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ScalaTest + Play

Fleshed out Scaladoc for BrowserFactory and BrowserInfo types.

c6b3c5921791730215d99c01d8945c27bd674244 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Cleaned up Scaladoc on AllBrowsersPerSuite and AllBrowsersPerTest.

bf8352177d580421dbd790888de532a06389ea7b authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped version to 1.0.0-RC5.

ccc267c5fc2de855c543266d9887896840b63f5c authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Added AllBrowsersPerSuite. Added UninitializedDriver.

45c04c0b8ef270776504874a346147c02beb4efd authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Renamed files and packages from AllBrowsersPerSharedTest to AllBrowsersPerTest.

a7fa890ff62556f4f98bafa8b218b0bffa485f6c authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Refactored mergeMap in AllBrowsersPerSharedTest, and renamed whole shebang back to


1b8cc6c3ebed636063ad42768b417a9d9adba1d5 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Put logic in withFixture, not runTests, in AllBrowsersPerSharedTest. Refactored the GrumpyDriver stuff.

cef6f0259e4d61b02105f3a302b68dd0a1f0995c authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Factored out GrumpyDriver and added UnneededDriver.

791994ac07ee13045ac913c1dfa51e08b6a29526 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Renamed NoDriver to UnavailableDriver.

1f7913a8f28532b7c9d70dac7ae9f0a9496a888f authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Move the BrowserInfo classes outside of AllBrowsersPerSharedTest, both to make them

easier to extend (like Page being moved out of WebBrowser), and I may be about to
make an AllBrow...

0196282271c084a75c97fb985ec9f085d8cf69e6 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped rev to 1.0.0-RC4, and released this revision as that version, forgetting

to tag it before moving on. So will skip that tag and do one for a 1.0.0-RC5 after
doing the AllB...

a4e3f8e33182482784370c08f74922cbb0edcce7 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Make webDriver val lazy in OneBroswerPerSuite.

5da469fe32b10cef48df855bb022153353520b5d authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Made ConfiguredBrowser require ServerProvider, and added tests thereto.

81107483fa1cb4c68a348eb9f046516daaec55d5 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Made AllBrowsersPerSharedTest require ServerProvider as its self type.

dc7560a2b779bf888ea68e5795251024d0a4f673 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc around ServerProvider.

c40f8a7613adc69f78e5e2097ba59546c4a7390b authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped ScalaTest + Play version to 1.0.0-RC3.

f7b824c5f86eaf0e7ce890c0f14d4f3b395d39df authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Made OneBrowserPerSuite require ServerProvider as its self type. Fixed code that broke by

mixing in OneServerPerSuite. Added tests for the other ServerProviders with OneBrowserPerSuite.

eadc51022814b51bc44f04c097cc8a144f3ce57a authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Tweaked Scaladoc in OneBrowserPerTest and removed the incorrect implicit on newAppPerTest in

onebrowserpertest ExampleSpec. Had we tried to use WsScalaTestClient it would have given
an ambig...

b46430d551a8c2b905ec5f2f233ca6c347861e3b authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added tests for other ServerProviders with OneBrowserPerTest.

c43e89977cd74192991b3898b0c96df310619196 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added ServerProvider and made that the self-type of AllBrowsersPerSharedTest and

OneBrowserPerTest. Then made OneServerPerTest, OneServerPerSuite, and ConfiguredServer
extend Ser...

f65943081832a73a74ebadcad1cd43c6f379a78c authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Made port a lazy val in AllBrowsersPerSharedTest.

8cc37e8ec9c13ed9d2fc0613dc419149777f5d6d authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Use ScalaTest 2.1.5 and bump ScalaTest + Play version to 1.0-RC1.

75df0a4790effff6e95bfb6a81b42095abca679d authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Cleaned up the Scaladoc of individual nested classes and methods in MixedFixtures.

dd5d71dcc9c0f8b850025b0a798df958203b60ac authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added example for MixedFixtures and fleshed out its Scaladoc.

