
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord
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Changed the "finised loading" message to be different between First load and reconnecting. - 23e1adf7083c7562953a36642d8150d156c48cc7 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Simple logger level changes. - be2acdf2af99ba1f417ccce87d330e4dc5fe6a27 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Made InviteUtil.createInvite(...) no longer require the JDA object. Causes deprecation of InviteUtil.createInvite(Channel, JDA) in favor of InviteUtil.createInvite(Channel). - 26874b79804be603551aeac66cc90e9fe418e969 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed bug where JDA would fire onInviteReceived with a null Invite because the provided Invite was to a Guild that the logged in account was banned from. - 1575533d38cd46ebebee6614ad24114ff9fef485 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added tons of Javadoc to InviteUtil.

Added Permission checking for `InviteUtil.delete(Invite, JDA)`.
Rearranged the parameter order fo... - afee3ee87c53d3583ccd031d99fbc66fce9e3791 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added Audio Decryption support. Also made AudioWebsocket use the logger. - aefdd3ad351f72cf84d08f4a2362cad4b06487a1 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
JDA encrypts sent audio instead of sending it unencrypted. - 42e89400d5af64b8337e5bae86c81a1294ea6f15 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Rewrote and restructured the storage and loading of native libraries. - f4d918afea1b120f21a2b9f7e7cbadd477802c1b authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added a custom Logger and changed pretty much every class that used to print anything to the console to use the logger - cc72ea6fc39c4566a53bfc11338efb0185de8ab0 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added ReconnectedEvent and clearing the registry on reconnect (for consistency). Users should check for ReconnectedEvents and refetch their JDA-Instances for users, channels, guilds,... if they save them somewhere - 8b32b6f040801e8e1dfa5e5571b7429c8d2bebf8 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Removed stacktraces of our rest-requester when no connection is possible - a00b9e82473751553c2d9803ccf5c42c26877207 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Messages now have their embeds saved (needed for History) - fff9e94749e0c154475db880a811ec89584572bc authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
WARNING: DO NOT USE - And why did my git decide to not push this with last commit... wtf! - a8d6743706b40bb482dcfb352aa5ccb7b69d10bb authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/development' into development - 538d01425f9e0d5e7f4f23463b76690a9431a06c authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
WARNING: DO NOT USE - This commit is the merge of the reconnect-system that was written in the past... This change is not tested yet and could fail horribly!!! - 8f06fc0124406334056819dfb646f7b509d99eca authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Changed build() -> buildBlocking(). - cd8b1591cfe981feb55a5e22c2ddcecdade9fc8b authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Changed JDABuilder#enableVoice(boolean) to JDABuilder#setAudioEnabled(boolean). Added some javadoc to InviteUtil - 028ad283357681b4c3c6649c0ee50e729b292804 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Recompiled libopus for 32bit linux. Fixed libopus path being wrong on some 32 bit linux systems. - b0186d96257a687812a256ef9adf2b98bec457b0 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added AvatarUtil.getAvatar(InputStream) and AvatarUtil.getAvatar(BufferedImage) - 60d092fe36c1e16bfcd7bac351000b5e1ac6282f authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed stupid order checking of the Platform when determining which native library to load for Opus. - f224f2514c603baf9566d86005078c9bdbf5c1a6 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added sendFile(File, Message) and sendMessageAsync(File, Message, Consumer<Guild>). Deprecated sendFile(File) and sendFileAsync(File, Consumer<Guild>).

_ - 9d5cdd9da6bb22064ee2f2808b6ac23420b77c86 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Some changes to InviteUtil (custom createInvite method, Invites now have the human-readable code if present). If you were using the AdvancedInvite already, please note that maxAge got changed to duration and is now an enum. - 6a6d859a50c493b8f1ee34e9c249c398325d9cc4 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added Guild#getPublicChannel(). This returns the undeletable, always readable public general channel for a Guild. - a6d9b3715d2da4f483a3897407cfce9f7f348207 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added InviteUtil.getInvites(Channel) and Channel#getInvites(). (Creates TextChannel#getInvites() and VoiceChannel#getInvites()) - 3dd16ee35da940cb1d143a3a7d6a7418528a3300 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Changed the examples to use buildBlocking() instead of buildAsync(). - 5f4adfa9537d7d5a7957e5dafc83686f431ac5ae authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Modified to bring into line with project style - 97ef945b364f5f96ac89ac17f4e5162a92d3aba1 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #26 from Almighty-Alpaca/Guild#getInvites()

