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CVS no longer used - 1bba81cdf6afea8a106ebf035dd9de27e82984d7 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
set_config is cool - 94f323197fc830c1722d0b8e704df76f35b2740a authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Testing... - 5c7417b456cb98c62bf0835725149493efe76d63 authored almost 17 years ago by Paul Sohier <[email protected]>
Test commit - 460301dbba9cf48f78979beaee7cc27a0433aa5c authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Allow MODs which have no actions to be processed

- Trim inline actions - a2bbef333e22c0e5ae169bda71ae232449df8ce7 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Fixing some more things...installation actually works now...still need some work on the uninstaller ;/ - f60548149f58407900ef776435a646f7692d1058 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- ch-ch-ch-anges

- Implement uninstaller - better than the first time
- Sack lots of redundant code
- Re-organize ... - a55cf806710860475862d41658919e1d2339c1c8 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
I guess I should add this file. - 3b4913f1e2c23fee5508471caf65943510d415be authored almost 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Some cleaning.

FTP Works (#17615) - 2d9450117d97dba7357a67ad38bd45c12f789a2d authored almost 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
License - e9785b358f5d71a06c5674011c27136b245ba0a9 authored almost 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
- missing lang entry

- added some nl2br's to the mod description - 3a112d389b4a99a5a35ca741749192f034751582 authored almost 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
missing language entry - 07e82bd33543c5bc32f7331f13bfe71b0a967ba5 authored almost 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
- Replace action no longer eats new lines - bug noticed by EXReaction

- Don't trim tabs - EXReaction
- Fix multiple actions based on a single find (again)
- Fix displa... - bb3a2eb700d8f6eb40e98034b269d2807192621c authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Fix copy action if directory to copy to does not exist

- Add lang strings forgotten in last commit
- No more parse error - d44c9b6bfdfffb137a92acb1539d767ac0d266ec authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>

- Better error message when an inline action is incorrect
- Can now execute multiple inline acti... - 6f80ad6074978fac3552860c5f832512b5735aae authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Testcommit - 536b09efc41af0026011d509bdd85cae606878d9 authored almost 17 years ago by Paul Sohier <[email protected]>
Only use mkdir for WRITE_DIRECT. Gives no notice anymore for FTP.

Donut: Can you confirm this is OK? Works for me now with FTP. - 658e2d32ee4636e3a852d71f2ec7385a00963167 authored almost 17 years ago by Paul Sohier <[email protected]>
... - d848bfddb4193cd5a3f20ae8bfec03afbb09fe32 authored almost 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
i really wonder what's wrong with you, paul... :P - 614a0630a823b701abeb5af847d1d16362dd560f authored almost 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
We like ugly fixes.

Eric: This fixes the installation with the config items, set_config dont insert when its already ... - 633b526571f94223ba19f8e3c7a362ade0b73645 authored almost 17 years ago by Paul Sohier <[email protected]>
Fixed install (donut nubbed) and added lang item for updating config. - 12a1814725dd709dc65fde13e547af9afc152059 authored almost 17 years ago by Paul Sohier <[email protected]>
- Some code cleanup

- $user->lang[] ify MOD actions
- Fixed a lovely bug when user tries to install a MOD finding the... - ffcbe5556e3ccb400f6b5bb3921953ea1f76aba9 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Proper fix for find/actions that are not 1:1 - 1918571e547eff5b8eb4c69251b7e720997d3725 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Fix for MODs which create new dirs with their copy command

- Fix for MODs which perform multiple actions on one find
- Clarify an error message - 40c8222aaa1e65d9f77bea1e9488f74f0866949d authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Let installer work again (and trim lots of unused code) - bdacdc995303a2cdf153a0f831e576a36aaa386c authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Index.htm page - 1cb577de825732be37087ad05e2143ea96bc70ef authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Slight paradigm shift for replace

- We won't be using an XML file for installation
-- Fix missing submit buttons in installer - eaa7382ae1fcf32da6e91403468c6a0b6c0dfb7b authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
left over debug code. - 6101657596ed809da1e1a6e07a3277b6f0ad6b98 authored almost 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Bug fixes.

