
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Premake 4

Added missing SlickEdit action files

6ebf6ac299fcbebf56f625c7caa10a33c539b321 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
More work on example action template

aec3d4108f8fada41d263426b6675e46c676aea1 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Started work on an example action.

ceafa8c3105c99803a64203f8f882605b6bc54ab authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Patch 2928029: Add EnableSSE, EnableSSE2 flags

e210af92e0d5995ded6874fb496f380cb29ff2e8 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed handling of ./ prefix on file wildcards

ef2134950529c3530f3e9127abac157915e8c5f7 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2928775: Error loading external Lua module with require(); added test for ./ prefix on wildcard matches

deb345176af4e4a05ef668c4ab5b626e346b1fcf authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated changes for 4.2

a52cc9a66859ab8fd3bd65da94cd7552d7a1d052 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Simplified long string handling in embedded scripts

3361bd4c6618079324e2754f375fa99e255453ce authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Adjusted string length limits to build on VS2003

ba8750bf2863335901c4922f8a991e8455b4bdb8 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2927604: Unable to build Premake with Visual Studio

bbf7bbef3a668149418fd973ae66d1def8540ca3 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2926917: Use target name for Visual Studio PDB file

38e8cab78ac22f3c26be9be3f5c7672e1ab28838 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Alpha sort files in Xcode projects

0f49283f608d8f757fad05aad7713216f50660fb authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated scripts

e28188080b1a9d65937a7910865795bcc0d658ed authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Support targetprefix in Xcode

0ab0451c0956dcd5993f863a3fc0738f2c76aab6 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Support framework linking in makefiles

d3cc3855eea47adca6934763e6612aaa0566ab4a authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2910202: Code::Blocks building C files as C++

c24a0a94ad324562e441d0c4ea42ff40d474e182 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Factored out a bunch of hardcoded tabs in _p() calls

a744d46384212750163e99e9ebf409fd42e1b6bc authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Feature 2820644: Add Xbox360 deployment and image options

b9e6c4315b000037e00bbfde64cff140cd6f2ced authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Feature 2919629: Add help target for makefiles

f8cd380d11cacd6dd3fc65b671adc3a992c8f296 authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Feature 2905303: Enable better folder matching in file lists

f4cfa2f82a709bdd249fe0762169850c7fd08afa authored almost 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated changelog

a755816cf221777f78fba5d8c8e38de48558f0e8 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Feature 2832906: Global variable (_SCRIPT) for current script path

58d38ea0756e8e2198b025123256595259046bed authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Feature 2839002: Add gcc switch to improve header dependency generation (Johannes Spohr)

6a9ecc6cb55242d0a25147f8166c5d73337e4fa5 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Few fixes for targetsuffix

4a179ae704d0150196beb73ac37184c0460c4102 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Split build commands out by configuration

70636a4510c10e638efc94fcc61165d8692d1e9b authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated scripts

934c56719b0b51b588a0fe25af848cf72f91c87f authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2912756: dylibs missing lib prefix

c963a7689230c0d61e8a544ff6c1074554561760 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed a bug in release script

19eb42fe3fd6fa5391eaea45e2401bcf6afcb8a1 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
More work on release script

2563b82191fe76b1cfaa90a6008a6a3f5ac243ad authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Removed deprecated Xcode solution stuff

fdf37134c50582cafea2e2a0fcff471be4fb26bb authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2872066: Two test failures in 4.1.2

a212a798eca3640cc6e9998e69c9bd1a3a2defa9 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2910639: Nil reference on dylib project dependency

9a3bf8e5e5f24c4cd5cc9ef8c0c013c80c57e60b authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2910691: Duplicate build options

b3abe4c0cbaa2774d9bdd559a7067316b0fb24aa authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2903430: Using relative instead of absolute paths with $() macro

6a323fc26309e4428b6c184e7b2abd61dd4c49ea authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Bug 2909463: Fix Xcode handling of Obj-C++ .mm files

b51c75e70d8c3c4cbec134e12cde8949747e48ee authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added project kind to list of configuration filters

a12933cc72d7f32d026f7a1eb9a3a2ce935d076f authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added more source files to build script

eb8fa9715fb5f04e63ba5977c78f451004c82b73 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Automated most of the release

4914da417b8593afe856a32018cbc65f53d0a36e authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated scripts

d6e4094d51a8529970d907d121db5b48a28b1073 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented prebuild, prelink, and postbuild commands

c0a7128a3cf0ffef4eb1b259140d19541613c544 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented platforms

a39c33889613ed082e4e7b36def3f4ad3e82b872 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added linking to system libraries

c858deabdd910aeb23a595c4440291d123cef91f authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added NoExceptions, NoFramePointer, NoPCH, NoRTTI, libdirs, precompiled headers

fcff55ee47990ab6f8e65fe2a573df06afd4ee78 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented buildoptions, ExtraWarnings, FatalWarnings, FloatFast, FloatStrict, NoEditAndContinue, Symbols

14b7a2ca5d40531923b04588a00dfdd2b7e02866 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated scripts

6ef541d37c7021d6f1513a8c05c7ea294a8d0c80 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed paths to dependent projects

a0f7ffc87eefca69116d1fef565c53dc087f0f3f authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added PBXTargetDependency section

00709e10747ea783cf9debd9e04b9b9913a0307e authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added PBXReferenceProxy section

70349b3bdd3a942a11f549f15828751583a5f531 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added project dependencies to PBXProject