Added Guild#getInvites(). - aa6cdfa2795607fcae7d89e3b35b177051b91877 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Changed MessageHistory to accept MessageChannel instead of TextChannel/PrivateChannel - e9191fdfb7e554b7d883886ede513742162c9271 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
moved some stuff - befafa3c90f1d0d30ab41898e83cd3bc9da0d0d2 authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Compiled a new libopus for Linux x64 in an attempt to reduce the required GLIBC version from 2.14 to 2.12. Still need to do this for 32bit linux's libopus - 98c7b154e6e43070e0d2167abffe71b6fa883133 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added Guild#getInvites() - 7c4be9d9bdfb68e6e163234d607f2fab041b2075 authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Added AudioConnectEvent, AudioDisconnectEvent and AudioTimeoutEvent. Also added AudioManager#setConnectTimeout(long) and AudioManager#getConnectTimeout(). - b8e781a073683bf8fd8da67e963f1518714eed65 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added simple checking to MessageBuilder#build() to check for no content in the message or more than 2k characters in the Message. Also added MessageBuilder#getLength() to determine the length of content before building. - b334ce0b4040855d0ce98366e92df43841561756 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added DisconnectEvent and ShutdownEvent. You can listen for them with onDisconnect and onShutdown. Disconnect = we lost connection or Discord disconnected us. Shutdown = caused from JDA.shutdown(...) - c442d4488b72966f9b0353cc31ff0467132afe11 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed possible NPEs when closing an AudioConnection when it failed to fully initialize. Also fixed possible NPE when shuting down JDA with audio disabled. - 3cca2f8d1e69c3acbf4bad8e27fb565c24887756 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Re-added support for AAC audio files. Thanks for the loads of help offbeatswitch! - f907659ac1b05d7b069a39613432ffa55f62d407 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Removed console spam from the notification-update-event - e022b437d111f53a50bba206b01b13e403f7e521 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
User#getAsMention() - 184a64285eded9c666944eac327c38c14fac8097 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Updated the dependency listing of JDA - 103efb9d4dad303ef5d72df505202fbedfcf197d authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Improved (but still ugly) debugging for Requester class - 4dd03da62ce2dbbc25670cc49af72dabe9748342 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
No longer add null instance of a Users to the MentionedUsers list of a Message. This was noticed to happen when getting message from MessageHistory and finding users that were mentioned that are no longer on that Guild. - e42d55006f3cb54ae57cbba0ea5124c6fbfc112f authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
added isPrivate() to InviteReceivedEvent. - 78b1f031dbe8c07222a9a46427797973ca01fa2f authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Small fixes and small performance boost - 1ca36e9af943cd649905326ca58d5b2220d16cb6 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Whoo, All of JDA's dependencies now exist on jcenter, so we no longer need those other repositories. Just jcenter() ! - a276470dc2f41b68132fbbd3e5f9bfcb38cdd9bb authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
InviteUtil.join now allows for a callback-function (for the joined guild). The old methods without callback are now deprecated - 4020a905ba9353c88fc95469f55ad0a690e71f72 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Slight changes to JDA#createGuildAsync to not allow Region.UNKNOWN and made the internal async-listener work for the annotated event system - 05c009f9396c3ed77e97ccfc2df77a672556a586 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Deprecated JDA#createGuild(String, Region). Honestly shouldn't have existed. We overlooked the fact that the returned Guild doesn't have any channels created. Please use JDA#createGuildAsync(String, Region, Consumer) - 2d053a4e3bb60788e317124c5c795932da4d59ca authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
fixed bug in JDA#createGuild(String, Region) where it wasn't actually sending the data. - dccacf21edb7138b819ba8f68a70ef6ca6139c8d authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed some NPEs when the JDA account leaves a Guild or when a VoiceChannel is deleted and there is no active voice-connection - c0359288a1b6b6ab0fba9c1fadfe50afa01acd5b authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Split off GuildManager#delete() and GuildManager#leave() to match the new API-Endpoint pattern. GuildManager#leaveOrDelete() is now deprecated and should not be used anymore. - f76572cde28cac81b2d82f262046ec560b52f6a4 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed my MessageHistory#retrieve(int) Derp (not correctly setting last queried id). - 88ccce5f87badcb4f43e9555ff2f3d59ed9b92fc authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
MessageHistory#retrieve(int) is now able to retrieve more than 100 messages at a time - be678f4d2922265d2eb05dc086cee5283ee75d98 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
removed unnecessary code to make a clone of an already immutable Time-object (also fixes NPE of Message#getEditedTimestamp() when the message was not edited) - 23d98a03a99ed02abdb513ae6772615f16552445 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added Bintray (JFrog/JCenter) as a maven repository that holds JDA. This will be used for maven distribution of Development builds. - 9da1e44e5b1a9fe71de1776424bb157d2e629878 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added temporary functionality to disable voice. Actual implementation will probably change - 519ecb27e180b1ee6ffd70557b6cf875a0854365 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Addition to the maven repository fix. *Actually* fixes #25 As a note: Sadly, Gradle doesnt respect Maven POM defined <repositories> tags, so Gradle users will need to manually define the repositories that JDA uses. Sorry :/ - 540dc8364487f31740b32ba7c38f382e9f70f82e authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Mad the JDA gradle build script add <repository> tags for the custom repos it uses. Fixes #25 - 10fa5ca4d33c359ec2d3e4b8cacd7829f9d8b4ed authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added the 2 new voice regions US_CENTRAL and US_SOUTH - faa522553d8f115f5df8a46a208b1d46494ff2ea authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added getters for AudioSendHandler and AudioReceiveHandler. - 21185c4c95467669ccb705413cd2e4bf7dba11e0 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #24 from DV8FromTheWorld/development