Configuration for FTP works better now.
Possible fix for #17615 - 694eccf272faa209addbd479dfa3c279db23c64a authored almost 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Bug fixes in the installer. Looks like a lot was left out of the configuration section but some bug fixes there. - 980a0b447e82890455cb78e647794be855eb5e81 authored almost 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Committage, take two. Rawr. - c45c450249cc1521c73dc4b694587e9959fa0c71 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Yes CVS loves me ... yes CVS loves me...Tortoise Tells me So.

Say hello to the new config page .... not everything here has been properly tested yet because I'... - d4644d239d1586e38d499a09f0ffce6b9a7fd55c authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Say hello to the new config page .... not everything here has been properly tested yet because I'm nub. - 20c002d283a04ecbbe4fdf65e3f3b3ac1e0019b4 authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Remove MODs from the repository - 116ee893ac865291ea6f8675919f7481df3241ee authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Begone debug code! - 1dc71a693c032e4f2675b1d4ea3159341742f42c authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Implement zip file download if FTP is unavailable

Give better error messages (still in progress)
Correctly implement increment action
Some fixes
-... - dd896f82caf8025a6ad4d2987bf7ac7ce9e858df authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Bug 17575, 17585, 17635, 17675, 17715 - 7d341dd2e570261b959a848e942fba1bdd04978c authored almost 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Fixing a not closed strong. - a3f508b95a1069becb1971af886ee8199273a58c authored almost 17 years ago by Paul Sohier <[email protected]>
- Implement language and style parsing after the MOD has initially been installed - 777fcdb7e88a720bfac78c8861c323d1c7243a1f authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Oops. - 70ef07405168aae159c3698eda00ae9437238e15 authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Finishing cleanup up FTP functions. Although it wasn't moving the files for some reason. I wasn't getting any errors and the paths were correct. Someone test please. - 59919ef24df515e2d9062e6e59bb7202939653df authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Cleaned up FTP on the install. Need to do in the install MOD page. - 90a924d05d3e2e1867989c8a6ac9f92460d192fd authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
- Let subdirectories work again

- Use <br /> in Author notes when appropriate - dced7c83904d7d3e95de95ced7b7fee1d969eef6 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
i really do hope gforge gets replaced soon! - fba04918d319e6412ec07e4c19a96e190fca82d2 authored about 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
little fixes - 8a368110aa076819c9aad24e575b498cd96a1c58 authored about 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
Bug fixes. Looks like FTP is working. Need to fix kinks to make it easier to use. - 3228d1e3a587d2ca7abbce0e6b0b5f45118046fd authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
<AcydBurn>some fixes</AcydBurn>

:P - bc72b4d172c713d106dce6f0598393aa69c3fd46 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Add support for FTP (in theory, I didn't and can't test)

- update installer
- fairly significant fix to the <find> method
- Only list MODs as having been ... - b8593fe13d8879a8f94fa5f91a740c44015e0950 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Fix minor bug with SQL parsing

- Implement increment action - 1e4ca06208835c3b3d74fe49b236568f629e83eb authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Starts on FTP support. - e40fc61c111e153342d0e12df729f222a94f7f7a authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
- Brand New editor class (purposely breaks copy action ... more on that soon)

- more schema changes
- trim more stuff in the XML parser
- remove trial editor from the repository - 76bb21b25037fddbcaa4ac22ed0965d3e7863f80 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Starts on a new editor file that will have less potential for errors. - 7c00435d41556fc2d901ed7aaa4a5eeb07d1aebb authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
More bug fixes with the installer and viewing the details about MODs. Still won't install on Linux. - 5c02fcfe613997ef373d33e18ef5d842f05f1ccf authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Fixing installation bugs with the creating tables. - 62f5a3542e92ce70f11c5161081f5661a23cda4a authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Keeping names consistent - 133d9889d53470210dfbaf89b2c369b03903eeaf authored about 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
- Some work on the installer (feedback please)

