
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
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Removed the tritonus-remaining dependency because it was incorrectly compiled. Added tritonus-remaining directly from source.

I'll be looking into adding a few more audio formats internally in the future.
Fixes #20. - bd6dcc5e7b3b407b79199a0d23e69349c61007e7 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Deprecated build(). Please use buildAsync instead. build() will be removed in v1.4 - 49082772d257532a6b1748f7893d2f0f90901408 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Removed the unneeded forgotten filteredRuntime stuff from the dependencies. Left over relic of the first attempt at handling the new audio services. - 8242a797201cf860c7edac53f6ea9e0c5792669d authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed javadoc stuff that was causing Gradle's javadoc builder to spit out errors. People, learn how to create javadoc! - 046562f9770d71e9d45c32e737ba016586226fe2 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #19 from Almighty-Alpaca/audio

Fixed a problem with the URLPlayer and added a volume control to the Player. - 1eab6521651bc04484ed3e2b72dd764101cc1aaa authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Commented the sendTyping stuff because people running the example bot was obnoxious :o - 1a988e4acffcd6c146b3877171a9c401254b4c21 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added commenting to AudioManager and JDA.

Fixed possible NPE and logic concerning AudioWebSocket proper closing.
Changed how we report the ... - acdf337d5688e2efc2c7548c346a4b5bd411efaf authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Changed trinitus-dsp to maven dependency - d0a7b429051bd684c23de93cd7bb8b2bc21675e1 authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
URLPlayer not closing - 42d42fbfcfda313d3589ebd37cda17c64fced824 authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #18 from DV8FromTheWorld/audio

Audio, JDA Gon' Give It To Ya! (Merge of Audio support into Development) - 75d48ff7ea70f33e4100ad3fe41e6c151ee13d96 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'development' into audio branch.

src/main/java/net/dv8tion/jda/entities/impl/... - 12bfb12bfebdd3b0e27aae5431210ee235b17e6b authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added volume control to the Player.

Added tritonus-dsp-0.3.6.jar dependency as local file.
Added the eclipse task and prevented the ... - 44749682add81b43d8a59d559f56568c072cd8eb authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Fixed a problem fith the URLPlayer

Yes, that fixed it for me -.- - 83f22230f27566bcc08c87bf1ab179f22a0661ca authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Rewrote the ServiceUtils system to properly support JDA in both FatJar and non FatJar situations.

Should have done it this way to start with... - b87503f3b2dba815b61154fd7542a024e2091f7b authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
bumped the JNA version from 4.1.0 -> 4.2.1 just to be on the latest version. - 1e1543bcb667127ccae28e6f9dbb7c1c76b4c11b authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created system for dealing with dependencies that add new services (Java SPI) when dealing with a jar.

I didn't know this was a problem because I was working from IDE, not Jar :D
Changed the version s... - 53202c53fc8463e4af6856d691d82940f2220119 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Implemented support for automatically converting provided audio to a sample rate of 48000hz to Player. - 2fde7a2c039f8058ed47c7acb7960dc9e7593ebc authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created AudioExample. - 69d5efad2ec7084f143c645de897f6daae5e402e authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed small NPE with FilePlayer - 5b100295e83f006307d47fd91230869487176adc authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Moved the Opus wrapper into the project because it was not properly handling library loading.

Added NativeUtils which properly handles extracting native libs from jars and loading them. This ... - 78a74102da941c7d4ce40ab8d1aedb8a9f576867 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Removed some unused imports. The JDA project should once again be clean of unused imports. - 54bc5bfb85bc7dc59ae239bf9fc2a6d5535686c5 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Updated my Tester class to use the new audio system. - 27c20c6bd31911db594bb0f2bc9e95be96c890ab authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created a Player abstract class which shows example implementation of AudioSendHandler.

Also created FilePlayer and URLPlayer, implementations of the Player class.
Made the JDA user age... - 8ce0b98d2eaef7fe14300b3d7f7182ec98b8eb65 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created AudioManager to handle all dealings with the Audio system.

Removed the OpusRewrite class as it is no longer needed. - 84d7d46796cda23d1c13132b0a68d51218075e3a authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created AudioConnection System to handle communication between provided handlers and Discord.

Created handlers for Sending and Receiving audio. Receiving audio does nothing currently. Techinc... - 8122d5087051de90eb5e2224e005b06464673f50 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
buildBlocking now doesn't block indefinately when using annotated event-system. Also added support for anonymous listeners - b3379991ee973eb1904e98d60cf7e949d28c7bce authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #16 from DV8FromTheWorld/development

