
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.

Redefined chart library built with React and D3

Label in center of PieChart

bduff9 opened this issue over 8 years ago
ResponsiveContainer does not respond to resizing from large to small

marchaos opened this issue over 8 years ago
Composed chart doesn't allow scatter component

lalith-n opened this issue over 8 years ago
LineChart does not render point when there is only a single data point

adrianmcli opened this issue over 8 years ago
Question: How can i set min-height of <Bar /> component ?

KatSick opened this issue over 8 years ago
Always show _all_ ticks

emiloberg opened this issue over 8 years ago
Server-side rendering?

Renaud009 opened this issue almost 9 years ago
[RadarChart] "fullMark" property is not supported (deprecated?)

dlindahl opened this issue almost 9 years ago
Server side rendering - ReferenceError: window is not defined

bkniffler opened this issue almost 9 years ago