
Fixes #366
Displays known sources first on 'IndividualEntry' and
'ExpandedIndividual', and the 'others' sou...
Merges #369
Closes #369
Fixes #365
Limits the size of the uuid chip to 7 characters. The
full uuid is displayed on hover.
4dfc1303c6758c6e97466054191cebf4db92eabb authored over 4 years ago
Merges #364
Closes #364
Fixes #361
Removes the IndividualCard's lock and unlock tests
because the functionality no longer exists.
e4e34189429156a8264ec68f8a97123f182815cf authored over 4 years ago
Adds the individual's organization and a close button
to the 'IndividualCard' component'.
0bca13eb00a9c0fbd8c75073d6bf96b8df4a284f authored over 4 years ago
Merges #363
Closes #363
Fixes #362
Adds stories to 'IndividualCard', 'IndividualEntry' and
'Workspace' to show how the components l...
When the user hovers over an individual that is both on the table and
on the workspace, the corr...
Merges #360
Closes #360
Fixes #358
IndividualCard shows a list of individual's identities and
enrollments when the magnifier icon i...
ExpandedIndividual can display a shorter, more compact version
with the 'compact' prop.
14514eff74f82842ab7e31b79695ea4cdbb9ef4f authored over 4 years ago
Merges #359
Closes #359
Fixes #354
Individuals on the workspace can be selected by clicking
on their card. The workspace actions ar...
Merges #357
Closes #357
Fixes #356
Selected individuals on 'IndividualsTable' can be dragged
and dropped at once. The drag image sh...
Individuals can be merged by dropping them into an individual
card in the workspace. The workspa...
Move the 'selected', 'dragging' and 'dropzone' classes
to '/styles/index.scss' so that they can ...
Merges #353
Closes #353
Fixes #352
Adds the 'mergeItems' function to simulate a merge to
'WorkSpace' stories.
Signed-off-by: Eva M...
5d1334fd4b69447200bfb1950c57cb901e952d52 authored over 4 years ago
Individuals in 'WorkSpace' can be merged clicking the merge
icon on top of the component. When m...
Moves the 'mergeIndividuals' and 'confirmMerge' functions
to a separate utils file so that they ...
Merges #350
Closes #350
Fixes #348
Passes a function to 'IndividualsTable' from 'App'
that merges individuals using the 'merge' mut...
The individuals can be merge together by selecting them and
clicking the merge action button, or...
Adds an Apollo mutation that merges several individuals.
It also adds a test for the mutation.
c54aadbe37277464ff72834177ea290cd0003aa5 authored over 4 years ago
Merges #349
Closes #349
Fixes #347
Adds the 'deleteIdentity' mutation, which removes an individual.
The individual can be deleted f...
Merges #346
Closes #346
Fixes #344
Adds the 'OrganizationsTable' component, which displays
a list of organizations and the number o...
Merges #345
Closes #345
Fixes #343
Adds an OrganizationEntry component, which displays a
table row with an organization's name and ...
Merges #342
Closes #342
Fixes #341
Adds the 'WorkSpace' component, which displays a set of
individual cards. The individuals can be...
Merges #339
Closes #339
Fixes #336
Adds an icon next to an individual's name on
'IndividualEntry' if it's a bot.
Signed-off-by: Ev...
950068ed6e9a90aef7e4f83bb389fbc59dcaa53a authored over 4 years ago
Merges #338
Closes #338
Fixes #337
Adds a lock icon next to the individual's name on
'IndividualEntry' if their profile is locked.
Merges #335
Closes #335
Fixes #334
Mocks the query for getPaginatedIndividuals.
Signed-off-by: Eva Millán <[email protected]>
b838c57c297f0137ec4092d21ca0f18453a5e7c7 authored over 4 years ago
Adds pagination to 'IndividualsTable' and embeds the component
into 'App.vue'. It also adds a qu...
Merges #333
Closes #333
Fixes #330
Adds a default Storybook story for the 'ExpandedIndividual'
component and an example for an indi...
Adds the 'IndividualsTable' component, which displays a
list of 'IndividualEntry' rows, which ca...
Merges #332
Closes #332
Fixes #331