Release of v1.2.2 - 03e9cf70c237e304c65c64388d8cfbfec9b95da0 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Release of v1.2.2 - eb5055887ca27d1a4c08c635aa1b2efb84997bac authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Removed audio files from the repo. - 495d0346dd09eca53360924227bf428dab7f5238 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #23 from DV8FromTheWorld/large_threshold-fix

Fixed for Discord's new Large threshold stuff - 3c90dd47c99c6e2fc8781fe74e62207d2987662a authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Re-enabled the Exception from PermissionOverrides - ce82e3bc93372556cfad2f21cf966eb77584f202 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Implemented event cache to deal with the events we recieve before JDA has finished loading. - 3fc082beb4c6ce983b796082b84dccdb29d04815 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Some cleanup and fixed potential bug for bots only in small guilds - 444fd1441bcab6b46e8141a61e623d5ca874b100 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fixed for Discord's new requirement of large_threshold. - 208ad221d564aac197d1dc5f93b09ad462a813a8 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added the large_threshold value to the socket-init-packet (it will be a required field very soon) - d78c47f4236d526bfefd6eb33dd9bf7b0c9dfe59 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Properly handle a ChannelDelete for Private Channels - fc3f2b5d46b8e00df7a838f95995d25154d38fc3 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Really bad fix for the new API not sending us offline-users... Proper fix coming very soon - 86c84afd741b06e22895e04d2138b7bcf7e383ba authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Apparently createGuild is now required to send a region to the api - 9c3564d983bfa36328ee00cd89bc9abc0ca3eef8 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
JDA is now able to automatically reconnect if a disconnect happens due to internet failure.

