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📗 SheetJS Spreadsheet Data Toolkit -- New home
fixes #746 h/t @rcfrias
5ffa3e0869b349a7dfdb11b8482de4b9d7060934 authored over 7 years ago by Roberto Frias <[email protected]>
- systemjs browser example
- more precise file type resolution
- small corner cases from test co...
- TS definition removed DOM references (fixes #724 h/t @shaunc)
- extendscript inconsistent proc...
note: @sheetjsdev rewrote implementation, original PR author used
d28cc872c7c128ef56181917ebf73815b0c3d546 authored over 7 years ago by Danwakeem <[email protected]>859691b87b3ae2767f29fa0469e71de3039e04ec authored over 7 years ago by TMiller00 <[email protected]>
43795a43bb1e26d7c9377badca88d5af13305ecd authored over 7 years ago by avrtau <[email protected]>
- recalculate SSF for malformed files (fixes #506 h/t @asksahil)
- malformed shared string (fixe...
739c4f220cf0f1f825b50ea4cc9b3f6432eba9c7 authored over 7 years ago by 王达夫 <[email protected]>
- updated codepage to 1.9.0
- replaced \u2603 with \s\S (fixes #687 h/t @clgnik)
56cf1926154bde1452d2633f3862a09deef7dded authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
20f22cf7f936fa895dd452ff3fdaecc1aa3a19d9 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
5ceb2e01b5ed316093209f25f5a98757ec84b376 authored over 7 years ago by Christopher Thielen <[email protected]>
c7e7180ab9fd7f00fefe84ea4f0e45b56c2e59bf authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
see issue
36022a0f56a2177747b162423f87c92d7e3d7026 authored over 7 years ago by James Yang <[email protected]>
- HTML output new preamble, <table> should not be in header/footer
- XLS Built-In defined names ...
- fixes #677 h/t @kuhu19
- fixes #676 h/t @vvaldersteins
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, SSF...
da1c111275b025b728d03d0cb99b5f0196335ad2 authored over 7 years ago by Valters Valdersteins <[email protected]>
- correct am/pm to AM/PM and a/p to A/P (h/t @vvaldersteins)
- trailing hashes (h/t @kuhu19)
73d8168a9e6f1df0f4411c251a1a4f723e3d3b12 authored over 7 years ago by Valters Valdersteins <[email protected]>
6a100b9085392eb053e394840b1991716c822b86 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
81ab4f9b1f1aaa8702cfc45c5d00ced02c4ca047 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- TZ consistency for DBF and others (closes #663 h/t @peeyushsrivastava)
- Date1904 XLSX/XLSB/XL...
118e9ad9cb6dd25a2a40afafa3e46558a194d60e authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
53e534f2cca4c18ff1975d8d84f84f9a62177426 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- CSV double-quote processing (fixes #656 h/t @jckkong)
- actually updated SSF to 0.9.3 (h/t @Hu...
- all formats follow cellDates / dateNF (fixes #653 h/t @mmancosu)
- IE6-8 Date corrections
- XL...
- fix rollover for near-integral dates (h/t @HuFlungDu)
- removed from npm dist
- added to TS definition and tests
- clarified behavior of plaintext files (fixes #641 h/t @dskr...
run `make tslint` to run TS checks
409581b317616d9e1cb133914651f6b8a0839dbd authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>cb6633be18d236677b228d1eababaa9b83d29285 authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
0af66e171f2bbf52a3c8e3a95cddfa0519203bbc authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
5d433c72b8d4425e5453bc617b4cc0ef5cd48b72 authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
02d4542ef006f91fcbec3fabca4b8091b6a8f631 authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
1b6436c351cb0ede545b24a568dd341d6a961861 authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
- removed CFB test (fixes #654 h/t @wolfgang42)
- book_append_sheet optional name (fixes #652 h/...
The default rule for DT is that they're *not*,
but changing that now would break existing usages...
cda05f3b455dc2e3f4473d47df7f9975d9d106d4 authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
0fb38af783d234aa056e77233e3543c1726b7acf authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
This allows variables to be declared as this type
so an error will be raised if an incorrect val...
29ed597df6464f760e3e2bccbcbe78a617ff6452 authored over 7 years ago by Wolfgang Faust <wolfgang42@git>
- SYLK auto fail into DSV on bad header (fixes #651 h/t @mmancosu)
- CSV automatically wrap `ID`...
- SSF update to address extendscript issue (fixes #608 h/t @mjdb3d)
- XLSX cellDates set date fo...
- explicit logical association (&& and ||)
- test for negative pounds (fixes #17 h/t @cesarhermo...
- updated SSF to 0.9.2
- XLSB style records and number format writing
- CSV avoid parseFloat (fi...
- do not consume trailing currency symbol (fixes #19 h/t @wilg)
- detect minutes following absol...
810c447bf97e77176fd7b491731a2e156f2b77f6 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- dateNF parse option controls interpretation of code 14
- SSF updated to 0.9.1
- SYLK write for...
- dateNF option for default date format override
- general format renders undefined/null as empt...
