An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.
InterBase/FireBird extension
License update
a3def2a3dd54973c1752f27fb6eb478b6bdb57f2 authored over 25 years ago
a3def2a3dd54973c1752f27fb6eb478b6bdb57f2 authored over 25 years ago
- run ext sources through conv_proto
- add necessary phpext_*_ptr
297ce73b6a66c079586704ae23005f021ff5995b authored over 25 years ago
* Get Apache to work. POST doesn't work yet.
* There are now -I directives for the absolute path of php4, php4/libzend and the builddir for
* Finalizing the PHP version of SAPI. Support POST and cookies among other things.
* Fully implement ISAPI support - POST and cookies among other things.
* Almost completely rewrot...
last bunch of extensions moving to ext/
fhttpd module taken out of functions, functions is ready to go.
The only extensions I have tested...