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An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers

#373 Non-compilable code generated for nested property

21010bae7fe96eefefa349108685099f46db3058 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#373 Removing superfluous null check when mapping parameter directly.

4730ded4d8f882fed26816ad6664ffa001cdc8b9 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#375 safe variable for parameter in forged methods

1d9372a45b5ae5f70852721f6fb6af507f5e28d4 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#367 renaming method addEnclosingElementsIncludingSuper

e4de6419113cd20a97ee1cdcf5bf8a86fe8ebd28 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#367 fix detection of overridden methods

0c26b787023e9c97999d525ba445e6ff8800a657 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

d0b3ba071d81e1a7aa624e13a71c59cff2513163 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0.0.Beta3

d18cb9c64d7a099b7acaf7f3f271e739822dffd4 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
Updating prior 1.0.0.Beta3 release

7ab9e775294e91b4be0e75b149b2620ae330edb1 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
Release plugin fixes: add -DskipTests to the arguments, use clean install as preparation goals, don't push changes, use local checkout, add default tag name format, update release, deploy, and install plugins to latest versions

66bbffe0be52c4e1e5951bda71580c34b0aed5bf authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
Adding FreeMarker's NOTICE.txt and LICENSE.txt to distribution bundle

7390f213ee4b54f5c40fd7c6bb6d96cbcd2ee7a5 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
Configuring all executions of dependency plug-in in one block; Making sure JavaDoc can reference FreeMarker classes

acaf1a60a0bbddf7e8679c39de050bcceaa9a8a7 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
Updating prior to 1.0.0.Beta3 release

4d03a183a8fe3de7a8a41e6e6fbc3107aa4cdb45 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
Fixing Javadoc issues

4d236472e2fde28e4a4aa12fd53b0155dd4915d4 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#361 Using more descriptive test name

63ca67786d1848ba6f7261cd8cde85782d1faf30 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#361 returning mutable objects iso immutable objects when RETURN_DEFAULT

403995af9a518c629c2a6ad3dc80ff8613900b6d authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#359 Renaming license.txt to LICENSE.txt, include LICENSE.txt in all distributed jars, retain original freemarker LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt in META-INF/freemarker

5c323458fcbfd45c80425cfd3b7a0630daa7542e authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
renaming license.txt to LICENSE.txt (part 1 of the renaming dance on Win)

38e8d5a40c418fb164ac2826804049be1e865694 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#359 Upgrading to FreeMarker 2.3.21; Updating license.txt

0b7c449f4d04bbcb12afba7af09fb6f19242fc44 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#295 Improving comment

1bfcdd2c2a84ac37a76df08953df55bd065da44b authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#353 Making use of non-void setters

ecc13a8f32e1cd8bad172db518a6c3057d6a2f9f authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#295 Adding test for bean mapping method with several source parameters

48c20d4dd0acdb26f64975c070e43064d85cdd1d authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#295 Renaming test package

9f7a00c5560f94e601fe4b150364c0719754e62b authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#295 Formatting

2fde97c039fe53fb53870f70f791d86d49207446 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#295 Improving wording in JavaDocs, making @NullValueMapping#value() mandatory

4ca2b6ecf18acef40c373cf76d87904055581d9a authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#295 Replacing MapNullToDefault with NullValueMapping

8ea20d43150f64ca60f83a0d20f9bbb921e6f713 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#295 NullValueMapping inheritance mechanism from MapperConfig to Mapper to Method

ac0a532fb4f3e6f27b76c5c755399c8ccaa110c5 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#295 NullValueMapping for MapMapping on mapping method level

27ad78d524d4ec6f075bfd9f89d3dd163556da99 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#295 Avoid using fully qualified names for local variables

cf27f45f6824ee0618874a1609dfdc1e0830cfba authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#295 NullValueMapping for IterableMapping on mapping method level

94d8158bcac93ccd69786dea2c9990bf7d4fb54c authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#295 NullValueMapping for BeanMapping on mapping method level

24dc73765f75c2144a70b2285a0fcecb8101ff1b authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#295 Refactor PropertyMapping, split into object- and collection mapping

77937259b526f43af540364ccc6643f388d5677f authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#348 Mapping parameters based on name when other mappings fail

7948acf630c1b959386fbaf1b948dec296268628 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#355 shade away freemarker in mapstruct-processor, build an uber-jar containing the processor and the required freemarker classes and publish a dependency-reduced pom.

7d1c5c2f24c3fdf8a57f7876a09bbdee9467671b authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
Remove maven-processor-plugin from integrationtest module, as it's not required there anymore

fe7f0779bd0de62c12bc94622f8a5df626cf64e8 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#262 prefix processor options with 'mapstruct.'

