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The Hoa\Compiler library.

Set the end() and pre() methods to concrete. Add names support, for the __toString() method that export the compiler/automata to the DOT language.

3009e0d2a98360ae25d6f21f3096637136168671 authored over 14 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Add the possibility to set two actions for one state with the format: \d,.*, e.g.: '7,f'.

5c5fbf0cbd9a2a331fbdebe628bb28bb0347ea3b authored over 14 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Now an initial state (GO) can have an epsilon-transition to a sub-automata, and cascad of epsilon-transitions is now supported!

68bd3fffba7caa7c6b629d3e05f9791e7959175c authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
When back to a previous (parent) automata, rewind i (the Index) of length of nextChar instead of token.

2684365330dda03afd61720f929ed04bd0613848 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
The next token is unknown at this step of the parsing.

25425d1ae11d1497b55074ce2be252d698c81c20 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Better end of code detection. Complete/Rewrite the API documentation. And add the pre() method to compute source code before compiling.

eba5e5c52ca0c354ff319becf2fa7c45c2fad299 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Remove old line and column error system and replace it by a new line and column system for all tokens! Fix the lastest known bug with an infinite loop. Finally, simplify a bit the code. Fiou, seems like it's the end of this class :-).

aac35e2c561196a58dac1b0ccd941427cf9cf7c9 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Mania: clean a bit the code.

b989a1cbcfea2d3f92f72ae4f30c794f494b91b4 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Simplify skip system: only one array of tokens to skip, it's plenty.

f5b45856ae4cb7d5ccddb1b5dfd1e9211dd31d72 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Rebuilding the error system.

bd97ba1ae80db11d1511e38d46dc94a947bef348 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Call the consume() method if and only if it's necessary.

7dcc0576bf1982cf8fe3f58e76a8a5a90541046f authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Better epsilon-transition support: faster, less memory used, less operations executed etc. Really better. Rest to fix error report and some bugs with skip tokens.

07e8c1543a955fe2d95ab8fdbf9d7941db11decd authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Simplify skip and token chooser.

bfc8e3a4cc8f8f0c5a3e0611a17c03adf406902f authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Add multi-automata support! Fiou, good job :-).

986f84c563e112f9310e8cf372b8fc5144845dcb authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Correct an exception message.

e799fe37e1748ac16a27c8bdc0159326f65f0cf7 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Simplify the code.

5373b6a031a671fa72eecf60082250b20815b15b authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Add the end() method.

87ba8d6197bcfd0cd236c017920637c30632d64e authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Complete the API documentation.

73de40cf0521e2d905b324c2782e58467041af2f authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Write the API documentation, add the initial line support and two constants: __ and GO, respectively for error and initial states.

cbf4e75c42f1f64942dbad5673de2d4c0c1db989 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Add IllegalToken and FinalStateHasNotBeenReached exceptions.

2ea646f1b37a8ab55fb83cbc8c9216c4bae9f4dc authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Start buffers stack to 0 instead of 1.

918b17f20af9ae14e980c07df235a0b96413602c authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
Hello Hoa_Compiler :-).

80832e297410ce13ab0c532739c1983a57b17975 authored almost 15 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>
New repository layout (again).

087f4c466aba9aee909dfe79bb126fc44f0ba494 authored about 16 years ago by hywan <devnull@localhost>