065e95b80d752e197c86d4664e393d0be976f85c authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Dropped mention of trait that will not make it into 1.0.

61607a620bcc1aa0ae6e7274fc625ebe2256ebe9 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added examples and fleshed out Scaladoc for OneAppPerTest, OneServerPerTest, and


2c5bc58ccab5b4c8c7dbc066711d6a16776b4c5f authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added example test for AllBrowsersPerSharedTest and fleshed out its Scaladoc.

dc0b3a3162369422990b6abd5adbe3aa8610caab authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Had to do a 2.1.5-SNAP1 to move forward because how was I supposed to remember

we needed to by-hand add Java classes to the deployment jar, so 2.1.4 went out
without the new br...

ff8732a44f9152a4618d3fb9e2a9aae0d0f0be76 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc and examples for OneBrowserPerSuite. Also fixed the bug whereby needed

to register the code that closes the TestServer, FakeApplication, and WebDriver with the result o...

a4d17470b6aa52b8886bf24e41b473194dc292a0 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Deleted a badly named file.

6d8fede1e4559ebb7ba438f7f19957003899b7d1 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc for OneServerPerSuite. Fixed bug where I needed to

register testServer.stop with the Status rather than just doing it in the finally clause.
Also we...

212158e7735e8240c36de176ddcc5ded743333c0 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Apparently forgot to check in the files that got some fleshing out of Scaladoc, which

I described in my previous commit message.

d9979dbd44981e065e6866b7e73fbc8b82010046 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added example specs to make sure they work, and even found a bug while doing that. Because

sbt wants to decide whether to do things sequentially or in parallel, so we need to register

1c675b0f243064cd577f7c480856ad60850d79f0 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc for OneServerPerSuite.

6287b87cfd93b26dfe54621d04754f7ae8afa9b1 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped ScalaTest version to 2.1.4, which has the browser tags in it.

fa4c351b4a9feec987ac05275f859aad86d0ac25 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc, primarily of OneAppPerSuite.

b2a5d0534e0aabee5c540f5cdfd14e6b4067231d authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Renamed newApp newAppForTest and pass TestData into it.

3848fe1a05ad3c348ffad88fe082f72f72b00095 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Tweaked Scaladoc of One*Per* traits, but also made some vals lazy vals, added

some final modifiers where needed, and added newApp to One*PerTest traits that
was missing it. In...

63fdbef844f66a14e30a49cb84daf2f23647cb91 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc for One*PerTest traits.

07f42a02a4f7e08ed317556763d0dc176dad0eb5 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc of WsScalaTestClient.

4c52fee977febf5c6f3e35062994c16de9900d05 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added Scaladoc for PortNumber.

0223d36a93a5b32cef7f1f8d95fbd42b75d43081 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Improved Scaladoc for the driver factories.

bbc72d78466b72b4f07c97728cc0cecaa9d3efe7 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fleshed out Scaladoc for Configured* traits.

1b40a728e331035d4cafd15fc324f2d6eb8e6b6a authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'MixedFixtures-PortNumber' of


9cd6e092c1b3092f68def798cfa3189d4bed677e authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Fixed minor typo in error message in resources.

b21b6d515e08f97d9877d07eb95bef3cc33faf99 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'AllBrowsersPerSharedTest' of

c896cff0d9b6d36b06872cbb067c10ca6fd460e7 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Changed <code> to back ticks, and a few other Scaladoc tweaks.

b49d212461ee523a1cf0adafc9fbb74198c77964 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Added PortNumber implicit in Server, HtmlUnit, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and InternetExplorer NoArgs in MixedFixtures, and make MixedSpec to mixin WsScalaTestClient also.

3edb47c0c918b9e422840c858f5df9c09d48d2fc authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Removed the unneccesary 'new' keyword to create FirefoxInfo for consistency.