05bbfcc15b5aa4ab224578d3af48dd191473a049 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added project dependencies to PBXNativeTarget

ac4b4280997bc926c9d9d744108b6f881d18b309 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added project dependencies to PBXGroup

776f833413e4804ab220d50559d1c3aa630caff3 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added project dependencies to PBXFrameworksBuildPhase

7e5e63d2dd57a717fe252e828d57cd192f8d5997 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added project dependency to PBXFileReference

992eec33ab96b4cef94d1d69a93a7c0973ef6c58 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented PBXContainerItemProxy

912ebca6659ab9c59ac0c8959ba767f500dc70d7 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Attach IDs needed for inter-project dependencies at solution setup time

8e3604d95fd8e188bd227d6fd22d1dfef5c6e0b3 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Add check to Xcode action to prevent multiple target kinds per project (not supported by Xcode)

b65bf6111a8496e2c476a489951f5482be495acc authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented linkoptions() for Xcode

f1e5457752e76f51cd3fe86fb8bd1112738cb626 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented includedirs() and defines() for Xcode

73aad5b34b98dff288cfaadd37a4a52cf4e30bd8 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed bug in Xcode group pathing; started work on project dependencies

293b03daa253bb7f31cb40d6dc841629cf37ba34 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Treat paths starting with '$' as absolute [like ]

94858c315e523acfb0276bc073a3844d8afcbf51 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fix for product file reference names

b5dd640f9dab9cf9b903927f104143bce4b543c6 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Feature 2900623: Add targetsuffix and implibsuffix properties

49755b0d23dc4440e8916f6c667afa8136d7dfc2 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Implemented location(), targetdir(), objdir()

f47e40abbe52c0306059f730108d74c1c6bbc816 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
clean now removes .pidb files

d15d0753094c219e35ac56da458bb16bceae00c0 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Cleanup on target and project config blocks

bf152cac6b12fa59a7d2f67763d9c116fd164e6e authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>

5ad56cccaa000492619e52032100b57c78ca864f authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Finished porting

eef1a97501ae4a4aeb157f17449e279a9fa47037 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported build configurations

0273520f02f06eaa3404e7be236863c75a88c91d authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported PBXSourcesBuildPhase

382aed3e937aa05c82864c794e191ca03ca8a88f authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported PBXResourcesBuildPhase

bd65dcc2c9031433aafd60381afd3ff7a9a42ce4 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported PBXProject

11a4804617bfa39cae93b6f583c751e22b56f0a5 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported PBXNativeTarget

794b84c90f457c9f2ee1c3412bad3421743ac1b7 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported PBXGroup

756d5e844a703ac9143c35f942a810c61d8815f6 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported PBXFrameworksBuildPhase

8ebddad6b0aec9fcd9a7285eae1f3fa8a143fec2 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Finished porting PBXFileReference

7943baa46f8a76860e3f5b24790b7af1feb0205d authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Began porting PBXFileReference

5b27a0a36844d9b763a3cad7af149f559928ec69 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added frameworks to PBXBuildFile

74a37071f89dc9f5eadcb062ebe24c90fa061968 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported resource handling in build files

5f48d7414eaefdf202246364d959c23243daddb7 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
More solution object refactoring

505efec18043910c2dbd27f5225520bfef2506cc authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Began porting to solution object

293e2353ba26f9d1ce7148916cb3e2b5fbbd6bf1 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Shuffling functions into new Xcode source organization

03b9eb3deb8969b84192e5ed8808901a798f19ca authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Started refactoring toward one target per project

45d6a1d5684a66899350f55830548c015f2f1ca8 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed handling of .string file references

162cb143330d7c5d6eb9978dc582100bf7beed13 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated scripts

337da61e8a966024fe16e75d815397c48a54cae5 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>

2ff5eee66718f1d1bf23963773dc6063970d1c5e authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Updated OW float flags

1fb14e7499a12efcaf7eb84e42f7bc5effb74111 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Patch 2802722: Floating Point Model Flags (Suigintou)

05cb432e31d83d825f473ebc709fe84aa38c3e84 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added missing changelog

21d56ceebb3177dce62b6e4b15b0475a96c8ff75 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Patch #2832852: Fix descriptions in cmd help (Sebastian Schuberth)

fa96dd946ce45a7c6ba5aa9c74ea4fc56829072e authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Added .m and .mm file extensions (Objective C)

7b6c8fdd9a62cee1702f25ca157505a29e93701a authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed os.match() for very large result sets; fixed bug in action tests

1f0e3ed568ea41f6fd5523d33c689be9ee31f799 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Set up _OS for xcode tests

18c498f7b3fc7de9d2993fd831f51c3a75821112 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Turned off Xcode generator for the 4.1.2 release

5f978efc56e4f4d4a2c980ccd82146dc0b146fe8 authored about 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Fixed naming of static libraries in Xcode

3f3cabd28f5396d462d4b8c86628597eb1fcab76 authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
First pass on library support for Xcode

72682355c3471a1586047044a17601d5a638df10 authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Removed deprecated code from Xcode generator

d46a53ba640954d7888c8e21e7ebb23b86f75e0a authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Ported remaining sections to new structure

1af7b99c87e73c3448ee9109500c773b057cd32c authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Moved pbxproj header and footer to new structure

543465da1a47b581fc9aff870758b20cbb48aae5 authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Cleaned up PBXBuildFile and PBXFileReference sections

80fbc4d1467d56671cd6bb44f0b25d545473f367 authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>
Improved handling of special/empty groups

08e3d7f11e78d6cdb911a50f437591116a7ad72e authored over 15 years ago by starkos <unknown>