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Home Smart Mesh

Open Source Software and Hardware for Home Automation. Give hobbyist and students DIY tutorials e.g. heat automation for energy saving.
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add hex file example

can be renamed to .hex only if necessary - 613a81b812ed3ca6ae6fd122922c91d0142c8aa7 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
serial text protocol - 879bbea16a5900a49ba47bd36bf92c4c41662bfe authored over 8 years ago by Wassim <[email protected]>
Added console control

Overrides the EEPROM values. Stops and Starts the EEPROM sequencing,
then sends text commands to... - f719ff03bf6db84b8dba7ee17828acc09982c77e authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
PS4 Joystick in wireless mode

Successfully managed to use the Bluetooth mode with the native bluetooth module of the Raspberry... - caa29bce8ec0d2fb8448c068c7e9cc61298b0d07 authored over 8 years ago by Wassim <[email protected]>
Multiple PWM channels mapped on multiple Joystick channels

started with three joystick channels, set by a mapping function for
joystick channel, serial cha... - 26c25a7bae147f15505a2c98809c3bc44c415224 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
High res 16 bit servo val protocol

16 bit val in both SW and Firmware. s_path adjustement. - b93c9316956858711bac74ba738543f6c64a18b8 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
UART High Speed 500K

changed the UART configuration on the STM8 firmware with the Baudrate
registers and on the linux... - e58d4bad14f4752358141c6dd48f169c495207fb authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Joystick on Pi to Servo on STM8

Both Pi Application and STM8 Firmware to read a joystick value and send
it to the STM8 that will... - b4e00db1aa0a8a604c5ee8d9ac5dff3e1c74fd10 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
IO Expander first sequencer

Reads from EEPROM to output sequences - d21e9ce353d4da4f4c984f945c60061d0dcafa3e authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Projects restructuring and adding cpp wrappers

projects numbered for succession organisation.
Cpp wrappers for serial port and joystick access. - 24125fa952ee4ddcb43f459c79eb0832640637b8 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Compilation projects examples

different projects starting with command line compilation, makefile
usage then scons.
Projects a... - dfb81e74ca6a5d5e05d17de5a8ef7ca64c7b1e89 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
printf includes stdio.h - 7f3e942bb1b791508e5e00e7d782c43e9f7232af authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
added serial sample - cebecb6ec5f1a6e8cef5cc331841822a794adc81 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
:octocat: Added .gitattributes & .gitignore files - 1bac64b0513c2dba559ba53ea340c94f193fe3ff authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Added STM8S ULN firmware

first source version to expand pio data coming from serial port with
'Go' protocol - 5d4daba7fdf676e3613f5ea9fa60c72ab267ae43 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Improved Multiple Protocol receiver

Temperature Receiver Transmitter with protocol id and project
identification log - da88221c8b351b518ed7aec01e26600642b3de3b authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Added both Colors Broadcast and Client Server Sync

Colors Broadcast : Sends one packet received by many and displayed as a
color flash
Client Serve... - e40dec054636c4879a58172f221296f472ef7b18 authored over 8 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Updated the RGB Leds with color interpolation functions

Useful to control a series of leds like 60 in this updated example,
where only start and end col... - bd4f7de93b97daf5ae0d60deb4b6351d34b58269 authored almost 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Refactoring and bugfix

Created clean files with functions with the leds.
Fixed some bugs, most important with the timin... - ab3646c8582375ebb0375da028d805404074e20f authored almost 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Multi Master first step

added a soft flag to differenciate the slave msater cases and switching
it back to slave mode on... - 7df67d696040f040ca300da939ed4070fcf77835 authored almost 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
The I2C is up and running

A master and slave samples through interrupts and with UART logging - bfead8150720440f5e0b852d27d49469ae82aa0c authored almost 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
First version of the Weather Logger

One workspace as first sub directory. It contains two projects one for
reading the temperature a... - 8d2c672d22646d3b29da8c72ff41c72096e60fcd authored almost 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
:octocat: Added .gitattributes & .gitignore files - 19ea45a269d10685f88d985f5d2b3ac80cf132ad authored almost 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Added The IRQ Reception sample

A configuration file allows to select the IRQ, data size and other
parameters. The Rx IRQ is imp... - 2e8813b37de5a12da1f03a0eed9b35201d00bcbd authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
First version of the RF Transmitter and Receiver

Node 1 sends a counter every 5sec, Node 2 receive loop every second and
reads the Rx buffer once... - 09d8d322b47d6da0078f09f78122b9bd8507d6d5 authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Liberal license agreement added - 9addab12e6bc7480d7727f6aa2ca074ac0e59139 authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
Added link to the Forum - f2e8c8dcfbfb8dcff58b71d91b42779c40eb962d authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
First version of the IoT Node

This is the first version shared under the package - 4137e4e9a7f940d6e43f06a85673d474f1d0bb09 authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
:space_invader: Added .gitattributes & .gitignore files - a41aab640c1c514fb52845f85457ac2d7f72624f authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
minor typo and title - fa5f697f26d5da0ea4a3dee96f104537995775f8 authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
First github commit

This is the first commit that takes the Hello world samples to github - f2ad9076d190c914496cce563e52f35e528a77b4 authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>
:circus_tent: Added .gitattributes - 155dbcd3aba8288181d4763d34a6c560f35c5469 authored about 9 years ago by wassfila <[email protected]>