- Fix parse error (@_@)
- Additional work on child MODX files
--- now stores which templates and ... - 00a41738b39ea7b002b37a3779565253b980ef9b authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Partially Process additional MODX files

- Better UI for details page
- Alphabetize language strings
- Fix _MASSIVE_ memory leak (now roug... - ae8840920ac843f381a3f8a755f1a49d82680456 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Let's fix those schemas - 673af24b0569efd4b6ab754739a4ec56a16ad4ac authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Allow for child MODX files (such as templates and languages)

- follow a de facto standard better
- Fix inline parsing when the inline find and find are not th... - c827398f56f54f34b3123bb14947c562f66c6577 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Fix inline actions (action goes after the IN-LINE FIND, not the vanilla FIND)

- If there are no author details, don't have an invalid foreach() error. - 1c64a5ae9f9062665d2ea143a792c20347ca6e02 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Uninstall can now reverse inline actions (except increment/operation)

- Forgotten language change - cdea1bc9931708bed6c0ddee929b60493ab7cac9 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Be gone debug code! - ee1b77617b2a8137712d94e0d7c41e91b980f543 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Do it yourself instructions now implemented

- properly display actions upon completion (although this will probably be hidden eventually)
- A... - 71cf4edcceba13104df53df8c0d2e728c7236d12 authored about 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Implement changelogs

- Fix MOD Author listing
- little things here & there - 5fd1d58aa6cfe8899bc49a4dbe1f7230f8e957be authored over 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Implement changelogs

- Fix MOD Author listing
- little things here & there - 9771068b7ca3b05f58ef8814711b0822664d7e11 authored over 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
- Allow In-Line actions to work...comments welcome on the code

--- This means nearly all MODX actions are implemented, except for DIY
- Coding standards type st... - f820278d74bdc1f3110d2c5513996e3143e15c47 authored over 17 years ago by Josh Woody <[email protected]>
Finished a rough of the installer. Does the SQL. You have to do the file edit. We should stick that edit in another file so that we don't have to edit files. - 4172beb3475617aa9da9d4e3a6d162385bbf9390 authored over 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
I know I know I should be spending this much time on the installer but I wanted to make it so that I could install it on Linux but then I started doing all this other stuff. This is a start to make Blinky's installer use phpBB's system. Still lots to do. Probably shouldn't commit now. Oh Well. - 6a7429512ccd8ec871ce6e5051f7f89dac546491 authored over 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
Moving install file to install_mod.php instead of index.php so we can have the phpBB installer still there. - ac6436225a0761504c5bffa7c4dca96672abb38f authored over 17 years ago by Eric Faerber <[email protected]>
*** empty log message *** - cc60711e2aecfaed8f182bb48c36d9e8fb4fc9cc authored over 17 years ago by Igor Wiedler <[email protected]>
*** empty log message *** - ad6b576c852da8c3d74560d4b2f39e092a31a93e authored over 17 years ago by Brandon Kettle <[email protected]>
- Users' Forum Permissions, Custom Profile Fields, and Manage Ranks added/updated

- Forum Logs updated - a3c90e98400caf93c290f8f38e14778c200a605a authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Bugs #10821, 10911, 10990, 10992, 10996, 11767, 13165, and 13405 - 0c2fdb863c9e13dc776ac830608ba7a1fcac3eeb authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Working through XML compatability - 7cb44167919652818e843a1659bfcd55d34c1040 authored over 17 years ago by Brandon Kettle <[email protected]>
There's reason to be a typography-fascist...