037b19a0c862cde2155af0fbe91a7bf33eee36e7 authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Added tests to AllBrowsersPerSharedTestBehaviorSpec to make sure user can override browsers to choose browser(s) to run, and this requires to make the browsers field in AllBrowsersPerSharedTest as lazy val for them to work.

e5bb09b7609bf2dc3010d7b1babaaccf1080ccc6 authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Tweaked Scaladoc for the Browser factories.

acba6ae5b0ed0a869089f05822e10b62f77e639c authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Tweaked another error message in resources.

50fe0a878ee36c3535fa9119fb200088419e6a66 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Tweaked some error messages in resources.

93a79ecae65f03c439bd7ee9642ca4ba8644689a authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Pretty big refactor of how web drivers are created via factories. Got rid

of a lot of code duplication.

e4293d1cdfaf0d800aa3e6213776db40d3edd983 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Renamed registerSharedTests to sharedTests.

4ebfd32ced1c07a3724a094f619538d39441e6bb authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Added a space after some shared test names before the browser name.

a12adf4174d142ffb756b8a26e14854a5cdf5de4 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Got rid of the WithoutDriver class. Instead use NoDriver and the absence of

an entry in the config map to signal
"without driver".

180e670988ec50b52a8504983b33a2fb2206e333 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Cleaned up BrowserFactory Scaladoc.

8d707f3fe06b3d07686a0d9dca2758e3a74288d6 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Renamed cantCreateRequestedDriver to unableToCreateDriverErrorMessage.

a7ae95ad4475aaf075f3337fb3c0ed276b2051fe authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Improved Scaladoc for AllBrowsersPerSharedTest.

fb59d63ea590c3d288b3b4241caac16dc13847e4 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Dropped registerSharedTestsFor* lazy vals. Use a for expression on browsers

instead. Tweaked some ScalaDoc.

5ebcc0ecff24fbd1bc572b6db48d01f8485521ec authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Tweaked some names and Scaladoc in AllBrowsersPerSharedTest.

0a776824604c25575da0e35bb9c96451b764bf63 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Tweaked Scaladoc of portNumber implicits and got rid of leading space in

browser names. Will instead suggest folks put an extra space at the end of
the hand-written part ...

36a1cb5d04136daad7a2c33d504455f61973d707 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Added WsScalaTestClientSpec.scala.

59382560b7c8c19a0a81fa8ffb9e0a1242a8ee67 authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Added PortNumber and WsScalaTestClient, added implicit port number to AllBrowsersPerSharedTest, ConfiguredBrowser, ConfiguredServer, OneBrowserPerSuite, OneBrowserPerTest, OneServerPerSuite and OneServerPerTest, and mix WsScalaTestClient into PlaySpec and MixedPlaySpec.

2c9d437fa778e81674c1becad63354ec6273d1ed authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Drop email addresses from pom.

508f57243b263674cc63afcfb0ea08cd430cedda authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Change tag names from *Tag to *Browser.

0f2b7dacdaa69fd2f4ccdc6858869ebcee87a878 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bump ScalaTest version to 2.1.4-SNAP1.

0745c970b9cf02a3e08224df40dc05691ef8f995 authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Deleted the temporary browesr tags, which are now in the 2.1.x branch of ScalaTest proper.

7c473a91e40a630ae1bcfefa7b783580b8bbec34 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Renamed AllBrowsersPerTest to AllBrowsersPerSharedTest.

66201cecaddae7a41ff8a55aedb3278c4b129599 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Initial cut at MixedPlaySpec.

9b61bddaebaeca790d3b375a3971b01915ef5cd0 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Tweaked names of some of the tests to match the new "Factory" names.

81fe7acef8467c58c05e90abc372c6199adebf11 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Changed name of BrowserDriver to BrowserFactory, ChromeBrowser to ChromeFactory, etc.

