
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

web development, streamlined

feat: support AWS via SST in adapter-auto

fwang opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Issue when content rendered with `{@html ...}` contains a script tag

renevanpelt opened this issue over 1 year ago
Preserve history state on refresh when SSR is disabled

raythurnevoid opened this issue over 1 year ago
fix: Allow overriding server `fetch` dependency (#9803)

malviyaritesh opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Shallow routing with `pushState` and `replaceState`

Rich-Harris opened this pull request over 1 year ago
`use:enhance` shadows `data`

Rich-Harris opened this issue over 1 year ago
target="_self" triggers hard navigation

GauBen opened this issue over 1 year ago
use import-meta-resolve to resolve vite-imagetools

Rich-Harris opened this pull request over 1 year ago
chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies

renovate[bot] opened this pull request over 1 year ago

Rich-Harris opened this issue over 1 year ago
docs: add a note to add path aliases to tsconfig.json

shaunchander opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Secrets exposed in server only `load` fetch dependencies

malviyaritesh opened this issue over 1 year ago
Feature Request: Render 404s internally for kit.appDir assets

Conduitry opened this issue over 1 year ago
App throws 500 internal error (happens after v1.15.x)

Devr-pro opened this issue over 1 year ago
feat: add experimental `@sveltejs/image` package

dummdidumm opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Rejecting streamed data

rafaberaldo opened this issue over 1 year ago
Fix browser caching of endpoints instead of page

oscarhermoso opened this issue over 1 year ago
Prefix for private env variables

coryvirok opened this issue over 1 year ago
SSR dynamic component imports?

john-michael-murphy opened this issue over 1 year ago
ESLint error with starter app: `App` is not defined

ptrxyz opened this issue over 1 year ago
adapter-cloudflare: allow disabling generation of fallback `404.html`

ajgeiss0702 opened this pull request over 1 year ago
feat: add server endpoint `fallback` handler

s3812497 opened this pull request over 1 year ago
feat: add `HEAD` handler

s3812497 opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Depends and invalidate without a colon should be a type error

nathancahill opened this issue over 1 year ago
Issue with VSCode completion of filepaths containing $lib

vlrevolution opened this issue over 1 year ago
feat: show vite error overlay for unhandled errors during load

dummdidumm opened this pull request over 1 year ago
chore: speed up CI a bit (hopefully)

gtm-nayan opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Presence of live region may be confusing for screen reader users

geoffrich opened this issue over 1 year ago
Use the Vite error overlay for more errors at dev time

geoffrich opened this issue over 1 year ago
adapter-static generates unused js chunks when csr=false

sparrowsl opened this issue over 1 year ago
fix: 9475 adapter node log request error

dreitzner opened this pull request over 1 year ago
ISR revalidatePath, revalidateAll, revalidateTag

mquandalle opened this issue over 1 year ago
Vercel ISR pages are slow to load the first time

mquandalle opened this issue over 1 year ago
Fetch arrayBuffer data is not inlined during ssr

Elia872 opened this issue over 1 year ago
`split` option for `adapter-cloudflare`

nCrafts opened this issue over 1 year ago
Prototype access via action name (Security?)

bcaller opened this issue over 1 year ago
Textfield is empty after form submit with use:enhance

Beiri22 opened this issue over 1 year ago
Add `onNavigate` lifecycle function, to enable view transitions

Rich-Harris opened this pull request over 1 year ago
`trailingSlash` `ignore` gives wrong URL pathname

GingerAdonis opened this issue over 1 year ago
Add support for compression

evanlurvey opened this issue over 1 year ago
New user documention "bumps"

wmakley opened this issue over 1 year ago
Make svelte-kit logic Framework Agnostic

MrWaip opened this issue over 1 year ago
[Docker/SvelteKit] Cross-site post form submissions are forbidden

Bishwas-py opened this issue over 1 year ago
Get rid of request in form actions, and transfer type safe data directly

jdgamble555 opened this issue over 1 year ago
Allow for relative paths of assets when building for static deployments

renefournier opened this issue over 1 year ago
Svelte kit demo project tsconfig errors

justingolden21 opened this issue over 1 year ago
Document how to have different SSR vs browser build config

Conduitry opened this issue over 1 year ago
feat: Add `handleLoad` hooks on client and server

Lms24 opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Add support for `handleLoad` hook on client and server hooks

Lms24 opened this issue over 1 year ago
Close adapter-node server gracefully on SIGINT and SIGTERM

vekunz opened this issue over 1 year ago
[BUG] yarn test file extension error on fresh install

willuhmjs opened this issue over 1 year ago
Form action and load function bound to component

Beiri22 opened this issue over 1 year ago
Client-side console.log not showing output in browser

rehypothecation opened this issue over 1 year ago
fix(adapter-cloudflare-workers): throws status 404 if KVError instanceof

vicentematus opened this pull request over 1 year ago
svelte prerendered site not working with CSP script-src 'self'

marciovalim opened this issue over 1 year ago
Line after `console.log` gets skipped.

VimHax opened this issue over 1 year ago
docs: fix js and ts extension when TSToggle is active

vicentematus opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Able to set default invalidateAll() after form action

stefandevo opened this issue over 1 year ago

dreitzner opened this issue over 1 year ago
feat: Add Tauri Zero-Config to `adapter-static`

lorenzolewis opened this pull request over 1 year ago
feat: Full layout reset (ignore the root layout)

adiguba opened this pull request over 1 year ago
Full layout reset (ignore the root layout)

adiguba opened this issue over 1 year ago
Sass compile (lang = scss) missing styles when embedding components

censys-git opened this issue over 1 year ago
svelte-package not transforming glob import

seo-rii opened this issue over 1 year ago
Socket hang up Kit + node-fetch - Node v19

GeoDoX opened this issue over 1 year ago
Building multiple permutations of bundle

adiguba opened this issue over 1 year ago
Adapter-static not applying CSS on index page

universallyleo opened this issue over 1 year ago
Changing the error response code in hooks.server

beganovich opened this issue over 1 year ago
Allow the serialisation/deserialisation of non-POJOs

carlosV2 opened this issue over 1 year ago
feat(adapters): Add back adapter.esbuild to allow configuration of bundling step

tomaspietravallo opened this pull request over 1 year ago
@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare v2.2.0 always triggers hooks on build

danawoodman opened this issue over 1 year ago
fix: Ensure we have fallback for host for every request

itssumitrai opened this pull request over 1 year ago
option to specify the `tsconfig.json` in `svelte-package`

DetachHead opened this issue over 1 year ago
props for endpoints

ryoppippi opened this issue over 1 year ago
Make `path` a required option when setting/deleting cookies

Rich-Harris opened this issue over 1 year ago