[Tue Apr 10 04:28:25 2007] [error] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in suppor... - b8a0b575ee760385734c5f03957a1f0d9d9ff852 authored over 17 years ago by Jonathan Stanley <[email protected]>
-#9678 (sections still to be added are still a work in progress, however)

-#9679 - 12279d31cacd9cad393dae0ad76fe9009b899258 authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Copyright/License notice contained invalid XHTML. Why'd this "display: none;" anyway? :P Should (IMO) be put in the footer of the page. - cd4ec57c7656ee22bfe9e9b0022ad324692acfe4 authored over 17 years ago by Jonathan Stanley <[email protected]>
-Added some terms to the glossary

-Reformatted the "Board Settings" section to how other similar sections were done, especially for... - 6a1dadcffcfd847c271588f4ed677498e375ff5f authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
-"Jane", not "JaneUser"

-Fixed the figure IDs to have appropriate prefixes (img_[section]_ ...)
-Added Server Configurati... - b3c00b81e6f2e1af2ccc23039150d61eb7444dca authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
-Fixed &quot; nubbery

-Updated UCP overview screenshot
-Added two more screenshots (quick mod tools and memberlist sort... - 0ccb0ac06e5e158c7ffcf925e0b7388e28ccabdd authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Blah, forgot to add the creating forums screenshot reference into the document. - bc71d2b071345831382bae0ecc50a4f147962a81 authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
-Added some screenshots (creating BBCodes, manage forums icon legend, creating subforums, and creating forums) for both the ACP and Quick Start Guide

-Updated the admin guide to actually have the new screenshots
-Changed English [UK] to English [G... - f109e03c12335431ce1c7bf4171a2ac94c103a3b authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Darn, I forgot to update the glossary with the last commit. Added the terms "UCP" and "MCP". - 28e30c12299c0b8eeb3aa03247701aa8637ca50a authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Added Server Configuration: Load Settings. - 0a53ace65789d0c56ce20b893ae8977c2f4f5ad3 authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
All of the appropriate ACP-related screenshots have been updated with the prosilver-styled ACP. - 70cc6531cdf7dac70f184c11a335d533d3c9812f authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
minor database requirements adjustment - 7cfbf4e383c1554dcbaecbcf2fad5dbe7c061155 authored over 17 years ago by Adam Reyher <[email protected]>
Fixed bug #5289 - 48e22ec0f72ada6e2f78d4b20c817bd3a9754401 authored over 17 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
-Fixed bugs #5208, 5204, and 5203

-Improved things a bit - 46494ca163c61c474ba4eb5581a4f06b1a0f9f9a authored almost 18 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
-Added Server Configuration -> Cookie Settings, Server Settings, and Security Settings

-Moved the User Security section into the manage users section, as per dhn - 70cfc39ace3ae34fcb07aebaeafb59cb3574339c authored almost 18 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
-Added the first two sections for acp_general_server (Server Configuration)

-Minor changes; one in the glossary too (alternatively, is GZip supposed to be "gzip" or "Gzip"...) - cec5ff065ee2cd229217ded9145e29abd8085eba authored almost 18 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Added acp_users_permissions. - 225026d6edb0c493b8816f48fc274db8e53e2005 authored almost 18 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>

Content by camm15h, updated and DocBook-ified by me... - 33b24c6f9bff6871260a117cd90a05f630f56eaf authored almost 18 years ago by MHobbit <[email protected]>
Make the website's generated docs dir group writable... :) - f7ec4093dd48e7a52fc769710d463ebbf60886c5 authored almost 18 years ago by Jonathan Stanley <[email protected]>
commiting all the stylesheet files so we're sure we use the same version in all places - c62c25949e58b7dea2a0fb73fcb06cf0ddb75e00 authored almost 18 years ago by Nils Adermann <[email protected]>
Hmmm, so Graham actually symlinked this whole lot, but we use a hacked titlepage.xsl... how to get this working automagically without jumping through hoop? :| - 6af6ea9d78eb06b24d65640753fc0e56c516ac4d authored almost 18 years ago by Jonathan Stanley <[email protected]>
xsltproc complained that this was missing... - 212e6e65653b5a37e37ad57b7e0935ce23b47f14 authored almost 18 years ago by Jonathan Stanley <[email protected]>