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MS Paint IDE

Developing the most modern IDE, in Paint
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Current fonts are production ready, with accuracies of 99.95% and 99.97% - 525a9bf7c458c6116a412f655ab649cf2e572239 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added more options, improved accuracy, and added another option to the config

The only issues that I've been testing with are _ being detected as - in Monospaced, and two i's ... - 473a2a91f8638ccc5e2ae7844e437526e20d59fa authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Improved new API and added better abstraction, also changed some APIs for more dynamic similarities based off of configurations instead of hardcoded classes - f5fb31abbcf085756c737f563f67538d19efe4aa authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Adding a new API to add configurations to specific fonts for easier tuning of things like calculated spacing and look-alike characters

Docs and examples coming soon - 4e0fee7a789e2ef1b828ee6f01ef39e21e522651 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Improved character detection algorithm, also removed 'isDot' attributes and LetterMeta as they were unused - e863112b2d3c4ea79055ec3b666e69f6a328ef80 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to work with both again, still need fine tuning

Forgot what font I was using as a demo so I'm using Monospaced again - 38e923955f92ff0b8a04fc488ea37a5cc44697c7 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Previously broke with Comic Sans, this largely fixes that

Worked fine with Monospaced but not with Comic Sans (Referred to as CMS in the code to anyone won... - b3f0e9d789092d1487311fbfddfd06d1ac4699b7 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Removed debug messages

This is a separate commit because there was a LOT of stuff to remove and it's easy to accidentall... - 8ef79655472a41a180ccfd6637679d2f37056359 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed various bugs, now at 99.87% success rate on tests

Now can proceed to adding more tests and improving API - 4a70f3eeb81a99e78b9653b8cc36a8d7d72b8608 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed semicolons more and some other characters, now *much* more accurate than before

THere's a few oddities in which I need to fix, and after adding tests and maybe adding to the API... - 10ef02d2ee876b28ef07282e0969ecad71b7fc1c authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added percentages, can now detect a full string properly - e9982d75da7f69c55f2818bc644738357ace0d58 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Semicolons are now working, also modularized certain code blocks better for easier expansion in the future - f911f46f827907bb6767211d4253b035135c07a9 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed logic is several components, fixing several characters

The only characters need to be fixed are the ; and % - 57f62d59262b9a33db4190e99bf804fdc99e89f1 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to add new more properties and distinctions for colons and other special characters

Partially works currently, don't want to break things further though - c80e63374b64d5e6bf0865735b4ad3e0871f5050 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed some logic with getting above/below characters and other merging related issues

Also changing a bit how lines of characters are fetched - 20296cc427e1863d0d915c0c96fc821f2c2e2f97 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Similarity API should be complete

Mostly working, still need to fix some bugs with characters being on different lines; may need to... - 1a13e796e95b616c53ebaa2e309d2053c5ce62b4 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Improved modularity of letter similarity API, added defaults and most of the rules so far

Also made names more easily recognisable between the merge & similarity APIs, due to similar nami... - ef526646919feb0dbee36c68110f3a9b1adc816c authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Adding a new API as always, to create character similarities in detection - 4cd3b440c8672557f13cfcfd0f9cd9effca3b429 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Improved difference calculation by adding an actual distance formula

Also starting to add similarity detection for improved accuracy. This will allow the OCR to bypas... - a2f3253af420cd13a0537c00a98c5affef84c352 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
I'm a dumbass

I never ran the methods to create and analyze the slices, which resulted in pure gibberish for al... - 59955c8d9c3a4a630f41d1373b95791efd400f00 authored over 5 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Updated README to reflect current methods - b63b860846822441d59e00c95ff8eae8750600c7 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added CharcaterLine API. Nothing works still, though - 39750ae04b6ecf06349ee6f8fa44c023add229c9 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Implemented rules, still need to properly order training characters for modifiers - 4a95611badbea4e881783b99836b7749c71a8e8e authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Implementing full merging, not using MuteItList for now as it may not be as efficient as desired - 6c9c83e1d64c51333de1ba30bd9408d88db88c9c authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Finished docs for MuteItList, removed some unnecessary pieces of code; ready to be used - a8af7e0ad05acd30df978d58a28a15663270d2b0 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Finished MuteItList, added tests - 1358d0cf355fd7b2685d567da562f2c4176149a5 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Adding modified list implementation for merging rules

Still need to clean up code, and add tests - e04e5bc608d12b00b422dc6ce9670825195f378f authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Adding some logic to the merging, going to collaborate on - edb1744758190cf113af069d1427a767daf30c6c authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Adding a letter mergence API to deal with individual characters being pieced together in a more OOP-manner - 32e9ca91cb2b42aa2485171300678ffbef95fcf8 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Making improvements for character merging, added to general API

The current method may need to be reworked though, to first detect the characters and then piece ... - a29360a91726f3fbf94faedda56a51aae2ea654e authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
I can't spell kerning, and no longer using old character separation classes. - 4e2e8ce73158f52e990834d9927f4b5f13a5d89e authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to implement kenning separation, as it is very prevalent in most fonts