Release of v1.2.1 - 9eed3532691a25962e24668982e6360cc876c393 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Release of v1.2.1 - 65b416b5339761e53256f3964378431cc30f0f80 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed RoleChangeHandler for adding/removing at same time - 6b424e7417c0ae3a1d5fe2172d7f1bea3ab7fbe3 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Support for new Guild-Ownership transfer - 08ca9a65b7a78dceafad514b38b5a4867d3e431c authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added PermissionExceptino to the create functions inside Guild - d07d78b0282f84dfcdf623855559c255be3f6fba authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added idea of mentioned channels to Message - 1e786ce1b15ac877683834945488e89af05bf33a authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added JDA#shutdown(boolean) which toggles shutting down Unirest - f4f66ac7128835ff844823824a991c571ba33eb0 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Kind of handling unavailable Guilds - ccb34d0e87927a6c4b9abd6bd227ae580670deb7 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed NPE that could result from a race-condition of Websocket-connect - 28c81d983ace179ca530eb93e1cab9f1df4683e3 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed stream concurrency issue in ChannelUpdate - 32ea8391806ba02282833a1fb07fa0c44f9418c2 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Support for upcoming Guild-Ownership transfer - f4ae4c77ee0f5a8a2e6d3c6e58f2eeba4e91b309 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Untested reconnect system for the socket; MessageBuilder supports appendMention(TextChannel) and appendMentionEveryone() - d8e30d7abc68cf7fc86bb98d5d31ba27cd98369a authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added an ACTUAL 32 bit opus lib for win32 x86

Removed file named as a lib but was actually a webfile? - 5103fa834ef54193c8634775a2cc7078e1148aef authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Actual working audio support! Whooo!

Created OpusRewrite. Contains example of how to properly encode audio files.
Added the opus libra... - a2b9a084bd487e2ccdb3fd0157461081ca4e42a0 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed Strange behaviour of tokens - ff33f347a9b7d34d0fb007415dd34f3170dfdad3 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Async message sending + debug fixes - 42a0401e6bffaa0e096c92b93a3e9116fcece065 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Implemented RateLimit for messages (Exception) + setDebug now actually does stuff - fac64e017359aab9cb82f03daf16d798ddcc574c authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Commiting current testing environment. - bf1f29f5c5f10b162cd3a4000ab94f02822c79dc authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed a small mixup between ssrc and timestamp locations in the packet. - 99ee5f4a43a4b709de6ebea0c07964ce1922cef4 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
"Fixed" User-Agent - f9cffe7be4ff913de6364d32ceda63f331873c5e authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed a minor embed-problem and GuildMemberLeave being called on already left Guild - 3a848a86815778ee889dff7c61fd941b97ae3295 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added AnnotatedEventListener and JDA#shutdown() - ee984c526a77dc057fe1a5b5f3dddd1ab294ac40 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added asUdpPacket functionality to easily turn an AudioPacket into a java DatagramPacket.

Added static method to create an echo packet from a given audio DatagramPacket.
Fixed ArrayOutOfB... - fefdede31f46697c20c90f04f6cb4b90749d62b5 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Implemented keepAlive for the udp audio socket.

Added simple caveman debug when an audio packet is received. - 448a20a7f5c7c834af889b8e57a190a9dc5528e2 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created AudioPacket. Represents an Discord RTP Opus encoded audio packet. - 49507c7c6ec10e0753a564a2af142f5183223c63 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Beginning of Audio support.

Implements support of VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE, connecting to a VoiceChannel and sending KeepAlive pac... - 66ad02067dd56e6c7415fbc7ee173fc5da5f6b50 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Slight modification to how JDA passes its proxy to websockets. - 9421df293ac5dd06e17cbabfdd14bcc48ac5b21f authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed VoiceStatus's sessionId and suppressed not being updated in VoiceChangeHandler - 28540a21f91167bb702a52861246bf71bd7ebaa6 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Rewrote the VoiceStatus system to be per guild instead of each user having a global voice status.

Added getSessionId, isSuppressed and inVoiceChannel functionality to VoiceStatus.
Added filler co... - 6c0107e72a3521ab56a3ada3fc7986a1bafcba3f authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #15 from DV8FromTheWorld/development

Release of v1.2.0 - c78b2bd72fc1162121e0b2cb6636710724e764a2 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Release of v1.2.0 - a28d19f6a441abb0dea69e6b0cbb12264116a59e authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added return javadoc for getPermissions() - 7b25adee8d4047ee7820bfcc44ac2bf05285be93 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
remove the guild BEFORE letting EventListeners handle the event.

This is needed for 2 reasons:
1) if we don't remove the guild before allowing the event listeners... - cebabe589a24ee6fe7cf4c809d87af50f2e8eeb7 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Updated the readme to discuss javadocs, proper release location and updated the TODO. - 98d820932aedcdfe9643027d9c9379d56d47a0a9 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Completely commented the JDA interface.

Added a few util getters.
Made the list getters always return unmodifiable list, as per javadoc. - 22e1bf111f797fa0a90a8494bd311a87145311d0 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Removed the GuildBuilder - 2584020a52aa841b7aa1f2c362689a58a19a86ab authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
PermissionOverrideManager - 47bd9b8486a1c449fa306da4ecd577ff73e46d13 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added javadoc for the new functionality that was introduced with the PermissionOverride rewrite.

Added getPermissions() and getPermissionsRaw() to Role.
Added getFromOffset(int) to Permission
Fi... - fdaf37250d390ef73bd6399f5a78efaad664939a authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Rewrote the PermissionOverride system. - 0177755b5533a0b2171d3776234a768240e112ce authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
MessageHistory now works for PM, added RoleManager#setColor(Color) - 06a5646500fe3d0b1a61eb2920fa1c8c58490527 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added the ability to add and remove roles from a user in a guild.

