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File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications
This change makes it possible for direct_upload endpoint to generate
"fake" presigns for storage...
This allows overriding parts of direct_upload logic by overriding a
method in the endpoint, inst...
Having this route as /:storage/:name was a wrong call. I thought that
it's useful to have as muc...
We need to simply assign it to the options that are inherited, like we
do with any other option....
6fd65400bd046c5fc698b16fb6da01b1c503caa6 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
This plugin deletes promoted files after the record has been updated
with the stored file. The p...
I initially thought that promoting will only ever be used for cached
files. However, Attacher#pr...
For extracting metadata we call `UploadedFile#to_io` and pass in a real
IO object. After we're d...
The name "delete_uploaded" indicates that all uploaded files will be
deleted, including cached U...
If we setup moving plugin and IO comes along for which the storage
doesn't support moving, the c...
94c5b7707e8f1768285464d1457854525b3fd953 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
We add `Attacher.dump` and `Attacher.load` for implementing custom
background jobs with custom f...
In Ruby 2.3.0 Rake is by default passing the "-w" flag to Ruby, which
enables warnings. A lot of...
d0f0a9ebb3163869ba9d3ab4347835ecca07f678 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
fd17b20f3d719aea9a236740bc96294fed881150 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Sometimes aws-sdk users will want to set
Aws.config[:ssl_ca_bundle] = '/path/to/self-signed-cer...
154624be4eaf93b1445d5ac09a41329513e0178d authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>Sometimes the S3 URL can be generated like
d1a350a3093a5ea8b60226980c2bcc8a27aba03b authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Sometimes users will want to save the record with skipping validations.
Before this didn't work ...
In Shrine 2 we want to default the :delegate option to false, because we
want that the default b...
If an object key contains spaces or other URL-unsafe characters, and
:host option is being used,...
3d00cc499ec64feeaef643b443a57d968d9f030a authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Like with Attacher.version_names, I think it's useful to have a reader
method for the ":fallback...
So, currently, these is still a teeny-tiny chance that on subsequent
attachment updates an older...
By default migration_helpers will add a lot of methods to the model,
which delegate to the under...
The reason why we can't have only number of *output* files is because
the message "3 files proce...
d86b527ed8c83c4ec7d4161e7f053014f329c3ed authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
When using the backup plugin with backgrounding, two scenarios could
happen when deleting a file...
Currently the backup was done immediately after storing, and only
afterwards promoting was done....
When using the recache plugin to generate some versions in the
foreground and some in the backgr...
It doesn't make sense that these methods are part of public interface,
since they're really mean...
Since keep_files was overriding `Shrine`, when combined with
backgrounding plugin, the delete ba...
For some reason, this specific unordered list the RDoc generator inlines
all in a single line (t...
2ca0c5dd4a32d9b84d72968d86d9a91bd5a7a980 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
cffeb7f378ae39b6e86788b86b1a0f7b6fadacc1 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
These come really handy when you want to implement a "promote" hook in
your model:
class Post...
7dde9fc66e56873026275b7c578091c56f186803 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>8c6f513427fff7d37528fd793b1a6f20bbd92c78 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
fe2a51897a245237035119d8b8845b6849f7fb44 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Caching into instance variables in this case can create surprising
behaviour. For example, when ...
We should generally never mutate input arguments, unless there is a good
reason for it. Here we ...
9eeca1c87688cab9e0ec30e523e8a8c051f1b977 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
581442db42c2fa66996300a9720b485ec89c6975 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
b568ca610b0fec74eff4936c1fe1a7f0ae9744ae authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Sometimes we may want generate location differently depending on the
extracted metadata of the u...
In a scenario where the uploaded file data hash is POSTed, and there is
no metadata, URL-encodin...
Apparently the JDBC ActiveRecord adapter doesn't like to have queries
executed inside a Fiber wh...
Sometimes we want to generate remote_url messages more accurately, in
which case we need to have...
Currently remote_url by default returns the validation error: "file not
found or is to large". T...
1bd092b5f2156c79937daca18b76ad4ade07c42e authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
c854b6da239244fd07df41371bbb3ab13d7cf761 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
2820e88f705240de3883ca6510c830f73dfbf98b authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
defd313a22336f28a3293a0135740a7cc3b65424 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
* We don't need to tell FastImage to raise an error, we can just always
rewind the IO, because...
At the moment, when generating location, we're inferring the extension
solely based on the origi...