1b882f3bd71f2810bbe88a01c6dab5296c2886f9 authored about 10 years ago by Christian Schuster <[email protected]>
#331 remove remaining runtime dependencies from processor to mapstruct core, add checkstyle rule to verify that for the future.

3822e723b742e8be719f06f8c5f55c12487424d3 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#337 Moving mergeWithInverseMappings() to SourceMethod; Improving some names; Adding some docs

7ae6e663b6c40dae732ff4841c5cc4f9c2c750ce authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#337 refining reverse mappings for ignore and nestedproperties, remove check on reverse

0237aba013e13745807aca7e7bca2df1f4e14cc6 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
Add extract of the unit tests for generics and @TargetType support to an integration test

760be8f4f82c1ee6ab76222f5ee98c6bddf05e13 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#345 fix detection of matching upper/lower bounds when using Eclipse JDT

5f0599926027af83e8d012b03c8fe75c47bff726 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#344 only consider methods as property mapping methods if they have one source parameter, a non-void return type, and no @MappingTarget parameter

ce5bf3b498a88cde29722887d38ed032b235e973 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#312 prevent another possible ClassCastException in JDT in case we try to compute the erasure of the Null type

3948a2d58b4b76b6da0f6b2a13e7751fdf9990f7 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#341 Doc improvement

dfe7e8012b4aa1d46cf46780a072b00706332747 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#341 method annotated with qualifier should not qualify for mappings without qualifiedBy

e2dbd6ae1d9d09ff147af234e7af9dfc87d2ad9d authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#339 error message clarification: #321, adding coding hint to 'can't map property'

fd08330b9420829ba1d750faa0a91d80f6a0db13 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#339 error message clarification: ambiguous mapping method

6a46ac068fd1a2f6f7ef634076ccd6dc35e12d35 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#343 wrongly placed candidates.clear() causes too many error messages

5bca22702e4eca878ea3abe1774590bd01fd3d39 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#327 Improving method name; Formatting

bcda1d25b7a951db425e34ff104f09c104ddeef1 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#327 Move MethodRetrievalProcessor#allEnclosingElementsIncludeSuper to Executables#getAllEnclosingExecutableElements and replace any Elements#getAllMembers calls with it (to create a fixed order of property mappings)

03535ecb18a985c441a12f545abc30388950880a authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#212 Adding support for isXy()-style getters for Boolean

9992801f28e976658227d0157704e4564613825b authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#212 Fixing typo

b8d3f5038916fbf51fedaa3b24f0d695b68f77ce authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#65 Adding note on nested properties to docs of @Mapping#source()

fc1eee0ae2ce183d3f4fd369a9989190e9391eac authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#65 Formatting

1d35f2f70c9868195866ec43cd06cb359ecbc77e authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#65 Doc/formatting improvements

160af62acfe87b35e823f44e3b53fd6303b9ea8b authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#65 Some clean-up in BeanMappingMethod

d0db16072a0f828c0e26dd3901748e2054447183 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#65 Removing FactoryMethod interface

7041361b76fbcadb4da3c35fc8fcb9f8ad32a6b8 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#65 support for nested properties

cda3ffc2f5502166a8143a1b29b9594b5d1e09b2 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#330 Incorporating review remarks

18a248cd9578cf2ad802287ec9b49993302c4246 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#330 Formatting

b560b953cff639828a3f4eef38d5b7ac3bb3adc3 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#330 Keying mappings by target property name; Avoiding nulls in mapping attributes

9ea7f96b9c3e5d8dacfe1ad867d41741f71fb91e authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#330 Making target() mandatory

27bc599bca58ade974dca50c7e165fe1b02e5b9a authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#312 rename TypeUtilsJDK8Fix to SpecificCompilerWorkarounds and encapsulate all access to Types#erasure(..) by that class, preventing ClassCastExceptions in Eclipse JDT in case we try to determine the erasure of "void"

912ba714c1911f09871a39f7751e1c233402c97f authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#331 remove runtime dependency to mapstruct-core by using QualiferPrism instead of Qualifier.class

c590e3554840c1f91f28cdee4869719c6fbf3a8a authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#325 bookkeeping issue in reverse mapping

e4b0d53561860983674634363e9e4b7028d55db2 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#328 Fixing typo

fa4226a8c22997f302624cf4fbe1e5476e835fa4 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
use == instead of equals when comparing enum instances

ba10a8c1232aa5ae90180562a04eb5c745c1c60e authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#328 if a source property is assignable to the target property, do not apply any built-in conversions

8c3e32472bb92d144885a893dbd44ec022eb5d13 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#312 fix ClassCastException in Eclipse JDT compiler when trying to compute the erasure of the 'void' type, extend integration test that reproduced the error

54b8747e095446843f1b7d2fdd5ef7ca34464dad authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#252 Renaming @ReverseMappingMethod to @InheritInverseConfiguration

* Improving error messages
* Fixing some typos

32eeceb0cf383c85caa6d24b87d160304921deb7 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#252 Formatting

4d408d55605fa517f7ff90d3c800f2a02b57eacf authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#252 merging reverse mapping with forward mapping. Fixing reverse check in Mapping.

