
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions

Play HTML5 video on mobile

abhitheawesomecoder opened this issue over 2 years ago
Setting slidesOffsetBefore prop with coverflow effect breaks coverflow styling

fakesamgregory opened this issue over 2 years ago
ref not exposed to us as prop

ivanjeremic opened this issue over 2 years ago
updateAuthHeight + lazyload issue

thewebartisan7 opened this issue over 2 years ago
Swiper Vue: Uncaught TypeError when using SwiperSlide as a wrapper

pmochine opened this issue over 2 years ago
Track initiator for slideChange event

jjstanton opened this issue over 2 years ago
swiper instance: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slideChange') with React 18

b-novikov-ipersonality opened this issue over 2 years ago
slidesOffsetAfter option doesn't work with grid.rows > 1

vladgalafm opened this issue over 2 years ago
Swiper overflows parent

opr-inzn opened this issue over 2 years ago
Safari vertical scroll issue

Farzin-Firoozi opened this issue over 2 years ago
Swiper/React Custom navigation buttons are not properly enabled/disabled

alicerocheman opened this issue over 2 years ago
Zoom: Configuring the zoom toggle event

odgalvin opened this issue over 2 years ago
Prevented event for click and mouse down if swipe started

gitRacoon opened this issue over 2 years ago
Mouseweehl enabled, not correclty suported in types

edgar0011 opened this issue over 2 years ago
Dynamic bullets on resize

mmaaarten opened this issue over 2 years ago
Even if allowTouchMove is set to false, mobile users can touch drag slides.

KeremArdicli opened this issue over 2 years ago
`useSwiper()` instance is returning null

thevipinmishra opened this issue over 2 years ago
Add support rem breakpoint

ailchenkoDynamo opened this issue over 2 years ago
cards effect not support RTL

efraimKroizer opened this issue over 2 years ago
Radio input inside swiper slide

DarkRaveN85 opened this issue over 2 years ago
[iOS, cssMode + virtual]: swiping gets stuck

wnr opened this issue over 2 years ago
Vue useSwiper() instance is undefined

braincomb opened this issue over 2 years ago
`slideThumbActiveClass` class not applying correctly

rtabulov opened this issue over 2 years ago
[React] Typescript errors in `ref` and `onSwiper` props

vicasas opened this issue over 2 years ago
`freeMode` in `cssMode`

nathanng312 opened this issue over 2 years ago
`onTouchStart` should use `Event.composedPath()` instead of `Event.path`

xiaochengh opened this issue over 2 years ago
Slide progress not zero when in center

diluno opened this issue over 2 years ago
Virtual slides ignore initialSlide in the beginning

Serg-Mois opened this issue over 2 years ago
anchor <a> tag inside slide snaps to next slide on first click

msmzuppa opened this issue over 2 years ago
LOOPING SLIDES 1>2>3>4>3>2>1>2>3>4 ... BOUNCE ORDER ?

lordloadalot opened this issue over 2 years ago
Swiper crashing with React 18 + Strict Mode

mmvsk opened this issue over 2 years ago
There's no way to change a config item after Swiper created

jakeparis opened this issue over 2 years ago
Bug on use Grid

hugofabricio opened this issue over 2 years ago
Swiper in popup

somegooser opened this issue almost 3 years ago
When mousewheel enabled content on slide won't scroll

8shaks opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Dynamic main bullets are not centered when loop

fmatzy opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Vite can not resolve path pre-bundling Swiper dependencies

forchel opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Filter slides

Boris591 opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Swiper slides gets height: 5.36871e+06px; if <!DOCTYPE html> is set

denismiiix opened this issue almost 3 years ago
TypeError : Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'autoplay')

muneebrana414 opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Problem on ref in typescript

farhadf246 opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Add "peek" parameter to show part of the previous and next slide

Mikilll94 opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Swiper Navigation missing class properties

RemyMachado opened this issue almost 3 years ago
Direction Vertical issues in Svelte and Sveltekit

belafonte opened this issue almost 3 years ago
slide-next briefly blinks after animation is finished in Safar

lebmouse opened this issue about 3 years ago
Inability to change effect when using Thumbs

devcustrom opened this issue about 3 years ago
Can't enable the multirow slider using grid parameters

vannyle opened this issue about 3 years ago
FEATURE REQUEST: Auto-Play Progress Bar

MikeyJN opened this issue about 3 years ago
CSS-Mode - scroll-padding is ignored

ezadoo opened this issue about 3 years ago
Font swiper-icons violates Content Security Policy

forchel opened this issue about 3 years ago
Thumbs doesn't work properly

RodrigoTomeES opened this issue over 3 years ago
Angular 12 'swiper' is not a known element

sathwik77 opened this issue over 3 years ago
Mouse wheel control, hinders child mouse wheel events

shivamragnar opened this issue over 3 years ago
Swiper Freezes when toggling between Tabs in Ionic/Angular App if AutoPlay is enabled.

selected-pixel-jameson opened this issue over 3 years ago
How implement stop and start autoplay on hover with Typescript and React

meesfrenkelfrank opened this issue over 3 years ago
Allow bulletActiveClass etc to be multiple classnames

Youhan opened this issue over 3 years ago
Inconsistent click events and propagation in chromium browsers

samuelgoldenbaum opened this issue over 3 years ago
swiperRef.current.slideTo is not a function

Aryan-mor opened this issue over 3 years ago
Vertical Swiper + autoHeight

niklasp opened this issue over 3 years ago
Pagination buttons don't show on Sveltekit project

analubarreto opened this issue over 3 years ago
AutoHeight not working for Virtual Slides

tobiasriemenschneider opened this issue over 3 years ago
Swiper only works when resizing page - using NextJS (so SSR)

hillbilly991 opened this issue over 3 years ago
Not working with vue2

nguyenduclong-ict opened this issue over 3 years ago
slidesPerView + loop:true breaks slider after 3rd right navigation click

Michael-Gibbons opened this issue over 3 years ago
touch gestures on touchpad? - is this already a feature?

wallythewebdev opened this issue over 3 years ago
ARIA accessibility error in Lighthouse

jaro-io opened this issue over 3 years ago
Flicker on SSR with Next.js

hauptrolle opened this issue over 3 years ago
[Feature Request] - slidesPerGroup: auto

AndrewBogdanovTSS opened this issue over 3 years ago
Swiper CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) on PageSpeed Insights

maxymczech opened this issue almost 4 years ago
'swiper-button-disabled' class is not applied after initial render

AndrewBogdanovTSS opened this issue almost 4 years ago
TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeEventListener' of undefined

curiousdustin opened this issue almost 4 years ago
Delay before execution of autoplay.stop()

ghost opened this issue almost 4 years ago
autoplay is does not working (React)

huanlirui opened this issue almost 4 years ago
Autoplay pause

rudolphreti opened this issue almost 4 years ago
z-index issue on arrows and pagination on safari (again)

niklasp opened this issue almost 4 years ago
Suggestion for additional Pagination API properties

somebeaver opened this issue almost 4 years ago
RTL Vertical Gallery Thumbs Swipe - breaks

noderole opened this issue almost 4 years ago
Swiper React: Mapping Swiper Slide Not Working When Reload

muhammadadamfirdaus opened this issue almost 4 years ago
Too much of unused code/dead code. How to fix?

demian1994 opened this issue almost 4 years ago