Made the list returned by getBans() unmodifiable, as per the javadoc. - 9347a0131c0261833381ef0da27a8708906feb8a authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Slightly modified some javadoc because Gradle javadoc couldn't handle the awesomeness. - 5807d32d57bab3fbb26a02a31b88cf6bd5dc76dc authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added attachment support to Messages. - 697a094570ca93c8ab4a9309a9950305742e13d5 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added support for File Uploads. - 34a481891b7edfab40766a440fcbf141c3b53af3 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Readded Ack events and a hidden ack-system - bebfbe1e1ad0fecda5163de1d2a832c87b3f44f0 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Implemented a PermissionException system for checking whether or not an action is allowed internally before sending it to Discord. - 76891b64e2367a3cca444d6b9941fbb56baae654 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed Guild#getIconUrl returning incorrect string if no icon is set - ddd8233d222681716700d4cba110896bff351323 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Removed ack-support (as per request of devs) - b86f46138c9c838d1db52d8d120d372cb167478b authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Changed Managers to use a Builder attempt (set, set, set, update); User#getAvatarUrl now correctly returns null if avatar-id is null - c16c1a0b8bef20c2631946eb5538c25f584c6f7d authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
added createRole, and allow/revoke in the RoleManager - 7646adc849f2fbe746b6534fffff6cbe20ddac85 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
made GuildManager#getBans() public - 9e1a2fbe2d708e980fbd02c338385461727e0803 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Moved acknowledging to the MessageReceivedHandler (instead of a permanent listener)

also added setter and getter to JDA - f0b8f87eb6e4f69cf5552c3e856b490276f2a695 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #14 from Almighty-Alpaca/message-ack

Added support for acknowledging messages as well as the MESSAGE_ACK event... - 86cd6563453e3bedccba64f7c3f331d6fa3d0332 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added support for EventListeners to unregister themself while called; Moved getBans to the GuildManager - d6c22338ac3f1119878bc3883c5d70a9fbc020ee authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed bug in createMessage, would only get the first mention. - 6bbd0dfa0835076ab7976d6242abf7ece88ae117 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Moved the ban, unban and kick methods from Guild to GuildManager.

Added overloads of ban, unban and kick to work with both User and - b79a317170c290b43cd7dbe9429b8300fa71766d authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Created GuildBuilder. Added some javadoc to the Managers. - 42fd7285085c313c3f808615c181aa44870ece38 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Changed JDA#createGuildAsync to have a GuildManager callback instead of Guild - cf07273f6ba0c9e6573ec0fd51a8abf5ab6d95c6 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Properly validate token; Fixed delDays of Guild#ban - 3e72b32405fcf5359facc8c8422950ff03a6846b authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added kick, ban, getBans and unBan to Guild - e615d4d48646650fba97ab0d462b9a9c43c61eb4 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added createGuild and createGuildAsync to JDA - 3c635abba56afe03d16d1460cfc9775934d62d30 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
RoleManager and added create-methods for Text/VoiceChannels - f43e3f9e122cb45f1a65f00284da49e081048b94 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Changed Discord-Invite link in the README to an invite with unlimited duration - 7ec489797735ecea3c9a84857caa20a741645e11 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Created a UserUpdateHandler (without Events) - 19637942df21178fd55eae02d858bf40c5d4a026 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Bumped the year on our License. Finished cleaning the License Headers for all classes. - 75e488587b9cbff943140b91a3bcda48d4f56419 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added updating password in AccountManager.

Made the Timeouts for GuildManager an enum.
Cleaned up License Headers - 445242e452cc4a9fea0447dd853bcf79449b10f5 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added support for acknowledging messages as well as recieving the MESSAGE_ACK event

In addition, cleaned up some imports for the PrivateChannel class that
weren't needed.
Added an ... - c8fdc30e63b0c864bf2c68657fa19b8dc2ebba85 authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Enabled handling compression of the READY event when over a certain size. Thanks @ShadowLordAlpha - 8f84ec08488b7fe21de2ebed7c0b89bb54e806f8 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed Guild-leave registry update; Removed redundant Constructor of ChannelManager - e645ce2549612aa976980009cb283580348450ae authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
README now has the Unofficial Discord API Guild linked - 88c92953a7e3634364d8d145f937d7e982fd0ade authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Moved the AccountManager to a new managers package and added basic Managers for Channels and Guilds

Also created a common superInterface of VoiceChannel and TextChannel (called Channel) - a8a944b7f83ea441e8722c4ac2ffc8be677322a1 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added JDA getters to most Entities (first step towards managers) - 7a6a1bfc123e28e55b8c16fe734caf8beb66f90f authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #12 from DV8FromTheWorld/development

Modified README to show current status - e42a96c9439883f6062dea28e982e707939ef7f7 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added a "Contributing to JDA" section to the readme - 87c6c90749948865457aa800f4f18cdc957dd5f8 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>