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OpenQA tests for QubesOS

Add test for release upgrade with modified repo config

d328e3cc7f6ceeb3a01c7137d1515911aedf6cc5 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Fix uploading logs without dhclient

56a9246509d2c0020c83a17de9cf6e843415964b authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Split integration tests into smaller jobs

Split long tests into smaller jobs to have more effective scheduling (more
tests run in parallel...

3968f5887495c0089c48c2187d912cfbfe1ff88e authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add needles for fc32-based dom0 and GUIVM (part 1)

0ef3bb428956ea72857539fea2bb01c2d1228355 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Make simple_gui test work also when the full menu doesn't fit on the screen

The test tries to click on "Qube settings" entry, but since all applications
are included in the...

ed0ef469e004a447ed15fef68cc9a1f5aceaf1e1 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Increase timeouts in firstboot test

Now templates installation is done during firstboot as a whole (not only its
second stage) - adj...

d8dce11dd82b0e082aec5ba7fa1ce73de34a1999 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Fix mouse in release upgrade test, add few basic tests

After performing release upgrade, include few basic tests to check if system is
still operationa...

72c082edb5cf4b88c4932992f6976914598314c3 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/8'

a3e3f7e8df422a866fa3149f17a86812e32eb187 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Apply nose2 junit patch only for R4.0

9d5f0262d23b1e2f13708c27c776a8e80ad85413 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Add needles related to GUI VM and GUI interactive tests

400f4a1f3fd51264989504be268561a00d04ca32 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add tests for GUIVM: install it and enable, then perform simple GUI test

Reuse simple GUI interactive test from previous commit. Note currently things
like script_run do...

0c8547b7c21d32d681df611540e43dbf1e450acc authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add simple GUI interactive tests

Add application to the menu and try to start it.

042899864a68141f4e3f9c1a6d3cb3a9bcb373b6 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Disable all salt tops after installing updates

Do not leave them enabled, so other test modules can cleanly enable what they
need, without worr...

c159bb1bf7df06a5b000ac9e588138266470147e authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Split installing updates into two phases: dom0 and vm

First of all, this allows installing vm updates using already upgraded qubesctl
But it als...

42d86a96717e1653e5d7d01c12c2a5a13ba15bfa authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Typo fix

62ba4e9779d1a89164004686228d7988c515e44e authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
amqp: add option for calling a script on job creation

This is useful for waking up some workers.

05b5242a3ea6529573071681e7e9b8d021d48cd5 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Do some basic tests with tests_suspend job

It is quick enough to not hurt too much there. On the other hand, avoid adding
few minutes (and ...

f93cab3d69d3e1937fcc1503be617a63f3523c5f authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Enable templates testing repositories persistently

Do that not only for just installing templates, but also for the reset of the
test. This will be...

c2bc0bb8ee9acd7129cd35eb99a35cef2c307f5a authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
vm: create order for test and testing repo

c5868fff8066b15e0e0e19236653234e1403373d authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
udpate: skip_if_failure for RPM distro

f2cd886dded463876ce3992b6c1affec647228c5 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Allow specifying update-test repo with respective KEY_1

- Don't disable update-test repo but simply skip if unavailable

00243fcd8378db50811bdfc2498b969ee3f000a7 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Update needles for dom0 Fedora 32 and adapt firstboot to newer implementation

0ec420a083e55de562788bd850ae459fff9c8b98 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
firstboot: increase slightly timeout for loging-prompt-user-selected

76ff97bb5cc8aa5a06aec6d3ccc4b5132afd57e0 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
migration: add double metadata size test

ef36e146d1bf16993c0608ec461975ab2f155bfd authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Handle CentOS in update

074fd650afc79bd394acf28863c15325130eb24a authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
repo: change basedist to fc32 for 4.1

ae067f8d87decd7cbddc1ed3367e2547cff75837 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Remove duplicate job

cb8bc66a27b214aabaf7aac29bdcb2df5dde29a5 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
templates: drop unused PACKAGE_SET and install Fedora template

23d19acd32f75fbef92dffe3444a01e7854db866 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Allow remote url for template

b8511b4a94b794588cf1b760ebc662d2dd8ffd03 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
Use qvm-run --no-gui when uploading logs

Do not break logs uploading if GUI doesn't work.

5d1b4991bd373453d247e3258ad4d27ba84bfdcc authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add example of template tests to README

d2101c2edc71fb4b3249d3ca5ba8067f65e394f9 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Increase HDDSIZEGB to 80

5757912d88e5023ec4390c952ce4dcec1df3ccf6 authored over 4 years ago by Frédéric Pierret (fepitre) <[email protected]>
workaround needle

6403aa60525d36befcd29fa9d19ed93bbd760e91 authored over 4 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Misc test fixes

eee6027b0652a137f728d53f45935a0de17df42e authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Separate pull-requests tests from current-testing tests

Those results should be handled very differently, but it was hard to
distinguish them in the Ope...

9bdc861dd4bcb964c24f1c1e8f106e63348f52d5 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Adjust keyboard layout in handle_system_startup()

For tests using non-us keyboard layout, reset it just after login.
Previosly the only tests with...