Check the TODO for a more in-depth explanation of plans - 4c21d8c1b30e7a6d00509341fbf0ba67d6b84e34 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to test with more fonts, need some bug fixes. Added more things to training options and added more documentation - 28e15fa45b2014eef14612f4a7468a084266d833 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Furthermore improved API, added API-accessible training image generation. Also added SLF4J - b0ff6c827d1212376ecba721738200c12f05f319 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Improved API and documentation, it may be release-ready, unless basic natural images or handwriting is planned - e82a743a70d0c8d9e4043d9130ce4ec5306d6d71 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Auto detection of errors works, still need a heavy code cleanup though - 4541bdb3f54419254b23dca69811be2806dab84d authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
99.92% accuracy, one of the bugs was with combining apostrophes, not the error correction - 5b3d0ab632ba1993ac9db606b183fe229f813c41 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
99.89% accuracy while improved error correction, need to make the process fully automatic and fix 4 problematic characters - 2c5594c143dee41e20674782b986e224c7c4fa0a authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to add error correction in training to increase results

Currently set to only one character mismatch, but will be fine tuned soon for everything - 17dca3dcf663a5497235e2c84f03f61cebdc1e54 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to add tests to ensure accuracy of at least 95% (Currently the accuracy is 99.74%) - 5c0bf90eed9d7b99d24e9f3c450bb2d7e03705a2 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed an issue with spaces I forgot about - cc36801a2c97d4be50a45b664033e29df31e7783 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
The only issues left are with periods being recognized as other things for some reason - 111e4080ac1cb33116d35b4942dfa6db754d7979 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Improved detection slightly, the only bugs are some size-related issues with periods and apostrophes - 12e6f7c1cfb83d5df251509e69b19abdadc6ff6b authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed a potentially big bug with not fully removing vertical padding from characters - 5a647383758213b4c2c26790272f54758a56bc49 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added single apostrophe when detected as a single " piece - 782fd66a932a7c9e660a48798bf54c42f1b9c4fe authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
99.81% accuracy on training data now, still need to fix some stuff and heavily clean up code - 7c6b8d97a32a3f33a24d3f97d1415118e84e5df9 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
99.79% accuracy on training data, still have a few kinks to work out

A code cleanup is very much needed, and is not ready for production.
Implementing dot detection a... - ac05b06a688188ec2cdeaffd138165faaebb1461 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Was able to narrow down accuracy, some fixes still need to be made to it though.

The main breaking point currently is punctuation; all alphanumeric characters are perfect with 10... - 6e2e0aedb38a3357cf2d4de4939acb9ab44083d9 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Changed a threshold value calculation, which *significantly* improves OCR results across all characters, though more prevalent on special characters - 76b21dcccc0c14ae2b825b7e6eac8292f3d764fa authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added modifiers to stored data with proper quote support, along with some Javadocs updates and API improvements, and some light optimizations. - a6103f949ce643f2378f2dfdf84f73cb71ea6053 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
OCR works now :D still more testing and much more tuning needed, and testing with natural images still needs to be done - 6e358f74d6def480b5a956d0d1a4375005657fc0 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added arbitrary average data in a table into the database for storing things like apostrophe data, starting to make the OCR work again - a6d8270dbc7340f59474b81ffe6996db6e90cd78 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added combined apostrophes for training, still need to add data to the database for reading them - c7b0c225e85b439a1de53f97a7140465dd80319b authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Completely removing multi size font data, as it is just unneeded overhead. Lower resolution fonts will now be less accurate/not recommended, at the benefit of a most likely significant speed boost. - 045944134d5da767843b737685553b1ae6a1c60f authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to implement new algorithm - eda0e5535736220275f8991b51368e656c2b006b authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added a paper and removed debug message from a while ago - d6e79604636970fe3ed91747daeec728488f2483 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Updated NewOCR, added missing JNA dependency - d1726b0c37d69282eb4232ed2cdbee36eb04889e authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Forgot to change the version in the build.gradle - 1feb0ba913da7723e80e92051a0ec27c42e4727a authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Changed version in README to 1.2.1 - 931c59637c18ab8b47c911e326968d3201aaa5ed authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added a paper by Mehdi Bahaghighat for baseline detection

Titled "Novel Approach for Baseline Detection and Text Line Segmentation", it's pretty interesting - 3fcaf607916d264050f4e1288628938baa41a3a8 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to add running code API, still a WIP and is broken - ebfcb3b558092ac201861cc355d38f2fc14befb8 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Cleaned up code, made callbacks work