I don't think the strict 4-phase separation in tests always works that
well. It's more useful to...
When and error occurs on assigning a data URI or a remote URL, we should
clear any existing erro...
0f940f0acc6db57ae7d660fad37395f307eb3a29 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
FastImage gem does not rewind IO cursor if the dimension extraction fails. Non rewinded IO cause...
c5968874bfcd23b479bae9c46efe93a9d337865a authored almost 9 years ago by Petteri Kääpä <[email protected]>
This version fixes a URL-encoding bug where the "[]" characters wouldn't
get encoded back after ...
Most often models when models are namespaced, the namespace doesn't hold
a semantical value (e.g...
Previously if the class with an attachment was inside a namespace, the
class part of the locatio...
2463775bd7a8e49dfb0bd0945466640853ec1e6a authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
When S3 credentials are provided then `@s3.client.config.credentials`
will be set to an instance...
Currently calling `#original_filename`, `#size` or `#mime_type` will
error if the corresponding ...
Some storages have a concept of updating data of already uploaded files:
* Flickr - can update ...
0310fb8b829612c28e02991791018a52088ea594 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
To make it maximally easy for users to migrate from other libraries, we
provide step-to-step ins...
c32ccc342c1935e80a9d8e33060e481e7e18c458 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
d5c462b49a106dcc4c35dc4975f8c01d78b6475f authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
a0fa0aef96e6e6a7835525b22adf61ff4387d616 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Avoid opening an UploadedFile just in order to close it
e23df06e56af8da587a3c3ab340c1cbed9c2ce3e authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>88b792437357b7338199760ba1ee4a48416b8372 authored almost 9 years ago by Reid Beels <[email protected]>
0c2aeb6a873903be4e316f51f673311697218cf0 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
9308fb9d520b227e3026668bd70df915ef6abd5c authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
2e16a1ccc5ccab11af3c37e35ba1034ce3b1d9f3 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Currently for the sequel plugin Ruby attempts to reference an "Error"
constant inside the "Seque...
7c281fc1fb35ab8325705101a258fa506397d5ef authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
ad9797d6ba25b9c913dc14c7901c6aaf12ff7e1b authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
8ecf393f7f078122722d5caf470c1c42caf80ab9 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
It's useful if the user wants to do something with the record, that they
can reuse the already i...
e8453db90e7631dcdbd6da175c1a206bc1caadf2 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
316536c2f67179ed447fbd93c09c53d98655f205 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
99b9f4a1f48d0bbac4dc526acc8aba2f79578bef authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
It can happen that a record gets deleted before updating (processing and
storing can take a whil...
Previously Shrine checked if attachment has changed outside of a
transaction. However, that mean...
It can happen that the queue gets clogged up making the job starts
later, or the job is retrying...
aac4d155fcc3f2a59792b39598106798606627b2 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
8bd98f37823c942b31311b27a290dae69ddffc2f authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Fixed typo in code example
c5fde5edaa74b0048febf55a3c9c8b3c6c9f51b3 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>1d4ce9c562e9642c986f207acbf8111123195825 authored almost 9 years ago by Martin Sefcik <[email protected]>
Fix ValidationHelpers docs: bad examples
4887cc8619821ff7a648e873e4e9cad18c8a277d authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>12a7fb2288986c93fc9c43cfbca28ea088dea233 authored almost 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
9567983c9b397cd1a42575ba28d1d877ab6490b1 authored almost 9 years ago by xzo <[email protected]>
7bd3b1e01c8116208e71718ee840d2f8334fc16e authored almost 9 years ago by xzo <[email protected]>
c5769598e928c7a6598bb46a41e3193b234ffa2b authored almost 9 years ago by xzo <[email protected]>
Previously if custom metadata was assigned to a cached file, it wasn't
forwarded onto the stored...
The only notable thing was that we removed the "attr_accessor"
declaration. This is because it a...
3b366c39d63ad357af90f2708e596f644c95a9cb authored about 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
1be904d59933a08dcac593970b2ad7a91a575a71 authored about 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
b78e45a53a932e751f2fbcd6a0f7d402d5bae9b3 authored about 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
112a64a420242f3c650d5ca3133b25ec36a06b4d authored about 9 years ago by Janko Marohnić <[email protected]>
Rubinius breaks in rack-test_app when using multipart, so we'll
temporary skip those tests until...