51ac24df428aa4a0cc5e493c9d83c81fb6f2a980 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Added "Tag" on the end of the names of all the tags, to differentiate

them from the WebBrowser subtypes as well as the NoArgs in MixedFixtures.

cf3ca31ea7dc2869c9850d5c36c6b1982e7a9593 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Changed to use .quit() for ChromeDriver.

37e1d897f073c290ec716e9910b3df194c0febec authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Prepended config map keys with "".

093ec3b85112d40af8542d0af80c0d935894d0b8 authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Added ConfiguredBrowser.

94c84f434f1fe2a682c3b46555e5f528f194042f authored over 10 years ago by Bill Venners <[email protected]>
Bump version to 0.8.0-SNAP6 and use Play 2.2.2 for tonight's East Bay Java Users Group demos.

ec63df8c167ddb45b00e3431bfe88703283f436e authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Call quit() not close() on SafariDriver. May need to do this for Chrome as well. Need to test that.

179d35aac20118c325dacae78b8a36767ed3dd3c authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Dropping AllBrowsersPerSuite.

a0d904babe856442dda3112f74f0879ada24505e authored over 10 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Rectify error messages in WithoutDriver.

5650fd1b0c8df3fd951fc6b197513aaa90b3e903 authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Make firefoxProfile def in AllBrowsersPerTest lazy val.

d96b8e12817b2ee0560352e6b73784709177281e authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Changed AllBrowsersPerTest to use shared tests approach.

517ba46605ff1b23f9a99c2d54b996acce6416e4 authored over 10 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Change calls to cancel() to Canceled in withFixture.

ec70443f591b08bfe36a458db4c6f1975129868d authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added a type annotation to two variables and made WebDriverFactory private[play]

9e695e4792996a575984c32a1532f5d663d66c74 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'multi-browser' of


8e24ae3d4241b57cd423767eedb91c3444328145 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped version to 0.8.0-SNAP5

67be58136891b36d1fdffdebef35d42431969b3a authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added AllBrowsersPerTest which creates new instances of all available browsers to run each test.

ab7ff9b42ece8840d07c4767c78accb8eafc8863 authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Added scaladoc to describe the behavior of AllBrowsersPerSuite, and some cleanup in imports.

f56864d4d8171ecc73ec109a6158123febe92710 authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Added support of explicitly specify browser(s) to run in AllBrowsersPerSuite through config map.

37eef2121a3b16a7c020fc84047d7d96558cac21 authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Added Html Unit to AllBrowsersPerSuite, and adjusted the name string for web driver.

3e527cee53cef8d8d8a392bbed472f7b7430e6ed authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Moved web driver creation logic into WebDriverFactory, and make AllBrowsersPerSuite to create web drivers lazily and close the created web driver before proceed to the next one.

b15eff72b4aed9a6fc58bb37cb11c47f6a762e7d authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Added initial version of AllBrowsersPerSuiteSpec.

d97398e3bce15c9f0143485ac8378446d7bb0e4d authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Changed release version to 2.3.0-SNAP1 and play-test dependency version to 2.3-SNAPSHOT.

b950ae443e130f8629ebd7d8ce5e3013c7ca9df8 authored almost 11 years ago by cheeseng <[email protected]>
Bumped version to 0.8.0-SNAP3.

9fec627fcf2381e4ecc01c9423cd8acbd9d08d92 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Go back to original PlaySpec because had a version skew problem in the documentation project.

163a97438b630457c7962d21d5427adae7d48bd3 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped version to 0.8.0-SNAP2.

5f4478bd019ea468a1b8ead0d1aeaad210cb30b6 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Bumped version of ScalaTest dependency to 2.1.1.

78ac2f8bdf3def938bf83379efa68ea07d3784d4 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Added Play-specific traits to PlaySpec.

079e4021b6d05cf7f4ec976a9a9898a98c48df5d authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>
Have PlaySpec extend OptionValues.

ee035c88c0b1a5224b09c8043df197e346075898 authored almost 11 years ago by bvenners <[email protected]>