5457f3583ac5ffd7e62eafdccb904b4ab0b2cc49 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#302 Formatting

e94acd56a4dd9a303feebd23f3d9705733b86c5a authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#302 Removing Method#printMessage()

b1e184811f8b4d9a3f2578f8123d729a1cbc0335 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#302 Renaming MappingContext -> MappingBuilderContext

6e24db8196625e3c6a24afb938d6da2efac4f4e1 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#302 Formatting

a5dc5d78ab0b5d723f8cc303f484e388552b73b4 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#302 Making MappingContext immutable

9adbb423c6a07cc14e5a9b330683328e55529967 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#302 refactoring of MappingCreationProcessor: using Builders to address smaller concerns

d42216ee4f1de112c651735946324409dbf36fc5 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#306 Extracting separate test for reproducing this issue

3e411e085e8f20901d77a0f671278bf2689bf771 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#306 IllegalArgumentException due to void type parameter

334299038736b6b94cf0c05beaa5ae57e1b8bdf9 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#202 allow remote debugging an intetegration test using a command like "mvn test -Dtest=SimpleTest#oracle_java_6 -DprocessorIntegrationTest.debug=true"

e9a74d1fc09d6a2f07e1e50007821afee5c3b9a7 authored about 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#305 Removing superfluous line breaks

15aa13012e482a1c5fc006c178aa89c1396f1489 authored about 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#305 Fix for target-getter-only in combination with expressions or constants

2cabfacbf42c856c5416f456006aa46f8336771f authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#307 fix non used imports in adder functionality

5cd90ae6cfbddd9dd9f094654f3a2588047dc667 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#310 Missing sourceType import in adder functionality

99889581c4ff6f83aa662edea8630aed0a125bf9 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#268 introduction of qualifiers

69beb9a6b4fd5eba7338b2c4824898c1022baa15 authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#298 fix for not found annotation nullpointer

6d7a4da067f3bf3175a3ddc72f8f3d205faeffae authored about 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#297 check presence of @Mapper annotation

2ca4ce5fd52504cdaa707d575a8ecb1e6a21e8fc authored about 10 years ago by Christian Schuster <[email protected]>
#202 Refactor integration tests to use Maven Verifier, different JDKs using toolchains, and the Eclipse JDT compiler.

33abe5faaf56068323defe14c9631654cb22a7d8 authored over 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#169 Copying sources from core-common to core/core-jdk8 using maven-resources-plugin to allow faster builds and nicer roundtrips in IDEs

716b34b720e39d1f0f98f74a578a5e13d2510587 authored over 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#277 fixing faulty match check in built-in methods on return/target type.

01082a6da36f302007c2c01eb1177a4bcd81412c authored over 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#278 fix for applying expressions in the reverse, test for Boolean isProperty method workaround

b4b4e32ae59358f5b8440bfe78eda852df6bf700 authored over 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
Add toString() for ForgedMethod

f65e22f3c4702b70e747dacfaaceb7081bfe032c authored over 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
Updating date in

4c529652c462308c6a0fe8b6733e399b80822850 authored over 10 years ago by Gunnar Morling <[email protected]>
#265 adding imports to the Mapper to make expressions more easy.

8f56d8dd6723550cb4d28febbefa5c0d5a52c230 authored over 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#283 refactoring ut for builtin methods to detect faulty imports

8a173ba3dbdfadd2343331a6556b3ecf5086a387 authored over 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#3 and #4 automatically generated iterable- and map-mappings

7472f5e94620745f1d020c556cae1f4634868c3a authored over 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#279 fix missing imports in builtin mapping methods

7fdfc9e16704ccf3fbed94b3d7cca94f0b28f6e7 authored over 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#205 Use autoboxing iso type conversion when possible

c5b6c64645744be77109372bdc632b6752320ec2 authored over 10 years ago by sjaakd <[email protected]>
#275 do not register Java 8 Date/Time built-in methods if the types are not available

a979e4ec4a2bbfa5d1b4dead1c714878e360462a authored over 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>
#121 adjust formatting of builtin methods

6093f525ede09e2047a45f1a4abc5ad404fca30d authored over 10 years ago by Andreas Gudian <[email protected]>