An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.
Hook git changes, like how we hook svn changes.
6e56a9d319fbfdcca0cf7b172210d8f0e20850c3 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>collection into the PendingCommitsView.
f70014819962c3d90249137995f93105c665d99e authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.Services/Collections/KeyedNotifyCollection.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Collections/KeyedWra...
* src/Ankh.Services/Collections/KeyedNotifyCollection.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Collections/KeyedWra...
* src/Ankh.Scc/PendingChangeManager.cs
* src/Ankh.Scc/PendingChangeManager.Map.cs
* src/Ankh.Ser...
Add id of wpf package as guid to help test code.
f6d2a7156d542bfe99ac86a03ac6df82c273bf24 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.VS.IntegrationTest/IntegrationTest-Library/NativeMethods.cs
* src/Ankh.VS.IntegrationT...
* src/Ankh.VS.IntegrationTest/IntegrationTest-Library/NativeMethods.cs
* src/Ankh.VS.IntegrationT...
Remove usings that require a newer .Net version.
bc8a930511487a060fb4757506aa9ac79d4b20ee authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Simlify code.
3532d034f2ff11e7a8ad8336a2e4a45a03080390 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.Scc/PendingChangeManager.Map.cs
* src/Ankh/Commands/SolutionCommitCommand.cs
Use eas...
observable collection wrapping. This simplifies the code, avoids many UI
updates on refresh scena...
and keyed collection with notify classes, to allow using them as drop-in
replacement in more case...
* src/Ankh.Services/AnkhService.cs
Allow loading a service when no context is available, like f...
* src/Ankh.WpfUI/Controls/PendingChangesUserControl.xaml
Provide some more useful bindings.
Update solution file description.
aa6292688f967b035b4f986fd7f9b2bfb8cb0397 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>as checked/unchecked, etc.
* src/Ankh.WpfUI/Ankh.WpfUI.csproj
* src/Ankh.WpfUI/Controls/PendingC...
Fix some minor issues that make it impossible to use this class in real world
avoid having to document special behavior.
* src/Ankh.Services/Selection/CollectionWithNotify.cs...
2e718dba5b8d3f036d170f6fba17c647f8fbca31 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.WpfUI/Controls/ReadOnlyObservableWrapper.cs
* src/Ankh.WpfUI/Controls/WpfUIFactory.cs
property change notifications on every change. Delay them just like the
item changes.
* src/Ankh...
f7fdb0034eec7f9fb5dbd1676a8c4f10675e17ba authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Automatically unhook parent when the class itself isn't hooked to allow GCing these
observing wra...
* src/Ankh.WpfUI/Ankh.WpfUI.csproj
Mark as managed by Subversion.
which causes the change to stay pending while there is no change.
This problem was introduced wh...
6a30fad8f754101b533fb8f4b5bbf34e2273ea7d authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Another attempt at fixing the non changes shown as pending changes.
cb59150faad41e5a0702451f2f8e94bb5d73cd06 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>59afa0426f56dc9773dd7fef319db2dc66e10aec authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
it just shows that the databinding works.
83d8ee129202d378e9857c3d823cf55f224f0059 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]> Support wrapping a readonly collection with another readonly connection
and breaking the wrap...
* src/Ankh.UI/PendingChanges/PendingChangesToolControl.resx
Update designer code.
* src/Ankh.WpfEditor.Package/source.extension.vsixmanifest
Declare compatible with .Net 4.6.
Declare compatibility with .Net 4.6
d0086363d0a84c5e2eeb52f20156a2c466d10890 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Add missing xml documentation to suppress warnings.
912de32e8b38bdc869abb527c9591a9930245df2 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>to allow creating a second implementation for WPF.
e93ab044395de623f14e8876bedde0944e265c0b authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>some WPF controls. Improve theming for dialogs for VS2013+.
* src/Ankh.ExtensionPoints/UI/ITheme...
78e8d63af57cf4dab1f34b28dadebfa460b39ade authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>95759b8be16a12aa830a6f12a835af1a50a1458f authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
400c972af1dfdfd6782c884c0b304b566358638e authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
eefeb0a67797fb33fec730a1c8b8c9a42c39d6e9 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
* src/Ankh.Votive.wixproj
* src/Ankh.VS.WpfServices
* src/Ankh.VS.WpfServices/Ankh.VS.WpfService...
Update init code.
ee3a47f40cca40492708a1b5b64fa921c1b21589 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>where nonmodified items are shown.
12dff14ecfd8cf234e55f7ecf9f19423672f5091 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Tweak com interop attribute.
a26f5ecf0fc7e91e31626a9dbe52a9747170eecd authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Remove unused interface.
47c43e2ca0f62a8139876049c5665a7fb2e3df75 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>9a4516413392245383200c0fbebfb4daf0c6eca4 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
(OnPendingChangesChanged): Bail if destroyed.
b369f84ab0ea176902445c64d236712d678cc29e authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Add where clauses to make .Net 2.0 happy.
fcc1cacc30a8b3b92697ee5eb49b70dfe1468402 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Set some svn:auto-props.
a61145843762a823da75781c377039239916acf4 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Avoid early clear, which now clears Checked state.
* src/Ankh.UI/PendingChanges/PendingCommits...
d12477609875dd61cc1a4569606eab5b0e2a21dd authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>pending changes to the rest of the api without a lot of custom handling.
* src/Ankh.Package/Ankh...
b8cb3bd1e2ef958793898d8778c53dcd81a5b0a7 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>safely using them in (internal) api definitions.
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/CollectionWithNotify.cs...
c6f29ea5e26faa2e7a3e7a24f45e0d5aac0bb397 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>collection code.