765a540997324f5c7c3d5c948a84e9a53d4b79f7 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add install on NVMe tests

86ce77c80aa66c6e0288e4317ca82c257cfe7e48 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Remove workaround for "ICE default IO handler doing exit"

It has been fixed in qubes-manager tests.

bc36f8866fd196feb9e21bb5dac025f3bcab8efb authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Improve reporting to github

- fix handling one-line test results (string trailing \n)
- include update test results
- skip c...

936acd9672b4148d44598f3f118a2763d6ff9c19 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Handle both old and new initial-setup

In R4.0.3 the order of actions in initial-setup have changed. Previously the
qubes configuration...

8ceeb4af2dcbf7de47b987ad2dd1d12718991154 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Updated needles

35c7892868327c67325bb3ac96d882e61cb1cb93 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add automatic job restart

Sometimes test fails in an initial stage, because of the console/vnc
unreliability. Automaticall...

5276720e3af3b9725b4f64aa0605e13cbfc4e571 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Increase timeout for vm_qrexec_gui to 4h

Recently some more tests were added there and 3h isn't always enough.

8902ba5b095af46c1a1edd416c3c1ce5982b3e53 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add release upgrade tests

Test migration R4.0 -> R4.1.

c5d1955c8c6fdad57e488364f6617db28517e0b3 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Don't use 'onlyif' in salt - it's broken without python3-pip installed


b806c8d9200baf957a11cc70d7ddfc5cead6d5d1 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Force update to run on a local worker

Running update on a remote worker means uploading resulting disk image (tens of
GBs) over the in...

6de33f84821c1fd93901939c8a6db709842bde08 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Adjust boot options (side-channel attack mitigations) also on update

Until new base image is created, do that on system update too.
See "Adjust settings to work on I...

8c22ef354c28e5c54373623bf6e3d9f17d1d1bdb authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Fix suspend test - unlock the screen after suspend

The screenlocker should kick in on suspend - unlock it after resume.
Also, wakeup the system usi...

40f96f3ebd95f2a20c3af9f81f7867ec0218b6ac authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Adjust tests to recent changes

Few more changes needles for updated (fc31) dom0 and also adjust for recent
qubes-manager changes.

59d65b3836df28073097f8f9c7669575e88b6f98 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Save resulting kickstart file after installation tests

d8a4fa93459e6f6ac13a232156837ed84fbdbf9c authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Adjust settings to work on Intel workers too

Enable both svm and vmx - qemu will complain one of them is missing, but
otherwise will enable t...

91c68b9b62ad5125507758316a8fdd3e7f0eac67 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Extend IOMMU presence handling - revert changes if IOMMU is there

We're getting mixed set of workers, some with emulated IOMMU and some without.
At the system (sy...

c1196a35208083cf61fc4e5f30eebee0e3bfcae1 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add separate group for just template tests

Useful for testing full template packages

866963c2a86e6d0f3696f74a60cd4a45391a6340 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
github-reporting: add AMQP consumer to automate reporting

Add an events consumer to call script automatically
whenever some test group...

7aab0b531893ca18978c932a00d563530416acca authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
github-reporting: support qubes-whonix, create new issue as notification

94b5e7e769242825dc072c0ce9bf848aaf6853dd authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add qubes-whonix tests

Subset of full system tests, relevant for Whonix VMs

143ae122462d8464089d8684beadee75c6b05d69 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
github-reporting: fix handling incomplete jobs

Incomplete jobs for some reason don't have start time set at all. Don't let the
script crash on ...

0eca503b044f218692ff178888764f451ee49fef authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
github-reporting: Add core-qrexec to package mapping

7b2fa06b20ff1956cf5c42f106728142eeeb1e97 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Don't install kernel-latest-qubes-vm anymore

xen_scrub_pages option is available in default kernel now.

d2064d1a4516fca34cb32cbb4764794f6a1651c5 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add guest_loglvl=all to Xen options

c33e2fafd2ba933ea00d5265dc9fbc6b0943d289 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update tests for R4.1 (dom0 fc31) and R4.0.3 (modified initial-setup)

And also log more details about grub2-efi.

5ce81467b5cc79fcc9f53b54893e51d8866a0d4d authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Extend Horrible workaround for lack of IOMMU

Fix it to not detach devices twice.
Update it to apply to Xen >= 4.13 only.

afc4d31a0497e3cd1fc47900fb69352aa069e3c9 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update needles

254e5c117de074ee7b35b791d8c2c9a4835e5f9e authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
more sleep added

75d5fe67e9d545ce7c72a37353b022590a118283 authored almost 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
minor fix for backup tests

added sleep to make sure diretory selection window has a chance to appear

42070b3a2e28eb305e1ffdec655ac5f46c19d935 authored almost 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Adjust for R4.1 installer

- no double LUKS prompt for custom partitioning
- user setup before install
- need to unlock roo...

ecac959018a36ba0b5eb7a076f3d6092adca09b7 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update GUI backup restore tests for R4.1

d06a46d0f64816033f97d996348c7229c588f398 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update for new OpenQA

SeaBIOS menu is visible only if BOOT_MENU=1.
Set BOOT_MENU=1 where needed
Also, eject CD after i...

c1a47db632edff2790868578599b512185a4c1f1 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Horrible workaround for lack of IOMMU

Previous workaround (switching to PV) doesn't work anymore - Xen 4.13 requires
IOMMU even for PC...

