
An open API service for software projects hosted on Open Collective.


Collect funds from the community, and distributes these funds to the contributors of the project.
Collective - Host: opensource - - Website: - Code:

100.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Bronze sponsor )

kaname - 02 Mar 2024

-4.7 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Mar 2024

-10.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Mar 2024

15.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Supporter)

cometkim - 02 Mar 2024

-0.96 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Mar 2024

-1.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Mar 2024

40.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Rockstar)

josef-kubicek - 02 Mar 2024

-2.06 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Mar 2024

-4.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Mar 2024

5.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

atris-nocta - 02 Mar 2024

-0.52 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Mar 2024

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Mar 2024

141.27 USD - GitHub Sponsors Contributions

github-sponsors - 28 Feb 2024

-14.13 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 28 Feb 2024

-409.12 USD - Presentation at FOSDEM 2024

victorien-elvinger - 21 Feb 2024

-1.91 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 21 Feb 2024

5.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

carlos46 - 18 Feb 2024

-0.74 USD - PayPal payment processor fee

paypal-payment-processor-vendor - 18 Feb 2024

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 18 Feb 2024

-300.0 USD - Distribution to Core Contributor from discord money management channel

unvalley - 02 Feb 2024

-6.0 USD - PayPal payment processor fee

paypal-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-168.0 USD - Travel expenses for presentation

unvalley - 02 Feb 2024

-3.36 USD - PayPal payment processor fee

paypal-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

5.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

kzhrk - 02 Feb 2024

-0.52 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

100.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Bronze sponsor )

nanabit - 02 Feb 2024

-4.7 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-10.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

50.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome

ematipico - 02 Feb 2024

-2.5 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-5.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

1,000.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Gold sponsor )

shiguredo - 02 Feb 2024

-44.3 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-100.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

100.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Bronze sponsor )

kaname - 02 Feb 2024

-4.7 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-10.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

15.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Supporter)

cometkim - 02 Feb 2024

-0.96 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-1.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

40.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Rockstar)

josef-kubicek - 02 Feb 2024

-2.06 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-4.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

5.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

atris-nocta - 02 Feb 2024

-0.52 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Feb 2024

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Feb 2024

-300.01 USD - Development and maintenance

victorien-elvinger - 01 Feb 2024

-1.79 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 01 Feb 2024

-300.01 USD - Biome maintenance

nhedger - 26 Jan 2024

-1.81 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 26 Jan 2024

189.48 USD - GitHub Sponsors Contributions

github-sponsors - 25 Jan 2024

-18.95 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 25 Jan 2024

1,326.0 USD - Prettier Challenge Reward

prettier - 23 Jan 2024

1,627.4 USD - GitHub Sponsors Contributions

github-sponsors - 16 Jan 2024

-162.74 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 16 Jan 2024

15.61 USD - Financial contribution to Biome

thanks-dev - 16 Jan 2024

-1.56 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 16 Jan 2024

-4.7 USD - Other Payment Processor payment processor fee

other-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

100.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Bronze sponsor )

nanabit - 02 Jan 2024

-10.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

50.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome

ematipico - 02 Jan 2024

-2.5 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

-5.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

-44.3 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

1,000.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Gold sponsor )

shiguredo - 02 Jan 2024

-100.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

-4.7 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

100.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Bronze sponsor )

kaname - 02 Jan 2024

-10.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

-0.96 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

15.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Supporter)

cometkim - 02 Jan 2024

-1.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

-2.06 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

40.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Rockstar)

josef-kubicek - 02 Jan 2024

-4.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

5.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

atris-nocta - 02 Jan 2024

-0.52 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 02 Jan 2024

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Jan 2024

5.0 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

kzhrk - 01 Jan 2024

-0.52 USD - Stripe payment processor fee

stripe-payment-processor-vendor - 01 Jan 2024

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 01 Jan 2024

2.36 USD - Financial contribution to Biome

nyaacinth - 15 Dec 2023

-0.3 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 15 Dec 2023

114.42 USD - Financial contribution to Biome

kuma - 09 Dec 2023

-12.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 09 Dec 2023

18.51 USD - Financial contribution to Biome

guest-2a6682ab - 08 Dec 2023

-2.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 08 Dec 2023

95.3 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Bronze sponsor )

nanabit - 08 Dec 2023

-10.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 08 Dec 2023

47.5 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome

ematipico - 06 Dec 2023

-5.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 06 Dec 2023

955.7 USD - Financial contribution to Biome

denbezrukov - 06 Dec 2023

-100.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 06 Dec 2023

14.04 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Supporter)

cometkim - 02 Dec 2023

-1.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Dec 2023

37.94 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (Rockstar)

josef-kubicek - 02 Dec 2023

-4.0 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Dec 2023

4.48 USD - Monthly financial contribution to Biome (backer)

atris-nocta - 02 Dec 2023

-0.5 USD - Host Fee

opensource - 02 Dec 2023