This uses an incremental timeout system - bb30086b5bf9ff8f73b7703a96b608a3bb758f7e authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Merge branch 'development' of into development - 3ff8c96f1a2fd11261ebea37a47d374c0b472e54 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added code to auto-close the audio connection when it is impossible to remain connected (Guild or Channel kick/delete) - a148d79217776903cc0e74f3d9824d2ef5404984 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
AnnotatedEventManager now properly propagates up the class hierarchy to trigger all parent Events' listeners - 9b298e9ef23f39015177d1e09a042d95c00ed5df authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Forgot to commit the changes to AudioConnection that are part of the changes that support VoiceChannel switching. Whoops! - ace4a5cf71f39bc5ed8a21bad980854bad5063a6 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/development' into development - 92f09a7a1a9fc123bc9d143c5a7b7cf63ed77d49 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
VoiceChannel users are now properly populated from the ReadyEvent - 4e304466bac836c000b2cbf8e7988c2e0538552b authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Implemented moving an audio connection between VoiceChannels without needing to Disconnect and Reconnect: AudioManager.moveAudioConnection(VoiceChannel) - b6d5acc29278277d31cad6972f917b7612ac6c05 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added functionality to move Users between VoiceChannels (GuildManager.moveVoiceUser(User, VoiceChannel) - 6744068d6d4dedfb4de14de99ca2cecdddc13a3c authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Audio-debug messages should now only be visible if JDA#isDebug() returns true - a7054e1e5f04bb8c354979d543919adb012222fe authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added Message#getStrippedContent() to get the Content with its formatting-chars stripped - 487cc5a0c668df075d7fc57e39b37992ab519e2f authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
GuildManager#addRoleToUser and GuildManager#removeRoleFromUser now properly return the GuildManager instance for chaining - 140e8af8bf00656d617ce81a83f29a9948778683 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Implemented MessageChannel system - d8f723e1f2226507adb4ad2fb151694b6c395e0f authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added support for adding/removing multiple roles to/from a User at once. Those functions now require a followup-call to update() - b1dc484d6317dad24e6db06a6d8c1cd1fd5d958c authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added Joined-At stuff to Guild - 6603e198e310925d57086d33f6b424e4ea01788a authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Changed MessageHistory.retrieve() to get 100 messages (max) instead of old 50 => better performance and less calls - 0589be5676946c09049580e535eb67c56af7c806 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Added for easy use (using our User-Agent) - 7184de933ce935e7327cd4fda388234c5098e53f authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #22 from Almighty-Alpaca/URLPlyer-Buffer-Size

Added changeable buffer size for the URLPlayer cause it was requested and often needd. - 3e59cf0b5519ac7bfc0ddb4d4ccd622a45ff2272 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Player now properly frees its resources - d5fbe0539d47f7e0f1a044d29af13a28d2e9b7c9 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Fix for some windows version not using correct opus.dll path (I'm talking about you, windows server) - 1a68c1d661ec11000e177233f43eaf1976161a83 authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
You can now set the buffer size yourself. - cbf5c70c7899871b246f646e00b36119e075b04e authored almost 9 years ago by Almighty-Alpaca <[email protected]>
Added toString to most entities; also rechecked/added .hashCode and .equals - a2968967ee8a1b562e0c9e51e57bd8b596f395df authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Some cleanup on the examples - 791f8326f10b3bcb063e8b81e697ce36250388df authored almost 9 years ago by Michael Ritter <[email protected]>
Disabled AAC support until I can fix the bug causing the AAC lib to fail when it encounters WAV or MP3 files. - cf40f3f3c0404721d92cfeece13a7abb9b0530cf authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Made the build.gradle work for everyone. Apparently it only worked for me because I had the signing keys! who knew? - f5e252676f7fd3c08a84760c8440ae989ed93efd authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added support for FLAC encoded audio file playback. - a99f75662cc6a148f3261f046f42b4f17eed02a3 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Added support for AAC encoded audio file playback. (.aac, .mp4, .m4a, etc) - 9a760d1ef6c41e65f382d2caa57e1d96bb02d1c0 authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Forgot to make the framerate match the sample rate as they are equal in Opus - 54c49ce1013175d592dd2f15d375fb9fa25420aa authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>
Fixed Javadoc in the Tritonus_remaining source. - e939d411f6b7c348ea7702fc840cc1d99a69a93b authored almost 9 years ago by Austin Keener <[email protected]>