
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

A CakePHP powered Content Management System

code formatting

1099d3074448c9c48756fa5ca5dfd515c73b1e9c authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
tests for TermsController

ede58a21a4f5d47a5b355a0a3e7e124a51ec17d7 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
more test cases for controllers.

70e2c576cc40082337558f5083dff197535d3585 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
test cases for a few controllers.

07d3f195d06ca6d39a76356715b767cab005d91f authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
test cases for behaviors

fbcc7afbf282a1f40d765683085fb047c34ab785 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
test cases for models

fc3404bb8872daa932cb8cb2ef7a1c510f886c31 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

1a75d8125fd932d84677a911a51fb232629ff352 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
user_id field moved to Publishing tab.

6cbf03b40db7631dbb10fdf0a9276af9fadd03f1 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of git://

8d8e3da505507e5c7025fcd3793fedde092aa93f authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
handle plugins downloaded directly from GitHub without a named sub-directory

8bf435d554a14bc65bb90a728d4452f474c02c4a authored almost 15 years ago by Matt Curry <[email protected]>
fixing newlines

714894f29d02e93c6151a83cb4a06ac6fc2abb5e authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
code formatting, and commenting Configure value of admin_theme in bootstrap.

ccdf84cc934bf4dad225a53769f9a1cd74666d7a authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
added admin theme support

8f924984a8e1e687f1e6f3d4197a644f40d6e5d8 authored almost 15 years ago by James Sapara <jsapara@saskatoon.(none)>
doc bloc, and fix for commenter's url.

2965bd66d83645352af76854131578788d06635b authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
removed hardcoded comment url for spam service

dced54eb5843e6061e2e6839d25a436a029c4c3f authored almost 15 years ago by Matt Curry <[email protected]>
allow the author to be set when editing a node - also maintains original author

43d805c4dd5f1a99d8773b4a11e09b0227f77f81 authored almost 15 years ago by Matt Curry <[email protected]>
fixes #17

00aeb03bc3521e7aa79fd246789d9a065c8ab92d authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
do not apply jQuery elastic plugin on Node.body textarea

93ba9d6eb829afee925b051aeca5994c1630fc4f authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
commenting primeminister's timezone fix for strict warnings in PHP 5.3

804216563afacc69d8b93449cf3e6d7e9bbb474d authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
added set timezone in core

716d648d6cc636f136363ccac1a36ae8c8dd513d authored almost 15 years ago by primeminister <[email protected]>

69bb769cfd56984e825060019dc54b39dd3a5359 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
auto link urls and emails in comments.

8162f976c7cd31734273af3d28ed69ebfb6e74b7 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
comments (timezone)

6b1051d0283167e462841dc8086db2221ba17138 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

17ca93071697df3b79f1d57a881529ca72520989 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
email templates

4ad4c5cf363de2c010b3da211a21df7400ffbf9c authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
default.pot updated

e73c4b866dcacb02e6766aabc5a1715956a09718 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

5a663a4430bd2c604d33bf4f44608c7e29c5eb20 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fixes #16

0663d55a8193daa638dc5c17180e950688765ff4 authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
email sender

d2deff17940fe04fd7ab551dd7c2797e76df058a authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fixes #15

bec786c752f719c05d3c606f1dfb13f2d92d1dab authored almost 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fix for #15

04ed099e44fe7fa5c72e692c47445427579aee5d authored almost 15 years ago by ceeram <[email protected]>
Nodes list: fix for permissions.

48ecb6152b406d3c6f02340142bc5d3e6ee039a9 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Recent Posts block.

fda12f5d3404dbbdbe947aa79f4be3ca1ddf0ca0 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
$nodes_for_layout. will be useful for blocks like 'Recent Posts'.

4e63f9b381d338be74f2e26c7de9a94a6b53ff17 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
minor adjustments to make the default theme w3c valid.

b675c889140c24cb0d6eb09b8e42fb5efaabebf2 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
nodes search

b76a17d6c845e55e1bf26487eab0ba90589dbec5 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
image paths in tinymce is made absolute. fixes problem for rss feeds.

01f4bc31daa94ffe81da9afd93d0ac4af75e09e4 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
tinymce fix for relative image paths.

96a3e92804e41da5c1cde8283c7c9afe27006b64 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
plugin routes

3cb65f56d3f90b776039cd7ad382941e77d5791f authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
let admin edit hook files.

ea50d5210b947c1eba332fd46cb1140d18b27bf7 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Node permissions: allow certain roles, or all, to view nodes.

64cd1f1327814513c5dfe11e0ed17a0c4b97afa7 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Inflector::underscore() not required.

d18dfee24146b4134569fc47b6fc541f43828579 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
simplified code for showing plugin's own menu in admin panel.

9c820c16f5e833ac2f971e86344e0ff7fa93c8a7 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
model validation and formatting.

e10e6e07fa07dd07a77371b49a5d5d0abda18efe authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Blocks ordering modified. avoids errors from OrderedBehavior when region_id is changed.

e46e8fa71dd78c89126059b402aac6ee2eeb3bb2 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fixes #3

16fc6cf2f4c2f7fde94a50a8bffe3a6a8d8d972f authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fixes #14

1fa3da43233cc5ed341b8af5f05a07c68b89628d authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
validation for Vocabulary and Term models.

a31317f9847b99b06362e93054be0ebed207b38c authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fixes #11

9c3c392f31ee749f4227793c03da278e76d5fb56 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
removed old Translations button from edit page.

daa609eb7bb7dacae5cba9bc52185c3c09a20373 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
i18n for Nodes, Links, and Blocks.