- XLSX/XLSB/XLS/XLML/SYLK rows and columns
- corrected pixel/point calculations using PPI
- XLSX...
c6f96c3df767cdb8ffe3d3f6fbbd4cd8db53d912 authored over 7 years ago by Patrick Lehmhecker <[email protected]>
- XLS/XLSX/XLSB/XML/ODS cellFormula option + test
- XLS/XLSX/XLSB/XML/ODS cellText option + test...
run `make help` for more info
83ec60688f6119c464f1554aeba77793b1c2ac25 authored over 7 years ago by reviewher <[email protected]>0fd11047bb3d375559f0a8cd124e86a211ef87aa authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
`cellText` parse option controls `.w` output (fixes #640 h/t @SCullman)
8c4f1f4e84c7ca8e9bd2ca9e0204034b29d0bb02 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>6853c99ce53cfb3a9409563e2f75d85904a9c4e3 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
changes distilled from Siguza/js-xlsx
see for discussion
- eslint pass (eliminates jshint and jscs)
- moved cell reference functions to reduce forward re...
f51feb375a0072ae15461955f37d0047fdf521c8 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- 'html' bookType write format
- basic HTML entity encoding (fixes #629 h/t @xkr47)
- HTML strin...
d0a59ae28356a1a99b5db87db7f984aa5a177437 authored over 7 years ago by Tim Burnell <[email protected]>
8b9a008159513b51f78fa8de70a7929636e9d2d8 authored over 7 years ago by Tim Burnell <[email protected]>
below are still missing, but i require aoa only.
616d2e534fc8736040fbb4fbdeb5ff97a515aad4 authored over 7 years ago by Jonas Berlin <[email protected]>
b3ace1e5a977509268778bdf81edbf847414de25 authored over 7 years ago by reviewher <[email protected]>
c9d0aa140dd80f000df4d082bb8d27b72f12c584 authored over 7 years ago by Jani Hartikainen <[email protected]>
- XLSB read/write page margins
- XLSX/XLS/XLML read page margins
- separated encrypted XLSX/XLSB...
- XLSX read/write defined names
- XLSB/XLS/XLML read defined names
- fixes #83 h/t @dev...
- XLSX/XLSB read/write autofilter
- XLS/XLML/*ODS read autofilter
- Workbook Properties override...
c13170fbd51371e491e0c3599b8568631b97487b authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- xlsx.njs use dense mode by default
- CSV Streaming output for nodejs
- XLSX/XLSB error on pass...
- browser demo save file in global (fixes #573 h/t @WildDusk)
- flesh out XLSB record expectatio...
fixes #363 h/t @Mior
note: @sheetjsdev rewrote implementation, original PR author used
d086dbecbf20bfc11cb6877c01193996919d1ac5 authored over 7 years ago by Mior <[email protected]>6a3afe56c2c2e74fa1d5f84339e4536e74c661b4 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
fixes #489 h/t @vijayst
fixes #617 h/t @ayush000
- UTF-16 Unicode Text (TXT) write
- Lotus Formatted Text (PRN) read/write
- DBF version 2 field ...
- XLSB/XLSX/XLML write comments
- BIFF2 write date cells (see #586 h/t @roccomuso)
- ODS read ce...
- clarify usage of Props and Custprops (fixes #274 h/t @michahell)
- SYLK from js-harb
- DIF fro...
e42cf43c02767c92175a78812d69c1ac76eeb845 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- XLSB read V H VH + write V H VH
- XLSX read V H VH + write V H VH
- XLML read V H VH + write V...
based on comment from @sheetjsdev:
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, original PR date/author used
563efd88f1aac11566df2a407e6022735619087c authored over 7 years ago by Benjamin Boudreau <[email protected]>
- XLSB/XLSM workbook/worksheet code names for VBA
- XLSX/XLSB write hyperlinks
- updated CFB to ...
- DOM <table> element parsing (fixes #576 h/t @axolo)
- removed InterfaceHdr check (fixes #209 h...
- write !cols widths : XLSX XLSB XLML
- write hyperlinks : XLML
- XLSB convert date ...
- merged DBF from js-harb (fixes #407 h/t @joefreire)
- updated codepage to 1.8.0
- stub for mac...
- chartsheets are now stored as sheets with "!type" set to "chart"
- fixed Strict XML Workbook R...
- new ExtendScript demo
- Base64 shim improvements h/t @davidchambers @sheetjsdev
- jszip improv...
Excel localizes "Worksheets" and other names in XLS[XMB] Properties
Fixes #33
note: @oliverz c...
1038400859b483d64b07312bbc8024ebaa367a26 authored over 7 years ago by OliverZ <[email protected]>
- `aoa_to_sheet` function (fixes #314 h/t @fonzy2013 @rvdwijngaard)
- `writeFileAsync` function ...
ecb4515847d9699b49f56224d0d181791e36d1f7 authored over 7 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
closes #447 h/t @channara
closes #453 h/t @Adtiv @paustint
closes #538 h/t @hsbilgen
closes #547...
uses `defval` key in options object
fixes #583 h/t @jimjin
fixes #582 h/t @jimjin
fixes #147 h/...
- minor changes to work around IE incompatibilities
- updated shim and browser tests
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, original PR date/author used
d83986d31c9db0e5164d6fa23cc30e79c07184fb authored almost 8 years ago by LieJiang <[email protected]>
- sheet_to_csv strip option (fixes #182 h/t @davidworkman9)
- sheet_to_json dateNF option (fixes...
- uniform number->date cell conversion
- update SSF to 0.9.0 (for is_date)
- namespaced rich str...
56b414b49698f6a11d9178b0e7c03612decebe14 authored almost 8 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
354f2bce4ff4831ef0347924e8c323c7bddc2c53 authored almost 8 years ago by SheetJS <[email protected]>
- changed regexes to handle odd XML (fixes #191 h/t @chk- @imsaquib)
- XLML roundtrip 1252 encod...
- multiformat column widths (fixes #591 h/t @sheeeeep)
- skip nested BIFF files
ea7a951506b2f1686288903c859371f9c5f63069 authored almost 8 years ago by František Žiačik <[email protected]>