* src/Ankh.Scc/PendingChangeManager.cs
* src/Ankh.Scc/PendingChangeManager.Map....
typed items.
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/CollectionWithNotify.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/ISupportsCo...
notify support.
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/CollectionWithNotify.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/ISupport...
* src/Ankh.Services/AnkhContext.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/AnkhModule.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/AnkhRunt...
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/ISupportsCollectionChange.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/KeyedCollectionWithN...
Fix recursion detection.
ec8480c2f0db4c2002fe1eee94a7f53acdb25dd7 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>changes. This is plumbing for generalizing the pending change handling towards
WPF and Git.
ddcecb0a53abfb2da3cdd05c789b85f48508070c authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.Scc/Ankh.Scc.csproj
Make VS2013 happy
Don't rely on existance of .Net 4.5 overload of .GetValue()
2e21d430b324d7ce4bec39b5e3d6de35e4ad7a38 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>helper code does in VS 2013+.
* src/Ankh.Services/UI/IWinFormsThemingService.cs
Extend interfa...
52ee8f88d9b0576f5e847bd7a9b504b1604fb012 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
935f4c33debe004cbb0807fea3b44f398810ea37 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
More notification handling tweaks.
b1fb39151dbb7eeaeccc095070dccfa8b2e48b55 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>(OnClientNotify): Show full paths in Windows format.
b31a6c01f848e5dd180b4ea877ebf000dee2f248 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Properly handle two new notification types.
c4fe21f8875b758b904f0d3f3d58d3320d403515 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>463143d269aa794d711817b46ffe114f4f9a75a7 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
helpers on SvnWorkingCopyClient.
* src/Ankh.Scc/SvnSccContext.cs
Use MetaDataOnly copy via Svn...
b1059e60fa4b610b70e06f6dbc087ca3ecd29cd0 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
we can't really report the directory as versioned. At the same time hide
cleanup on single file s...
cbfa1a8166acdc257a92f0802b77a4a6310b0c49 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
9d262828947b1e2f8c0e4b76505fee02d2bf1d80 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
* src/Ankh.Package/Gui/Gui-To-Vsct.xsl
Remove duplicated item.
Following up on r12483, remove accidentally created solution configurations.
49532c94d1b8a357fe3d89bd955ab762f495fd3e authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>Remove a few impossible code paths.
3548d2585a0ead7471c79ac4a1589f5872b2f08b authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
* src/Ankh.GitScc/StatusCache/GitStatusCache.cs
* src/Ankh.Scc/ProjectTracker.Add.cs
* src/Ankh....
Add missing reference for compiling in VS2015.
2051b8801342ff036f7fe9a7bfe7051718dc2c1a authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
* src/tools/Ankh.DotNet2Test/Ankh.DotNet2Test.csproj
* src/tools/Ankh.GenerateVSIXManifest/Ankh....
Fix compilation from Visual Studio 2015.
d9baa0069775de496527b8cb746709c502e945bb authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>b2f3cfb830343ab1d45f0700945c30db81280b3f authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
6c5a6939e50f211c632cb37903aae4021b29d930 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
ffd29582e8d83a87cba5de4fc56d0d8e50ee123b authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
dc086d8f0858e18793404e811bc555816a6638b4 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
Update comment.
ee11a7790611c0dd39455513a1f94ce36dab1514 authored almost 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.Services/Commands/CommandAttribute.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Commands/CommandMapItem.cs
items, a all we do is process the paths.
* src/Ankh.GitScc/StatusCache/GitStatusCache.cs
* src/A...
Also hook the git events.
129b76c146e295531cfc5e2d1df0e8a17193f848 authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>992c01e62d24f27dfd9b2e61a4f31f6010dc2b09 authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
pieces to get some status reported.
* src/Ankh.Package/AnkhSvnPackage.GitScc.cs
Remove debug o...
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/Git/GitItem.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/Git/GitStatusData.cs
* src/Ankh.V...
walk operation, to allow working in a more Subversion compatible way.
* src/Ankh.GitScc/StatusCa...
ba00ad110310807e792f48bbf671176ed281c7fb authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>status values makes the svn status cache a bad fit for the git work.
* src/Ankh.Diff/Ankh.Diff.c...
76612fbc71cd3f56a185c3d713d62c03b00ab435 authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>* src/Ankh.Package/AnkhSvnPackage.SolutionProperties.cs
* src/Ankh.Scc/Ankh.Scc.csproj
* src/Ankh...
* src/Ankh.GitScc/StatusCache/GitStatusCache.cs
* src/Ankh.Scc/StatusCache/FileStatusCache.cs
* ...
* src/Ankh.GitScc/GitSccProvider.cs
* src/Ankh.GitScc/GitSccProvider.Glyphs.cs
* src/Ankh.Service...
Tweak some cases: Don't call eventhandlers when finalizing. Use standard generic type name.
043b74b057ab451d82022dbc83dbd375053bb49b authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>4f9c09fb28d6e1d8c3ccc45f34494f2a6337a92b authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
Completely ignore SUO load failures. This will fix itself after the next save operation.
452e95a1acf6bfb0c53d04b7d9b50afea5ed6dca authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>655c9a8a166a60a0bb077d158cd94cf1064dad8f authored about 10 years ago by Bert Huijben <[email protected]>
* src/Ankh.GitScc/StatusCache/GitStatusCache.cs
* src/Ankh.Services/Ankh.Services.csproj
* src/A...
* src/Ankh.GitScc/StatusCache/GitStatusCache.cs
* src/Ankh.Scc/StatusCache/FileStatusCache.cs
* ...
* src/Ankh.Services/Scc/Git/IGitStatusCache.cs
Remove 4.0 usings again :(