5779a56599cbb95fdfd5eb82112227f01aa233e3 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add some more R4.1 needles

80da35b985712966c2361ad91dce2e9bc26e3b88 authored almost 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Don't fail on ISO not fitting on DVD

We've decided to abandon single-layer DVD image goal.

c6accbc412384e1292a8e8bb2ba83aa363df89d9 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Increase timeout for backup tests

aa46cc4e66b86b9281027f22ad8833c835237127 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Split splitgpg tests from extra test job

SplitGPG tests takes quite a while and also are quite unstable. Split them into
separate job for...

cf77ef76211f77ea0228688ad0550ee428316ec5 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Add basic suspend test

7e0d01f584172f68e79cfd78fdcb5c21395a3368 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Use separate code/vars files for Mac-patched OVMF build

It is in practice required by new OpenQA, just passing vars file from
non-patched OVMF isn't eno...

3e309db401b0264a6ee7ba359e7f1b7f7afbdf86 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Re-install tests related fixups when reinstalling a template

b42d4d47fc8f802eda5502f08f4e25b7ebb215e2 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Use qvm-run --nogui when sensible

It will speedup things as it won't wait for GUI session. Also, allows running
commands before ac...

37bf122888085f4ba2daeb61877b1316299cd2c0 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Notify dom0 after installing updates

Make sure the notification is sent even if package manager don't do that (for
example because th...

61bea8ae3f8ca897f6fd5a7041f53d2710c0306b authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Disable autostart of dnsmasq on Debian

Debian has policy of autostarting installed services. Running dnsmasq instance
conflicts with th...

ea057ee2915c1fa70b07210956997a1d8a130b81 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
move test-related packages installation to update job

There are other test related packages installed already, put them into a common
place. This redu...

b5183844a08876cc851466ed97a2d47a27cc391e authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/6'

d695a031ffd2a5ee6167f1c5c3c0b33342d6ab84 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Added option to provide a reference job to track regressions

4f9ebc4d7370e1360457b19c60d94c5f2ee481e1 authored about 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Fixed restore gui

0ff8a65f2217bc065c6b43bd0dd622190a010fce authored about 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
More fixes

Removed direct reference to fedora-29

5bcec692a33abe4c8f1db2391003b22e04bebb54 authored about 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Fixed bug in restore test

Depending on basically random matching, restore selected either
/home or /home/user. Fixed to be...

29e901edbd079595eea2110a4230ed7e117f784b authored about 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Added handling for template tests

When a given job has update-template-versions.txt logfile,
the script will search for appropriat...

97cc6fc7dfe10aaf34500f07257907f8a7b17347 authored about 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Reduce concurrency of update process

Running 3 update processes parallel may cause out of memory issue. And also is
kind of slow anyw...

908aa592b21f02f0bca11fb6765175b135de97c0 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>

c5f2fcce7e4935a9fbdc8e13f8d0106d6f3c9c88 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update UEFI settings for updated openQA

2a0303284c17c933cd60e2c9ac4483df37ff453d authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update package -> components mapping, fix parser

b4acca2d6fd67ad556aed85579f8dcac1d762761 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Disable qemu snapshots

Those are unreliable in connection with Xen inside.

6f1aa34844219f054c0e3be223b53cb941b37399 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Various improvements to system tests handling

79d9e78e5a3fbda3a254fb4b510ec0e94fc25ae1 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Update qubes-manager and widgets tests for R4.1

34e90ad6efcb5c963c93558e8cc6553643956d53 authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Fixes for Whonix handling

5c61de2382bc161d813bf7d40acc33f8b240717d authored about 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/3'

* origin/pr/3:
Complete github reporting script
Fully working status reporting for PRs liste...

c8ed4fd5d00653a54fb0f79a56c5ce9fcc731f41 authored over 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Complete github reporting script

Usage instructions are in Handles finding related pull requests via PULL_RE...

7899ff45f3ec3debca6edacee132a6af23a00ba3 authored over 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Fully working status reporting for PRs listed in job settings

93c3628f066221774b584e5d939e6ae72ae0990b authored over 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
Initial WIP on GitHub reporting tool

Functions that gather test results from a given test_id
and post to a given github issue are ready.

0390c3a7c731b18800ee6e17a2da47ec62c10e86 authored over 5 years ago by Marta Marczykowska-Górecka <[email protected]>
add a bunch of needles for R4.1

95536823684f14fa8f49305b095a98b292b2ebf8 authored over 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>
Handle repositories for different qubes versions

Setup salt pillar with qubes version (based on test settings), then use it in
states to configur...

1037e2146747fbffa8dfa2452f8c4f6ccb14118c authored over 5 years ago by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <[email protected]>