Forgot to push this last night - 9b1ade1036de1c2b392bbd5553549b2fe1e7cdfe authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Finished MS Paint integration framework, just need to implement some methods - f3854f306c705b454cc0f9e23ad3fe19485a9690 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Forgot to add DLLs - 9d82f65a4386ea8578898bd3e0e51f4c3225d3c0 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
MS Paint integration starting to partially work - 588d1f6109062ca1bc1191b55e9d078fc1676da5 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to add IDE integration, still buggy and needs to be heavily cleaned up - e7e5268c5d4917eacdd3863d3ab0a30c9523b92e authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added program escaping - c3891330bcc0b6ec3cd900d9cf9aadbcf11e5978 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Starting to add window selection; is still fairly buggy - 5fce452ea99899f4868a096b8ec95173e0e29cbd authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added process-specific buttons - d052adcdfcd18974497337e5d2bb7e846c7d6da8 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added Readme option in installer, moved files, updated Readme - 49979cae76be8bd4f4fba7b00c3bb55106d5f5f8 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
It's too late for this crap - 014f2292f269303269725d077daee95c3eff04d5 authored almost 6 years ago by Adam Yarris <[email protected]>
I really need to review my commits - 063fde99bf0c1cb6ebf10b10949caf5a2af61046 authored almost 6 years ago by Adam Yarris <[email protected]>
The links got killed - 3bc6c14e787aa50c5723538ad0d4b838b6a116de authored almost 6 years ago by Adam Yarris <[email protected]>
Rewrote README, changed color of highlighted strings - 945d7f5bfbac95c05282bf3fc244febb03b19e74 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed theme bug, added to installer - 8f6dea1679d2995bcb12bdf7aed91daf445a60b8 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added context menu to installer, migrated to SLF4J, improved running/building, fixed bugs - 755e43f8e41cb9c8f463a792451bcda2966df291 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Removed slf4j implementation - c1fd8c9853b59deec4adf35657d54ede8fda56f4 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added more icons in different places, forgot to commit some previous files, and fixed a bug - d477daca210e5976a061dc69f103e2d9907f9385 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added standalone installer support, so no JRE/JDK is needed, and installing is very simple.

This is using Inno Setup to make the installer and everyting else - ca299328ea96b7265646b20b065cdd6620376648 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Updated icons - 0582dd067c773b39201a46d1aaf8c7e9e73baf92 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added Commit, Pull, Push and updated Run and Build. - 1d112a583f064b25b06e702ec67331ed611b4211 authored almost 6 years ago by DarkEyeDragon <[email protected]>
Updating from head repo (#1)

* Added other buttons, made them correct size

* Added Java program interfacing - cb4f0ac5cd7a5654d75f3045d3edaab8a18dda60 authored almost 6 years ago by Joshua Tack <[email protected]>
Starting to add MS Paint integration

This is using PaintInjector - f4b20438b22d62ca03a90c2576faabaf58ae96bc authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added Java program interfacing - b0d80e8d0fd753e48cf6e70df58ba5fd07dcfbf3 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added icons from DarkEyeDragon - dee591b27b502dbe9396b7447b7697c44ebf11e4 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Changed from 25x25 -> 21x21 + added SVG's - 84c3da5e585615b8d962d1b039f283c7e10443f8 authored almost 6 years ago by DarkEyeDragon <[email protected]>
Changed from 25x25 -> 21x21 - c10e4e39e6e3fe51fe0ff08f3d68435f2ed865bb authored almost 6 years ago by DarkEyeDragon <[email protected]>
Added other buttons, made them correct size - 39a715b5e787ba92f8cbc1f6da91aac11b5e86f0 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Updated icons - 889de991a10d532624590f1192ed06092fed70b1 authored almost 6 years ago by DarkEyeDragon <[email protected]>
Added support for reactive lower status 'tooltips' - 3ad4e6c0643367a4e24d74307f5a1407c495d60b authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added hover icon generator, and added Git buttons - 86441f351f5332947cca5a84f16b67b993c57d31 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Initial commit

Build, run and stop buttons have been implemented, with proper handlers - 0083ab526e1e83a979fc792fc8b83039b7cb03b7 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added a ScannedImage#letterAt method - f38033dcf0c92141a0dcadd77eae25aded4f064b authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added Python requirements checking - 18f555cfe5c6514610e9dcbab01dd7e045211b93 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Added better highlighting, added Python highlighting

A code cleanup is still required, things are messy. - 3c2ad057c7692b91d142d2aeb9485a7e8dbb0bdf authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Fixed Brainfuck - e0232f174e1902b29b7805c44f03cfffaf05b506 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Made more steps to fully migrating to Java 11, along with heavily improving the FileDirectoryChooser API - 864213e5cb9cbb0db3ee7d9e1109fd56669f3147 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of into Jacob/java-11

# Conflicts:
# src/main/java/com/uddernetworks/mspaint/gui/window/ - caf228148d87067b1c319c9f247c8ccea8554d1f authored almost 6 years ago by Jacob G <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'master' of into Jacob/java-11

# Conflicts:
# src/main/java/com/uddernetworks/mspaint/gui/window/ - 1246a9d828eae46cdbe8d77dba2e2d752cbcdda8 authored almost 6 years ago by Jacob G <[email protected]>
Fixed some stuff - f93e8fe6cf83e6075f6cc125551d8a4fd7f412a4 authored almost 6 years ago by RubbaBoy <[email protected]>