An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.
Non-profit fiscal host promoting a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem.
Kind: Organization -
Most funded collectives
Tools and open datasets to support, sustain, and secure critical digital infrastructure
$28,400.0 - Collective
Infinite Reality Engine
Makers and Stewards of iR Engine. Free, open immersive technology crafted for the Web. Built to empower everyone.
$7,611.9 - Collective
Open Source Workshops
Support, training and workshops offered to maintainers by open source collective
$7,520.0 - Collective
Cronus is a lightweight framework for building event driven systems with DDD/CQRS in mind
$4,667.15 - Collective
Babel is the community maintained compiler for evolving the future of JavaScript
$3,010.59 - Collective
Open Broadcaster Software
Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming
$2,964.12 - Collective
Mapeo is an open source, offline map editor that makes it easy for individuals or teams to create maps and organize stories and knowledge
$2,500.0 - Collective
Open Source Community Africa
We are a diverse community of open source lovers, collaborating on different projects to make a difference across Africa.
$2,000.0 - Collective
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications
$1,892.57 - Collective
A community holding space for discussions around systemic issues with open source sustainability
$1,754.55 - Collective
The small framework with powerful features CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.
$1,300.91 - Collective
Boa is an experimental JavaScript lexer, parser and compiler written in Rust.
$1,032.3 - Collective
MathML-Core Support
Ensures the ongoing implementation, alignment & maintenance of MathML-Core in open source browsers
$780.98 - Collective
MapSwipe allows anyone to contribute to creating geospatial data. This data is used by organisations to understand the world.
$581.1 - Collective
MUI org
React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design. This organization maintains Material UI, Base UI, and more open-source projects.
$479.33 - Collective
We are on a mission to enable real-time bidirectional communication on every platform.
$373.36 - Collective
We want to support and develop one of the most popular front-end package managers
$306.42 - Collective
WordPress Tampa Bay
Regional Group coordinating and helping out other WordPress Meetup groups in the Tampa Bay area in Florida. We provide free education and training for people learning & using WordPress in the Tampa Bay Area.
$303.03 - Collective
The most modern mobile touch slider with components for React, Vue & WebComponent
$242.02 - Collective
Nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server. Perfect for rapid development.
$180.44 - Collective
A Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native libraries.
$179.57 - Collective
Yamada UI
React UI components of the Yamada, by the Yamada, for the Yamada built with React and Emotion.
$172.88 - Collective
Play Framework
The Community Maintained High Velocity Web Framework For Java and Scala
$163.39 - Collective
Full featured HTML framework for building iOS, Android & Desktop Apps
$161.87 - Collective
We are on a mission to help more frontend devs enjoy building apps for the web.
$145.55 - Collective
OpenAPI Generator
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
$143.93 - Collective
A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization library for JavaScript
$143.16 - Collective
A privacy-first, joyful platform for knowledge management and collaboration. The donations will be distributed to our contributors, the team development and other OSS projects, Logseq as a product will support other payments in the future.
$123.14 - Collective
JSON Schema
JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.
$89.76 - Collective
Data Science by Design
Opening best practices of data science through storytelling.
$78.07 - Collective
The app analyses customer-executive call and generates a feedback report using sentiment analysis.
$71.39 - Collective
We pay contributors to AnkiDroid, for maintenance and feature development
$67.16 - Collective
libpostal is a C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world
$64.8 - Collective
Destiny Item Manager
Support our open source contributors' work to maintain DIM and build new features!
$58.18 - Collective
We develop an open source freely available Discord bot used for gaining insights into your music history.
$56.91 - Collective
Joomla! Component Builder
The Most Advanced Joomla!® Component Builder ever! Ultimate!
$51.24 - Collective
OpenCore Legacy Patcher
Open source project dedicated to getting older Macs running newer versions of macOS.
$51.19 - Collective
Haskell Language Server
Working on producing the best interactive editor experience for Haskell
$48.86 - Collective
Open-source C++ web framework for highly scalable and resource-efficient web applications.
$47.27 - Collective
Hexxagon provides infrastructure hosting to cosmos blockchains and web app development
$46.16 - Collective
A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
$45.68 - Collective
discord.js is the largest JavaScript/TypeScript Discord library to create bots.
$43.44 - Collective
effector — business logic with ease
Effector implements business logic with ease for Javascript apps, allows you to manage data flow in complex applications. Effector provides best TypeScript support out of the box.
$42.49 - Collective
daisyUI component library
Free and open source components plugin for Tailwind CSS. Support daisyUI's development to keep it alive and growing ❤️
$42.29 - Collective
Sous-Chefs are a group of like minded Chef practitioners creating high quality Chef Cookbooks
$42.25 - Collective
AboutCode is a suite of open source tools to discover and track origin, license and vulnerabilties in your software. Also known as Software Composition Analysis.
$37.02 - Collective
Intellij Rainbow Brackets
🌈Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ based IDEs
$37.02 - Collective