7b6695536bb54575c6fa92292efe4ca6e6c63f12 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Translate plugin

4d5bb6b1e1a233726871e74c811f2a844cd8200a authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
CustomHelper for themes.

386e8919f5e7f8bbb4b8072d87a85246a8f7320b authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
jquery slug plugin for auto creating slug/alias for Nodes, Vocabularies and Terms.

d640e8eee40c7db1752beb2558bda16d547a15bf authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
do not show core plugins in admin panel (Extensions > Plugins page).

40648a0aab9e798db6a4b6c9649b39c30009b8ba authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

dec94bedc0d57df1e7a562610fd3971efe0254b9 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
jquery updated

c08c5bc07ee3b7cdae6edd6129d6da4058dac7fe authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
filemanager: show delete link for selected directories only.

71057636cca05592f97ced997f9d41a7a17bd1be authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
changed model del()s to delete()s.

506f7dfb3379394e110555862baa992ca7dfc48a authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
new model method - Setting::deleteKey()

caa2c99035f01ff4475dcb05de06e720a23cf4ef authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
ACL (permissions) can be managed from plugin hooks using onActivate() and onDeactivate()

29653001da9a95022f36fa16a87e59b83108a541 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of git://

65afc90ff68dcdcd88285c3d8f786a99f348457e authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
admin_menu element for plugins. can be added/removed when activating/deactivating hooks.

276f735f70f78bd19621200a0de54f2460314ae2 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Patch to allow plugin elements for blocks.

bbb400320994339273df9fcf2fa986b06d317d8e authored about 15 years ago by Andrew Weir <[email protected]>
Example plugin (with hooks).

f277934b2a6772553a6f51e033965f7cd6defc20 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
onActivate() and onDeactivate() callbacks for hooks.

c9b01512c59de811c02f1f70379541eca2c81fc9 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fix for loading plugin hook components.

9e92849bf892e8d9f9449d7c7e78774cf0a37c3f authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fix for plugin hooks.

6515fe5253d415b3621bf3d70864d4dc3806de48 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Comments and Settings.

c68acabd0df3f96f77a2e73b2ebb1df996cb2450 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
removing exit()s after all redirects.

78b769c005084c16c2fa605e43598e12ecd7bbb8 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
hooks for components.

5fff0881c9bec141296b4bb93e54d6e19cb85d6c authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Nodes i18n

b7154c7091d368a5e68fa369c2c677ceb1788c72 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

4836c0be285f6d067430eace0325b27245166d31 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of git://

8e6c5aa92c4b1e21db4734254a2bbd80dfc8e921 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
tmp directories

7a9bd2a1717d15ac4e8fe1d461f830c8112d67ab authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

2cb27414b66bc7a48ee23e355d728b18afa662a4 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
- fixed error when selected results don't have id key

- changed code to use the $model->primaryKey

b89017c7d69b9e99a57817a8db7d707cafce2fe1 authored about 15 years ago by James Sapara <jsapara@saskatoon.(none)>
plugin manager.

aaa97fa509442688f25d20a0494cb37861f3f16f authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fix for requestAction (issue #7 and #8)

b68113787277d083829ece1c2755afce21160a20 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

6c8dbd93dded2e37e032f395ddd52bdee05119cc authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
improved i18n for Nodes.

53db71a30f9a1b3b054f1cd385d00a49f16b458f authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
CroogoTranslate fix for pagination find.

6426817238b41a1582cf81f23777f5af7bd81c57 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
User model fix for issue #4

3b9a4884b766ed15cdd67591e8484dfa82649690 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

5a4922643efae9b986f313e89c7491490ee5e175 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Extensions plugin (for managing themes and locale)

555a88a9ae26bbf467eab383db7595c08c4fe2db authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
blank index.html files

678683a4ccff1e5879ca1313a3bb26facf9e9540 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

4e7bb2f83e12dbf926208efed45888fe572b8e67 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
email notification for comments and forgotten password.

34e588cb21db74e31408f04051e75401872c20eb authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Installation instructions updated.

4dfe830c0f0936777efd38765e455b9712df4b5b authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Installer updated (thanks @yando!).

a0f57f727a585585af9d28f11600485ae138a6af authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

1b40475d87f0e808afd21bff0f175d16f3b85773 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
Attachments fix for same file names.

a39eabb08377f2aa9668948e5252b2272101454e authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
upload themes from admin panel.

fc59c324176760aab77c01cb6b1d50c635d72a6e authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
ACL fix when updating the Role of a User.

c373810efc75a325a338550dca9e1c071b5be338 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
i18n and l10n

9ee31b3d5dfae37e6fe31795a7d8c1e2eeb5cd95 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fix for Blocks in LayoutHelper

17df2def3444d61c991a395cb7c6ac14bad937ca authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
fix for registering Users from admin panel.

82da0d45404005b68d5e2fedf16396a0cf86c947 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
bug fix for CroogoComponent

c8b474009b9d35dddf623a40937cd75f17391f58 authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>

d8cce9d9bc058387c2fc050d59801145e010761f authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>
cake tests lib.

4bc9196243f638d3cc41cc80baf2d98f7197035c authored about 15 years ago by Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <[email protected]>